I have enjoyed the remarks very much. I have had three different members that have asked me to post their threads because they are sick of people being rude to them and being ridiculed. I personal like to argue and do research. Most timid people don't start threads that they know will be ridiculed. We chase the funnest people off the board, how much fun would the board be without PMJ and others like him.
As regards the person I was talking about with the long post she is probable a very nice person and if I was single, and she was single, I would ask her out knowing we would have a lot fun discussing topics, she is very knowledgeable. But I personal know she has been very, very, very, wrong a few times but so have I. When she posts a small novel others feel they can't post because they will look stupid if they disagree with her. This is not just me that thinks this, I have on the average at least 20 PMs a month people wanting help with blood. Many posters have said this about her, commenting on what bothers them about the board amking small talk. Many have said lots of different comments about many a poster here. I don't think saying in this thread it is going to hurt her any, only make her more effective and then her ideas will reach more people and not bother so many. I have said my peace now,.
Thanks, all of you for your thoughts.