JoinedPosts by littlerockguy
The Bob Dylan is (A) God Thread
by lepermessiah indespite my avatar :o) i absolutely love all kinds of music.. one of my favorites is bob dylan.....the guy is a genius.. many people cant get past his singing, but his songwriting and importance to music in the last 40 years is undeniable.. he is one of my absolute heroes........ this is one my favorites:.
"went to church on sunday.
and she passed by.
NEW GENERATION DEFINED -- April 15, 2010 Watchtower
by Ultimate Reality infrom, here is the new definition of the generation from the april 15, 2010 watchtower.. .
article: holy spirits role in the outworking of jehovahs purpose.
13 third, holy spirit is at work in bringing bible.
Agonus, I have to agree with you there that I just can't imagine them trying to explain that to a "study" or a "newly interested one". You know ones getting the "insiders only" edition of the Watchtower would have to be too embarrassed to show anybody on the outside.
BTW, I have laughed so much today thinking about this "new light", LOL
Question for JW - Why do you have a "secret" WT edition?
by Albert Einstein inrecently i asked my wife: if our son one day comes home and says "well, i just joined new religion, we study a publication there, that iam not allowed to show anybody..." how would you feel?
does it sound like a cult?.
wife admitted: that would be scarry..... me: so why do jw have secret wt edition to study, that noone else is supposed to get?.
They used to even offer the Babylon the Great book and Finished Mystery and those other "deep" books on the prophecys of Daniel and other prophets out to the public also, lol.
I use a natural crystal deodorant stone instead of deodorant sprays, sticks and roll-ons and they work much better, lasts longer and saves money; they kill bacteria and with no bacteria, no odor. I also do not like the cakey build up and residue other deodorants leave behind. HOWEVER if you want to control wetness from sweat, you are better off with an antiperspirant as this does not control wetness, just odor.
Queen-Your Favorite All Time Songs from Them ? U-tubes Welcome !
by beksbks in
Queen-Your Favorite All Time Songs from Them ? U-tubes Welcome !
by beksbks in
Post Songs/ Music That Soothes You Through the Winter -U-Tubes Welcome !
by flipper in.
Post Songs/ Music That Soothes You Through the Winter -U-Tubes Welcome !
by flipper in.
"It's Like Scientology for Black People"
by SixofNine inhah!
samantha bee on the daily show just recommended that tiger woods become a jehovah's witness (they were playing off brit humes suggestion that tiger needed to become a christian to achieve redemption for his infidelity); "serena williams, prince, ... it's like scientology for black people".. .
the clip should be online soon @ the daily show site..
and famous dead black celebrities who were JWs in the past like Michael Jackson and Teresa Graves
What Are You Reading?
by zoiks inok, here's my current list:.
i just finished the greatest show on earth by richard dawkins, and am almost finished crisis of conscience by...some guy.. currently in hand, i have:.
the power of myth, joseph campbell and bill moyers.
Currently reading Testimony of Two Men by Taylor Caldwell.
Recently finished Captains and the Kings by Taylor Caldwell.