I was reading a post last night about the Society breaking into several corporations. It reminded me about something that happened to me a few years back. My company was asked to do work for a world wide church in my home town. I told them no way I could not work for them. The local brothers thought I was crazy for not working for the church because in was more money than most of the brothers make in a years time. Plus the contract would be for a minimum of five years. It was very tempting but I did not want reproach put on the congregation so I refused. The church threatened to sue my company. So I wrote the Information desk for help. The response form the Information desk was.
"We believe in the direction provided on page 703 of the November 15, 1964, issue of the Watchtower would be applicable in your situation?. To work as a regular thing or as an incidental job, with a false religious organization?is an offense punishable by Dfing."
So after receiving the response from the Information desk a brother from a near by congregation wanted me to give him a copy of the letter. I told him to write the Society himself I was not going to let him have a copy. I had the feeling he was trying to trap someone in his congregation. So I called the PO from thats congregation and sur enough he was. A brother from that congregation was doing work for local churches but he had a letter from the Society saying the he could. I went and talked to the this brother. He said the body of Elders was trying to remove him as an Elder for doing nothing more than what he had permission to do from the Society and he was not going to quite doing work for the local churches. His letter from the Legal Branch said he had to provide work for the churches because it was against the law to discriminate for religious reasons. This brother is now a circuit overseer. So I guess if you don?t get the answer the first time try a different branch of the Society until you get the answer you want. I was threatened with DFing and he became a C.O.