Reniaa said:
Hi Ding
Your argument is invalid the Bible clearly shows that we need to preach, teach and explain the Bible not just hand out copies and say "there you go" The principle of this point is with Jesus who also had to explain the scriptures refering back to scripture and every prophet and apostles that did the same.
My reply: Are the governing body claiming the same authority as Jesus? As the apostles? They deny apostolic succession but claim it by action. Yet they totally disqualify themselves from being God's teachers by their false prophecies and self-glorification.
Reniaa said:
This is not a sin but actually following the Bible examples.
My reply: No, it is claiming Jesus authority for themselves.
Reniaa said:
Jesus often jumped back to hebrew scriptures to confirm his teachings. And then we have the apostles. Do you know how many times the hebrew scriptures are referenced in the greek scriptures?
My reply: And he always got it right. The WT jumps back to the Hebrew scriptures to make them fulfil in themselves and try to support their own false teachings.
Reniaa said:
I will let you research that one. With their hopscotching back to the hebrew scriptures the greek scriptures would lose validity by your words.
My reply: Only if you start out with the faulty assumption that JWs are God's org.