...but so that he's not a temptation for me coming into the JW. I'll keep a lookout, and I'm going into this constantly questioning everything...
Part of being mature is knowing you never stop learning. Trouble is, as a Witness, you stop. You don't mature past the point you become one, and since you think you know everything you need to know after becoming one (all else is worldly wisdom/knowledge), you don't know the difference.
As a (non-Witness) person once your age that married a Witness, her parents made sure they put on a good impression around me, and the double speak of "so he's not a temptation for me coming into the JW." is typical of the entire WTS (and a cult's) mode of operation, their meaning being the opposite, and all the better to not question their motives.
Let's see, how long have you been a member of a cult? How many years have you spent in a box, the world's colors removed from your eyes, seeing everything and everyone out there as trying to get you, to know what a cult is? I've been there, so has my wife, so have my children. We are no longer part of a world of opposites (that's another thread), but realize feelings of spirituality have nothing to do with religions created, organized and promulgated by men that don't know or care about you.
In the end, don't think you will continue to question everything after becoming a Witness; there's no tolerance for that.