i hear hi waisted is coming back in. . . i hope so.
i'd like bleph, lipo, featherlift, augmentation, new veneer job
is there anything you'd like to change about your appearance?.
i'd like to be 2 inches taller with the same weight proportion.. i'd like to have nicer skin.. i'd like to be a little more muscular.. other than that, i'm not too unhappy with my looks.. all things the new system would have brought me..... .
i hear hi waisted is coming back in. . . i hope so.
i'd like bleph, lipo, featherlift, augmentation, new veneer job
there is a lot of cover up going on in the uk at the moment.
letters from the society etc to shrewbury conga and some of the kent congs.. one andrew spicer, pioneer who married early april 2005 in a kent congregation moved to shrewsbury area with his new wife to pioneer.
by 22 may 2005 he was dead.
My super dub parents told me of a childhood friend who killed himself; was probably in his late 30's and i think a pioneer. Then another childhood friend, the younger of two sisters, killed herself after being newly married to a "good" dub. She was in her early 20's and had ULTRA dub parents (even worse than mine)!
That girl's auntie died by purposely (they did the research/police work) driving her vehicle off the road into a river. I can remember she was depressed for many, many years and all the while a "good dub."
It's sad to see so many young (and old) so called "good dubs" totally depressed to the point of suicide
I know a lot are linked to the feelings of inadequacy (to do MORE, MORE, MORE in hohoba's service), the feeling of being in lockstep with the GB, unnatural surpression of sexual urges, either hetero or homo, or being trapped in loveless or abusive young marriages. . .
is annihilation taught in the following passages?
do these scriptures show that man can kill the body, but not the soul?
the greek word for "destroy" in the latter part of matthew 10:28 is apollumi (apollumi), which means "to ruin" or "to perish.
Second Death (noun):
Def: Sitting through an entire Watchtower Study
see also: Bored to Tears
from quitchyerbichin:.
think a gallon of gas is expensive?
this makes one think, and also puts things in perspective.
kinda like saying elephant food is cheaper per pound than mouse food.
seems apples and oranges to me. . .
it seemed like a normal, tragic story, a hard-working mother who held down 2 jobs and all of her children went to college.. then the article says she was a devout jw.
i had to do a double-take..
it's too bad this very nice lady didn't find herself a decent worldly man and settle outside of that's rats' nest. maybe she'd be alive today! just a thought.
it seemed like a normal, tragic story, a hard-working mother who held down 2 jobs and all of her children went to college.. then the article says she was a devout jw.
i had to do a double-take..
as regards the neighbourhood, have any actually been to "the hood" in upstate ny, i.e. rochester, buffalo, syracuse? it's NO place to be i can tell you. i lived in "the hood" for many years (1978-1994) NEVER will do that again. it's just not safe. i know where i live now, i don't have to deal with stray bullets daily!
it's bad enough that i work in downtown rochester, and all the pan handlers, rapists etc. are just wandering about. . .AND you have to pay for parking!!
i hope one day this telecom will MOVE to the 'burbs!!!
i admire this lady; she did a good job bringing up her kids all by herself and yes it can be done (i did it myself) but it is HARD and it would have been easier to have a man around like the one i have now! SOOOOOO handy (in EVERY respect )
there is compelling, published evidence (see link below) to suggest higher rates of mental illness among jws compared to other religious sects, and the general population.
what is your opinion, is this because people with "susceptibility" to mental illness are more likely to be attracted to the lifestyle and psychology of the wts, or after joining and being an active member for years, the jw psychology and lifestyle are simply enough to push any psychologically healthy individual into psychopathology?
i can think of very few dubbies who are not experiencing depression, mental/emotional difficulties, on medication for it, etc.
my super dub dad just related a story of a guy who was "out of da troof" for 14 years then came back in. my dad quoted him as saying "he was glad to be back in; it's a wreck out there in the 'world' ". but now, coincidentally, this same dude is SUFFERING FROM DEPRESSION, go figure. my mom has always felt inadequate and has suffered with emotional problems her entire adult life *which strangely coincides with her life as a jw*
just found some interesting stuff on the german website.....on how the society changes the woho in who in "i am coming quickly".
1955 = jesus watchtower 7/1/55 page 387.
1979 = jesus watchtower 1/1/79 page 15.
great minds think alike
tijkmo is going to try to get crumpet's mailing address so we can send her a get well card from all of us.... so who wants their name signed onto it???
sign up here
(edited to add my own name...oops
me 2. gotta stop all that kick boxing, crumpet
it seemed like a normal, tragic story, a hard-working mother who held down 2 jobs and all of her children went to college.. then the article says she was a devout jw.
i had to do a double-take..
having been a single mom myself (in the TRUE sense of the word; "worldly" "single" moms often have live in boyfriends helping out) AND working 2 jobs, making all the meetings, etc. you have to wonder if this nice lady were NOT pulling all the weight by herself (aka JW teachings on marriage and sex), would she be in a better neighbourhood and still be alive today??
when i was in dubbie land, us real single moms often lamented our plight because we really didn't have another income like the "worldly gals" did. . .