Dear SNAP Members, Supporters & Friends:
We’re so grateful to so many of you who have responded so positively to our requests for support for efforts in Ohio. Thank you to each of you who responded. Please RSVP. We're three days out, and we just want to check in and see who is coming Thursday to the Statehouse in Columbus. If you're coming, please let us know!
If you plan to testify (either in person orally OR IN WRITING) your testimony should be ready. If it’s not complete here is a suggested outline:
Biographical info about you, like how old you are, what type of work you do, whether you have kids or grandkids, if you’re married, if you have obtained degrees, or if you were in the military provide your rank, etc. (This is the stuff that is interesting to legislators b/c it tells them we are regular folks.)
Experience of your (or your family member’s, or your friend’s) abuse including age you were when it happened, how the perpetrator had access to you, altar boy, student in school, attended retreat, etc. Tell what happened and how you felt. For example: He put his hands all over me, down my top and pants, he took his clothes off, I was so frightened and confused. I felt dirty and embarrassed. I had never seen an adult naked before. It was so confusing b/c he was someone that I trusted, etc.
Impact it has had on your (or the victim’s) life. Example: It shattered my innocence. It robbed me of my childhood. It left me hurting so much I would do anything to stop the pain even taking drugs or drinking. It makes it hard for me to trust anyone in a position of authority. I have difficulty relating to my spouse, parents, kids, bosses at work, etc. It left me with post-traumatic stress disorder and now I am not able to work.
When you first told anyone and why you didn’t report it at the time. Or why it took so long. Example: The abuse was so traumatizing that I couldn’t tell anyone. I was so young when he abused me I didn’t know any words to use to describe what happened to me. I was psychologically paralyzed that I couldn’t tell anyone. I just thought it was my fault. He threatened that he would hurt my mom if I told. He threatened that he wouldn’t give us food anymore if I told.
Why you are speaking (and/or writing) today. I am speaking out because I don’t want to see anymore kids hurt like I was. I don’t want another family to go through what our family has. Even though the abuse ended 20 (or 30 etc) years ago, it still haunts me. I want my perpetrator exposed so he can’t hurt anyone else, etc.
End with a request that the legislators vote yes to the window of Senate Bill 17.
Remember: If you can't get to Columbus on Dec 8 but you want to speak out you are permitted to submit written testimony. If you want to do so please try to limit your testimony to one page. As soon as your written testimony is complete, please send it in to us right away to [email protected] and [email protected]. We will print it out and submit your testimony with that of many others. We will make 30 copies of each person’s testimony (as required) to submit to the Judiciary Committee.
Remember: Your testimony won't be a part of the "official" record on the SB17 proceedings until you do so. If there is supplemental testimony i.e., points you forgot to verbally make, but want included, you can add them into the written document.
Keep in mind that the only official record is the written record and we have promised the Chair of the House Judiciary that we would follow up and get submitted all the oral testimony submitted in writing. It's really important we follow through.
Additional Supporters & Sponsors
There were 18 Senators who sponsored Senate Bill 17. At this time we are trying to get additional organizations and groups to sign on. If you have any connections to any group or organization please ask those in charge if the group will sign in as supporting Senate Bill 17.
We have letters of endorsement from the following organizations:
SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests)
VOTF (Voice of the Faithful)
OCOSA (Ohio Coalition on Sexual Assault)
Hamilton County Prosecutor
Cuyahoga County Prosecutor
Warren County Prosecutor
Lucas County Prosecutor
If you have contacts with any other organizations that might be inclined to endorse SB17, please contact Claudia Vercellotti at 419 350-9234 or email at [email protected] -- with the contact information etc. We will contact them and ask for a letter of endorsement, given the fact that SB17 will help protect Ohio’s children who are at risk now and will impact all survivors of child sexual assault, not just clerical abuse survivors.
Keep in mind:
Senate Bill 17 passed the Senate unanimously on March 16, 2005. The bill still is pending in the House of Representatives, Judiciary Committee which has 11 members. We need 6 votes to get it out of committee. Then, if the Speaker, Jon Husted allows it, it would go to the Floor of the House for a vote by all members. If that happened it would then be sent to the Governor’s desk for signing.
Where to meet in Columbus:
If you are able to arrive on Wed evening please meet us at the Hyatt from 7 to 9 p.m. Just ask where the SNAP meeting is taking place when you arrive at the hotel.
If you arrive on Thu please meet us in the Capitol in Room 114 (Hayes Room). The Hearing begins at 9:30 a.m. Everyone might not be able to get seats in the room. If necessary they will open the doors to the room next door for everyone else to sit. They do have speakers in the “overflow” room but it is far more interesting to be in the actual Hearing room. Plan to arrive before 9:00 a.m. if you want to get a seat!
To recap:
1. Are you coming Thursday and can you bring a friend? There is no substitute for the physical presence of people. Your power, whether you utter one single word, is felt in numbers. The more people we bring, the more we send a powerful message that we are not going away and that the two packed rooms on the 22nd of Nov was not a fluke. Please let us know if you are coming!! Please RSVP right away!
2. Are you planning to testify? If so, have you written your testimony? Have you emailed it to Claudia and Christy? If not, can you do so right away?
3. Do you know of any other organizations that might join us? Do you have any personal contacts? Please advise.
4. Do you know of any other people who you could invite to join us on Thursday?
Thanks for everything you do to protect children! Thanks for all that you do to support the SNAP movement and survivors! Know that everyone's participation counts!
Hoping to hear from you soon!
All the best,
Christy Miller – 513-383-2198
Dan Frondorf – 513-706-7403
Claudia Vercellotti – 419-350-9234
Susan – 216-210-1243
Judy Jones – 314-974-5003
David Clohessy – 314-566-9790
Barbara Blaine – 312-399-4747
JoinedPosts by AndersonsInfo
Child Abuse Victims & Friends, please write to Ohio Legislature by 12/8/05
by AndersonsInfo indear snap members, supporters & friends:.
were so grateful to so many of you who have responded so positively to our requests for support for efforts in ohio.
thank you to each of you who responded.
Mormon Church Loses in Sex-abuse Verdict
by AndersonsInfo inseattle post-intelligencer.
mormon church loses in sex-abuse verdict .
Mormon Church Loses in Sex-abuse Verdict
by AndersonsInfo inseattle post-intelligencer.
mormon church loses in sex-abuse verdict .
Mormon Church Loses in Sex-abuse Verdict
by AndersonsInfo inseattle post-intelligencer.
mormon church loses in sex-abuse verdict .
Mormon church loses in sex-abuse verdict
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
The Mormon church and one of its former officers in King County have been slapped with a $4.2 million verdict for negligence and intentionally inflicting emotional distress on two sisters in a case of child sex abuse.
On Friday, a jury found that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had done nothing to prevent Peter Taylor, a lay officer in the Federal Way stake (a geographic unit of the church), from sexually molesting his stepdaughter despite knowing about the abuse. The girl's younger sister also was a victim, the jury found.
During the trial, police testified that the church had thwarted their attempts to investigate the charges by shielding clergy and maintaining that any information they might have was secret under a priest-penitent privilege.
"No jury likes people that use religion to cover up for the fact that they were protecting child molesters," said Tim Kosnoff, the plaintiffs' lawyer. "It was clear they wanted to send a message to the Mormon church with this verdict."
Seattle attorney Tom Fry, who represented the church, said he was "shocked and surprised" by the ruling.
"I think the jury got it dead wrong," he said, noting that the court had found that Taylor had not been acting as an officer of the church when he molested his stepdaughters.
"The church abhors any type of child abuse," Fry said.
Taylor was criminally prosecuted by King County in 2001 and served three years in prison.
Church officials have not yet decided whether to appeal.
© 1998-2005 Seattle Post-Intelligencer -
Attn: Please write to OHIO Legislators TODAY
by AndersonsInfo inplease, jehovah's witnesses victims of child abuse and their advocates in the united states, send to columbus, ohio your written testimony.
today, nov. 21, send testimony to: barbara dorris, [email protected] .
(see copy of my testimony at end of this post.).
Attn: Please write to OHIO Legislators TODAY
by AndersonsInfo inplease, jehovah's witnesses victims of child abuse and their advocates in the united states, send to columbus, ohio your written testimony.
today, nov. 21, send testimony to: barbara dorris, [email protected] .
(see copy of my testimony at end of this post.).
If you live in Canada and want to send an e-mail to Ohio legislators in support of new child abuse legislation that will influence legislative changes in the rest of the United States, please do so. It could cause the Ohio representatives to reflect that our U.S. neighbors are seriously concerned about this issue too.
Barbara -
Attn: Please write to OHIO Legislators TODAY
by AndersonsInfo inplease, jehovah's witnesses victims of child abuse and their advocates in the united states, send to columbus, ohio your written testimony.
today, nov. 21, send testimony to: barbara dorris, [email protected] .
(see copy of my testimony at end of this post.).
Attn: Please write to OHIO Legislators TODAY
by AndersonsInfo inplease, jehovah's witnesses victims of child abuse and their advocates in the united states, send to columbus, ohio your written testimony.
today, nov. 21, send testimony to: barbara dorris, [email protected] .
(see copy of my testimony at end of this post.).
TODAY, Nov. 21, SEND TESTIMONY TO: Barbara Dorris, [email protected]
I have done this. (See copy of my testimony at end of this post.)
On November 18, I posted on JWD the following information about a meeting of Ohio's legislators to hear child abuse victims' testimony on Tuesday, Nov. 22. SNAP was inviting all those interested in support of Senate Bill 17, and those who wanted to give testimony, to come to the hearing.
"Dear SNAP Members, Friends & Supporters:
This letter is about events in Ohio that have implications for all 50 states. As most of you know there is a bill pending in the Ohio House of Representatives that would change Ohio’s laws and the climate for victims across the US. Now, more than ever, we need you to help.
Tuesday, November 22, 9:30 a.m. Hearing in Judiciary Committee, Ohio House of RepresentativesRoom 114 (Hayes Room) in Ohio State Capitol(We don’t know how long the meeting will last – please plan to stay all day!) If you must leave early and want to testify please tell Claudia or Christy what time you must leave. They will ensure that you get to speak before you must leave!)"
Yesterday, Sunday, I received this e-mail from SNAP: "This is our last minute, one extra effort to ask you if you can come to Columbus on Tue, or if you know anyone who can come to Columbus on Tue. We are grateful to those of you who have already said you will be there. We are hoping more of you will be able to come.
I had been told recently by a child abuse victim's advocate representative that legislators need to hear from child abuse victim's and their advocates who belong to religions other than Catholic. With this in mind, I sent the following testimony to SNAP'S Representative,Barbara Dorris, [email protected], and hoped it might be read Tuesday at the hearing in Columbus, Ohio. I received this reply last night:
"Thank you. I will make 30 copies of your letter and have it ready for Tuesday."
"Please pass SB 17 as it is so that no kids will be hurt in Ohio such as those who are victims of Jehovah's Witnesses' molesters. Protecting kids should come first. It seems that the opposition is more interested in the image of churches than in keeping kids safe.
At the end of 1991, while I was part of the Writing staff at the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in Brooklyn, NY, I became aware of a cover-up of sexual child abuse in my religion. The scandal involved confessed or accused pedophiles (men) holding positions of authority within the Witness congregations throughout the world. Until 1996, I assisted some senior staff writers to see what could be done to change the policies that allowed a virtual "pedophile paradise" to exist.
In 1992, I put together a packet of evidence that was given to the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses to make them aware of just how serious the problem was. However, it took almost five years before they addressed the situation. In January of 1997, a statement appeared in the Watchtower magazine that “A man known to have been a child molester does not qualify for a responsible position in the congregation.” This organizational rule seemed to settle the issue; nevertheless, it was nocuous because within a confidential letter dated, March 14, 1997, Witness leaders explained to elders this: “An individual ‘known’ to be a former child molester has reference to the perception of that one in the community and in the Christian congregation.” In other words, if the community and congregation did not ‘know’ about the molester, then he remained in his position. If this seems unbelievable there were even more odious regulations. In place was a rule that there had to be two witnesses to molestation before the victim would be believed. Further, Witnesses were told that they were under scriptural obligation to go first to the elders about an accusation of molestation. Most often, to protect the organization’s image, an accuser was discouraged from going to the authorities.
I was interviewed on Dateline, May 28, 2002, along with three other whistleblowers about this situation, and we were all excommunicated by Jehovah's Witnesses' organization for “causing divisions.” To this day, we continue to be shunned by our Witness family and friends for going public. including my son. Consequently, I haven't seem my six year old grandson since 2002.
All the negative publicity the Witnesses have received since Dateline aired has caused Witness leaders to make sure the elders are aware of their liability if they discourage members from going to the authorities about molestation. However, elders are not permitted to encourage victims or caregivers to go to the police. Witnesses still have a long way to go before they truly protect children.
And since they won’t change their policies, the only way children will be protected is if legislative action in Ohio and in every state will force the Witnesses’ organization to mandate that all accusations of molestation bypass the elders and go directly to the authorities. When that happens, it will mean the organization’s two-witness policy (victims must produce a witness to the crime in order for validation), which elders use to judge criminal culpability, will be a thing of the past. The next thing to go must be the requirement that molesters (unbeknown to the public) must engage in the door to door ministry to prove their repentance.
Jehovah’s Witnesses are justifiably proud that they have probably done more to guarantee free speech than any other religion. They have won 47 U.S. Supreme Court cases assuring members freedom of speech and assembly and equal protection under the law. The sad irony is that this group abuses the human rights of over six million of its members by denying them the right of free speech by forbidding them to speak to former members who might complain about Witness doctrines, such as their sexual child assault polices.
New legislation has to be put in place in every state that will force religions to stop avoiding the law which therefore harms others. It is time religions are made accountable to the law for misusing their power through their policies which endangers children.
Thank you,
Barbara Anderson -
Attn: Child abuse victims' advocates in Ohio
by AndersonsInfo indear snap members, friends & supporters:.
this letter is about events in ohio but has implications for all 50 states.
what will make the difference is the number of people we can get to columbus on tuesday.. .
Attn: Child abuse victims' advocates in Ohio
by AndersonsInfo indear snap members, friends & supporters:.
this letter is about events in ohio but has implications for all 50 states.
what will make the difference is the number of people we can get to columbus on tuesday.. .
Dear SNAP Members, Friends & Supporters:
This letter is about events in Ohio but has implications for all 50 states. As most of you know there is a bill pending in the Ohio House of Representatives that would change Ohio’s laws and the climate for victims across the US.
Now, more than ever, we need you to help. Frequently survivors and supporters say: “Let me know if there is anything I can do to help out.” This is something you can do. We need your help and support right now, today. Everyone can help!
Tuesday, November 22
9:30 a.m. Hearing in Judiciary Committee, Ohio House of Representatives
Room 114 (Hayes Room) in Ohio State Capitol. We don’t know how long the meeting will last – please plan to stay all day! If you must leave early and want to testify please tell Claudia or Christy what time you must leave. They will ensure that you get to speak before you must leave!)
Monday, November 21
7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Preparation Meeting For All SNAP Members & Supporters at the Hyatt Hotel (across the street from the Capitol)
Here’s a list of ways you can help
1. Come to Columbus, Ohio to be counted in support of Senate Bill 17. Be there by 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, November 22 when the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee Hearing begins. If possible get to Columbus Monday evening and attend the planning session from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
We can help if;
If you can’t get off work
If you cannot afford transportation
If you need babysitting help
If you have special needs
We will work with you to solve these problems. Where there is a will there is a way. Call Claudia (419-350-9234), Christy (513-383-2198) or Barbara Dorris (314-862-7688)
2. Bring your parents, and/or your spouse. Bring your adult children, friends, in-laws and neighbors. If someone owes you a favor, this is the time to cash in and get them to come to Columbus, Ohio this Tue.
3. Offer to let someone else ride with you. There are several folks from most corners of Ohio, and nearby places, who will come if they can get a ride. If you have space in your car, please let us know so the others get a ride. If you have time and are willing to drive to a neighboring town to pick up someone else, even if it’s out of the way, please let us know so we can get more folks there.
4. Contact everyone you know who lives in or near Ohio and ask them to go to Columbus on Tuesday. Explain that even though you know they are busy, this is a real opportunity to change the course of history in Ohio and the nation. This is a chance to put the interests of innocent children ahead of child molesters. This is the opportunity to expose hundreds of sexual predators living and working in Ohio where most of their neighbors and bosses don’t know their history of abusing children.
For Those Who Are Bold Enough: Change the tradition!
We know that we are asking you to travel to Columbus, Ohio just two days before Thanksgiving. We know that many of you already have plans to travel during the week, some of you have bought airplane tickets, many of you are committed to show up at someone else’s home on Thanksgiving bearing a special dish created by centuries old recipes, etc. In spite of all the plans please consider changing the tradition this year.
Consider bringing your entire family to Columbus to testify and/or be counted at the Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday and then stay over in Columbus to celebrate Thanksgiving there. (There is a large in-door shopping mall just across the street from the Capitol – plenty of restaurants, loads of holiday decorations and holiday activities, and Columbus has a great Science Children’s Museum, etc.)
Know that being in Columbus this Tuesday can and will make a difference.
Rosa Parks Was Just One Person – That One Made A Difference, You Can Too!
Earlier this month the nation mourned the death of Rosa Parks. She didn’t speak out and she didn’t perceive herself as a leader. What she did do was to simply be counted. She was an African-American who sat on the city bus in a seat reserved for white people. When the bus driver asked her to stand to allow a white man to be seated she said, “No.”
She was counted as someone who knew that it was wrong to treat African-Americans as second-class citizens. We know it is wrong to treat innocent children as second-class citizens.
Who Should Go To Columbus?
We hope to have at least one victim of every perpetrator who has worked in Ohio or abused a child in Ohio. Some perpetrators have worked in more than one state. If your perpetrator worked in Ohio, went to school in Ohio, grew up in Ohio, or has any connection to Ohio please get to Columbus, even if he didn’t abuse you in Ohio.
We hope to have as many victims, family members and supporters from Ohio as possible. We’d like to have everyone listed on the SNAP list who lives in Ohio, or has any connection to Ohio to be in Columbus next Tue, Nov 22.
If you are coming please let us know!
It will be great if you are able to get to Columbus! It will be even better if we can count you in the number of folks coming. We will be notifying the media by Monday to tell them that we are coming to Columbus. Numbers impress both the media and the legislators. Both respond to sheer numbers. So let us know that you are coming so we can count you in the number!
I don’t want others to know I was abused.
Every one of us who has been abused is a sex-crime victim. We all have the right to keep our identities anonymous. No one will know that you are a victim unless you tell.
There will be a large number of supporters and those who care about protecting children who will be present. You can be counted as a supporter or friend of victims. Some of those coming to support us are therapists, teachers, police officers, prosecutors and others. Please know that if you come as a supporter you will not be alone.
Recent History of Ohio Senate Bill 17
Most of you know that survivors from Ohio and several other states have previously testified in the Ohio legislature. Last Spring over 70 folks were present to testify and support Senate Bill 17 when the bill was before the Senate Judiciary Committee. People in the hearing were moved to tears as they listened to survivors and looked into the faces on the childhood photos. The Senators put aside their differences and worked together to produce a bill that everyone could support.
But don’t most legislators already have their minds made up?
Sure. Of course. If the vote were to be taken today or tomorrow we would lose. That is why we need you in Columbus. In many ways our testimony won’t make a big difference. Most of the legislators have been pressured to vote against us by church leaders and business’ that support church leaders. We need to show that it is popular to vote for protecting kids in Ohio. What will make the difference is the number of people we can get to Columbus on Tuesday.
We can still get all the votes we need. Legislators need to know that this bill impacts hundreds and thousands of folks in Ohio. We can’t be a small group on Tuesday. What will make the difference is getting people to Columbus to show strong support. We need as many people to be there as possible. If we are lucky enough to get the 70 or 75 folks who were there in the Senate Judiciary that will be good. But it will take many more than that to make a real difference.
Why is this hearing different from the others?
This is the first time that victims are being permitted to speak in the House of Representatives. We will be able to move the hearts of legislators but it will be very different than it was in the Senate. When we testified before the Senate we were speaking to a clean slate. This time the Representatives have already met many survivors and have heard our stories. Additionally they have heard from our opposition. They are tainted by the lobbying of the other side. We can still make a difference but it will be a much more difficult situation. We believe that this time we must bring many more people.
It is the potential to impact voters in their district that will have the most impact. If we show that most average Ohioans support SB 17 they will vote for the bill. To show we have average voters on our side we need large numbers of folks in Columbus on Tuesday.
Senate Bill 17 will allow protecting kids to come first. We all know that our opposition is more interested in protecting the reputation of child molesters and the image of the church than in keeping kids safe.
Please do all you can to get yourself (and as many others as possible) to Columbus on Tuesday.
If there is any question or concern please let us know. If you have a suggestion or strategy that can help us get more folks to Columbus please let us know!
Christy Miller 513-383-2198
Claudia Vercellotti 419-350-9234
Barbara Blaine 312-399-4747
David Clohessy 314-566-9790
Susan Vidd 216-210-1243