Today i questioned my mother about the fact that she told me ? yrs ago how she lost 2 kids through a miscarriage but then later told me she aborted them,well i didnt know what to say, but then later questioned her about this i asked her why she did it, she told me that she was already bringing up me and my sister and financialy impossible to look after two more kids,well i didnt agree with that reason or any reason to kill the unborn she then said she wasnt in the truth then "huh what difference does that make".
Then she gave an illustration of reasons when you should condone abortion and it goes like this, if you were raped and later found out you were pregnant what would you do she seemed to say she would abort it,i said i wouldnt if that happened to my wife i said i would probably end up having it adopted,after all its better than murder.
How has this affected my familys view on abortion i wonder, well i have 5 sisters and 1 more brother,and already my brother in cold blood made his girlfriend abort hers due to the inconvienience,and also my older sister had hers aborted 2 yrs ago because the father didnt want to know with out a hint of regret,so im now starting to see a pattern in my family,whos to blame them or my mother as a role model.
So to cut a long story short do you think killing an unborn child is murder,would you do it under certain scenarios.