I will never again will say I can't be wrong. I have learned never to be c##k forsure of myself.
I change as soon as I am aware that I am wrong.
a more complete example of a wrong religious road or overwhelming delusion than what is found in the writings of the watchtower bible and tract society would be difficult to find.
if each jehovah's witness would follow their own guidance and conscience, many more than already have would stream out of the suffocating grip of this man-centered organization and into true liberty.. matt 24:11-12 many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.
because lawlessness will multiply, the love of many will grow cold.
I will never again will say I can't be wrong. I have learned never to be c##k forsure of myself.
I change as soon as I am aware that I am wrong.
This video make more sense than anything I have seen to date. I don;t see in the video the Illuminati or the Masons ruling the world but the US propaganda changing the world to what it is today. Not evil men but men with power and what they do does change the world.
If you are on the edge of wondering why we are fighting the war on terror this is a must see video..
would you approve of your significant other going (and enjoying) a strip club?.
as an aside, do you know of any active dubs who go to strip clubs?.
i know of and has seen several enjoying the festivities.
Nope never will. But any that go have fun you have my blessing for what it is worth.
watchtower and the masons - part 1. watchtower and the masons - part 2. .
No text shown above repost.
i'm reading a book and this morning i got to a part where it claimed that the life of jesus was very similar, if no downright copied on ancient pagan myths of different men-gods.
(amongst them osiris, dionysos, attis, adonis, bacchus and mithra.).
it said that in the different versions of the stories these elements could be found:.
Tacitus wrote "Nero created scapegoats and subjected to the most refined tortures those whom the common people called 'Christians'....Their name comes from Christ, who, during the reign of Tiberius, had been executed by the procurator Pontius Pilate" (Annals 15:44).
There were many Christ. Christ means god or gods son. The Christ that Ponitius killed might not be the Christ of the bible but maybe he was.But he does not tell us anything about the man Christ how he lived and who he was. Don't get me wrong a man Christ did live and died but we don't know any details about him. Did you that another Christ lived and he had a twin brother this is the Christ that became known as Jesus and his life is totally different than the Christ of the bible. This is the real Christ time goes by then one scribe then another changes and adds passages in the letters and personal stories of Christ before long this larger than life Christ emerges on the pages. The road to today's bible took a very long and twisted time getting to the bible we have today, only 18% of the scriptures cannot be refuted from earlier texts which do not agree with each other. Christ lived but not the Jesus we find in today's bible.
greetings fellow sojourners,
i was wondering if i could elicit your input on a certain matter that i am struggling with right now.
my question, simply put, is "does good and evil exist"?
I never would of thought this way a few years ago. Now I wonder the same thing. I did an extensive study on Jehovah and found out that thousands of years ago before the Jewish religions started that Jehovah was a female GOD of Fertility the more I studied about this the more I questioned everything. So I believe that bad is anything that hurts someone else and if we are good people we know what bad is. Also found out that most of what the Bible says about Jesus is not true, only 18% of the scriptures cannot be refuted from earlier text which do not agree with each other. Then I read the Bible Fraud and that was followed by many other books. Jesus lived but not the Jesus we find in today's bible. All the BULL Shyt about Jehovah and Jesus is truly amazing. I believe in GOD but not the made up GOD of the Jews nor the made up Jesus. I wish I could get to know the real Jesus and really be able to know what he really did and really said. It is not in the bible that's for sure.
am i missing the point between these scriptures, or did paul get something wrong?.
inconsistencies of the new testament.
jesus taught at mt 7:21 not everyone who calls on the name of the lord will be saved.. paul taught at ac 2:21, ro 10:13 whoever calls on the name of the lord will be saved.
My thought is that Jesus probably never really said the above and a scribe added the saying to Jesus. only 18% of the scriptures about Jesus has internal harmony among the oldest manuscripts so 82% of time we really don't know if a saying or action is really what he said or did.
there is only one way to tackle the issue of failed prophecy as regards watchtower publications and their own public response to the failure of their predictions and pronouncements to come true.
miller was wrong, there was no doubt about it.
but, when the watchtower does it --it means just the opposite!
Very well wrote thanks I wish all could see the truth about the TROOF.
the following is taken directly from the reasoning book, page 202, under the heading jehovah's witnesses.
parentheses are mine .
are jehovah's witnesses a sect or a cult?".
YOu have two threads running about the same question.
Yes they are Cult
the following is taken directly from the reasoning book, page 202, under the heading jehovah's witnesses.
parentheses are mine .
are jehovah's witnesses a sect or a cult?".