If Jesus could post here, what do you think he would say about the JW's?
He's say "Holy Crap what part of what I said was so hard for you to understand that you got it ALL wrong?"
go ahead, i'm listening...
If Jesus could post here, what do you think he would say about the JW's?
He's say "Holy Crap what part of what I said was so hard for you to understand that you got it ALL wrong?"
i have had trouble getting onto mrs ozzie since the operation but this morning i rang the hospital and was put through to mr ozzie himself!.
we spoke for quite a while and he sounded fantastic!!!!!!!.
i passed on the love of the board and told him he has so many people who love him.
Wonderful to hear such news!
.....................i received an sms from mrs ozzie last night informing me that ozzie is having an extremely risky operation on wednesday morning, 8am australian time.
i can't give more details at this stage as to the procedure due to confidentiality but i can assure you it is going to be dangerous!
mrs ozzie said that it had to be done despite the risk.. so if all of us here could take a moment tomorrow and send positive thoughts.
Hoping no news is good news.
at the 11th hour, ... what will you say?.
your opening sentence is: i only have one hour to live, ... i want you to know ........
Hmm, what would I want others to know? That I loved them completely and totally even if I didn't say or show it often enough. That I always tried my hardest to be a good person, to do the right thing, and do what I felt was for the best, not only for myself but for others as well, and finally that I had a wonderful life, it didn't turn out as I had hoped or expected, but I learned a lot, and enjoyed it for the most part.
.....................i received an sms from mrs ozzie last night informing me that ozzie is having an extremely risky operation on wednesday morning, 8am australian time.
i can't give more details at this stage as to the procedure due to confidentiality but i can assure you it is going to be dangerous!
mrs ozzie said that it had to be done despite the risk.. so if all of us here could take a moment tomorrow and send positive thoughts.
My thoughts and prayers are with Ozzie and family.
at work there is this girl there who keeps making eyes at me, but i'm not interested.
on top of that, she keeps trying to strike up conversations and she goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on... its amazing!
never a pause between sentences and barely a any space between words... just a very very long series of words coming out of her mouth non-stop.
LMAO! Too funny! By coincidence yesterday when we (several co-workers in the car) were driving to lunch I mentioned the Crawfish boil for this weekend and the whole JW thing came up. That is when she went off into one of her talking tirades.... she spent about ten minutes telling me all of the little details about how a JW knocked on her door and left her a book and then started going back on a regular basis and how she didn't want to be rude to the JW so she kept taking to literature and how she was eventually invited to the KH and on and on and on and on and on and on.......................................................
I had no idea you felt this way. I'll stop bothering you! Please forgive my behavior, as I had thought your polite responses indicated an interest in me, which is why I went out of my way to attract your attention.
j/k it's not really me!
i was nearly having a panic attack here.. sirona
I must admit that with my previous problems with logging on, I was starting to get a complex.
i asked this question as part of another thread but i thought i would ask it in a new thread.
if there were some way to assure that your death would result in your family and friends learning the truth about the wts would you be willing to die to 'save' them?
I don't have "family" in the JW's, only a couple of friends who to me anyhow are like family, but yes, if my death would GUARANTEE that they would see the real truth and get out, then yes, I would do it without hesitation. I would die for them.
jesus said, you can't serve 2 masters at once.
so, with that in mind, is it possible to be a jw, go to the meetings and field service, and still come here on jwd and feel at ease posting and criticizing the watchtower on certain issues.
Wouldn't the JW's be guilty of 'serving 2 masters" then? How can they serve the WTBS and Jehovah at the same time and not be guilty of doing that?
yep that's right.... the baby boy is here!
we went for a no-stess and fluid test yesterday, and as luck would have it, there was stress and no fluid.
he's 5 weeks early but he had to come out.
Welcome to the world Sebastien! May your stay here be filled with wonder and awe at the beauty that it has to offer you if you only care to see it. Long life, happiness and joyful wishes to you always! Bryan and Mrs ~ Congrats on such a wonderful treasure.