The thread about the Matorian Fragment has reminded me that I need to study with an open mind and not post on a thread with a concussion already established I got lucky today because I almost did just that on the thread Matorian Fragment.
We need to be opened minded, remember skepticism is a mask for the ignorant, we need to be skeptical which means to know topic we are skeptical about, we need to study with an open mind always and be willing to be wrong.
I see so many here on this board that hide behind skepticism without knowledge and that is true ignorance. I am talking about many topics. Like for example the illuminate I don't know what they are doing so I cannot put down on a thread the world is about to end, nor can I say anyone that thinks this is crazy. If someone puts up a thread about UFO's the ignorant skeptics come out of the wood work and speak out against those that think they are real. I don’t know so I am opened minded but I have looked at the evidence with an open mind. We have the right to be critical and be a skeptic but only when we have truly looked at both sides of an issue, then and only then can we be a real skeptic. But sadly most people are ignorant skeptics and fall into the category of skepticism the realm of the ignorant.