Racism and homophobia is common around the area the area of Arkansas where Im from. People still burn crosses in front yards of interracial couples
i have a well educated friend (who happens to be african - american) and i love our discussions because i can talk to her openly and honestly, with less guardedness than others.
on one hand, i feel i'm right - but on the other hand, i acknowledge that she may have a viewpoint that i haven't considered.. we argue about obama - she, that he may lose due to racism, i , that racism didn't prevent him from being elected.
as to 'justice for trayvon' being a reason for black on white violence, let me ask the following:.
Racism and homophobia is common around the area the area of Arkansas where Im from. People still burn crosses in front yards of interracial couples
i'm on a rock kick again, and i never realized how much i adore songs with crazy horns.
i've always loved horns in hip-hop, (work by gang-starr is a must hear even for non-rap lovers if you can appreciate horns), but i want to really explore horns as used in other genres, particulary classic rock.
plus there's a song i heard years ago that i can't seem to locate and can't even recall any of the words or its melody, just that i loved it at the time.
so sad to lose anther of the bee gees.
robin lost his battle with cancer today.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gehz5rjfnh4.
I remember this when this came out when I was a kid; was a favorite back in the day
so sad to lose anther of the bee gees.
robin lost his battle with cancer today.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gehz5rjfnh4.
I had this as a signature quote on my work email for a long time but since I changed computers at work I haven't added it because I'm thinking about changing to a different quote but haven't thought about what to change it to next.
Sometimes when we are generous in small, barely detectable ways it can change someone else's life forever.
Margaret Cho
ONE of my favorites
have you ever seen people who just constantly read.
they read at every given opportunity, at the gym, on the bus and train, at the beach, all weekend, even while holidaying overseas they mostly just read.
you even see them going down the street holding a book while walking, like some kind of zombie.
Yes, Taylor Caldwell wrote Captains and the Kings. I have her novel Dynasty of Death you are talking about and the other novels in that series but I haven't read those yet. I loaned them to my father and he read it; said it was loosely based on the DuPonts. All of the books I have read of hers I really enjoyed. She was definitely a visionary.
how do you read?.
i find myself attracted to certain authors and book series.. which reminds me, i need to download the grapes of wrath.. i love steinbeck's writing of historical fiction.
looking into the history of frontier america is so interesting when written in story form.. i read from most genres.. what's your poison?.
I have been reading a lot of historical fiction by Taylor Caldwell. I have been hooked on her books since I read Captains and the Kings. I read Testimony of Two Men, The Listener and No One Hears but Him, The Devil's Advocate and Ceremony of the Innocent. I found it interesting that Ceremony of the Innocent was one of Stevie Nicks favorite books and after reading it I always wondered why. It is such a tragic novel and it really pissed me off reading it but I still can't help but like the book. I still have a lot of her books that I have collected that I have not read yet but look foward to reading them. Right now I'm enjoying Dear and Glorious Physician by her. I ancient cities of Rome, Antioch and Alexandria really come to life in the pages of that novel. You can see the colorful panoramic scenes and smell the environment of the scenery with the sounds with her descriptive writing in her novels which explains why her novels are so long and some may say are longwinded but they are a great escape for me.