JoinedPosts by littlerockguy
Favorite album cover art
by littlerockguy in.
one thing i miss about not buying vinyl now is the artwork on the album cover.
post some of your favorite album covers.
Favorite album cover art
by littlerockguy in.
one thing i miss about not buying vinyl now is the artwork on the album cover.
post some of your favorite album covers.
Favorite album cover art
by littlerockguy in.
one thing i miss about not buying vinyl now is the artwork on the album cover.
post some of your favorite album covers.
One thing I miss about not buying vinyl now is the artwork on the album cover. Post some of your favorite album covers
Texas Prisons End Special Last Meals For Inmates Facing Execution
by Bangalore intexas prisons end special last meals for inmates facing execution.. .
Did you follow the details of the robbery, rape, torture and murder and arson of William Petit Jr's family in Connecticut? Do you think those two pricks who were responsible for that heinous crime should be given any kind of compassion? What if that was your loved ones who were murdered in such a brutal way? Would you petition the court to grant them the special last meal request?
To me those animals don't deserve another moment's thought, let alone any kind of compassion.
You have lost your job and your house, your down to your last $1,000. How will you make out at the end of the month?
by purplesofa inpoor people are poor simply cus they cant manage their money, right?
you have lost your job and your house, you are down to your last $1,000.. how would you make out at the end of the month.. accept the challenge, .
"I'm thinking primarily of the USA, as that's where I am, although I would extend it to any country that upholds an individuals right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. And again, as I said, I recognise that there are exceptions to my line of thinking - I have and will continue to participate in helping people who are going through extreme and unavoidable circumstances.
My core belief, through my personal experience, is that the individual is responsible for the outcome of their lives. I have a right to my life, my liberty, the property that I own, and the pursuit of happiness in my life. I do not have a right to happiness itself, only the pursuit of it. That's important. I don't have a right to a car, or internet, or a TV, or even a house. I have a right to pursue those things, but I have no right to automatically have them, and I have absolutely no right to make another person hand over their property so that I can advance that pursuit, or because I didn't do whatever it took to make and keep myself stable even when faced with unexpected circumstances. That's theft, any way you cut it, and it makes no difference to me if it's done in person at gunpoint or with the force of the federal governmant."
I concur
Songs that touch ...
by talesin incan be mushy ... .
or can be craaazyyy ... .
okay, i'll start :).
What Are Songs That You Just LOVE?
by minimus ini'm a lover of r&b, soul, funk.
i like rock and very little country.. one of my favorite songs is by r&b legend al green.
it's "let's stay together".
Favorite games and toys as a kid
by littlerockguy inone of my favorite toys when i was a kid was my spirograph.
i don't know whatever happened to it but i wanted to get another one and didn't realize they didn't make them anymore.
i went on ebay and got a super spirograph (complete except for the pens) for a real good price ($30) - i hit it at just the right time since most are listed for $50 to $100.
Songs you play when very sad
by JRK inhere is one i am listening to:.
Songs you play when very sad
by JRK inhere is one i am listening to:.