JoinedPosts by AndersonsInfo
by AndersonsInfo infyi, i posted this prediction on my facebook page last night and it has received 224 likes and there have been 83 comments made.
many of the comments are hilarious.. .
a beard prediction for 2024:.
ANOTHER PREDICTION FOR 2024Sisters begin questioning when will they be allowed to wear pants to the meetings, in field service, and when cart sitting, etc. They are counseled for rebellious thinking and loose talk. The C.O. has to get involved.Some sisters decide to stop shaving legs, underarms, etc. They announce that they should not be held to standards that men are not held to. The C.O. has to make a special visit to reign them in.A movement of sisters refusing to have sex with their husbands grows so large that the GB says it constitutes grounds for divorce. KHs are burned to the ground and it becomes the talk of mainstream media. Attendance drops to 5% of pre-pandemic numbers. WTC files for bankruptcy and half of the GB are forced to retire.All of this leads to the GB being forced to placate the sisters with a new edict that they can wear pants. -
by AndersonsInfo infyi, i posted this prediction on my facebook page last night and it has received 224 likes and there have been 83 comments made.
many of the comments are hilarious.. .
a beard prediction for 2024:.
Hey, Ron W, we loved your Methuselah beard saga. Great take off from our posted 2024 prediction of the way events stackup in Watchtower land.
Barbara and Joe
by AndersonsInfo infyi, i posted this prediction on my facebook page last night and it has received 224 likes and there have been 83 comments made.
many of the comments are hilarious.. .
a beard prediction for 2024:.
My FB page link:
by AndersonsInfo infyi, i posted this prediction on my facebook page last night and it has received 224 likes and there have been 83 comments made.
many of the comments are hilarious.. .
a beard prediction for 2024:.
FYI, I posted this prediction on my Facebook page last night and it has received 224 likes and there have been 83 comments made. Many of the comments are hilarious.A BEARD PREDICTION FOR 2024:I wonder how long before the fighting starts?A Brother loses privileges because his beard looks scruffy, spotty. He is counseled that a beard may not be dignified FOR HIM. The C.O. has to get involved.A Brother is counseled that his beard looks like a Mullah. He loses privileges. The C.O. has to get involved.A Brother decides NOT to grow a beard because he does not agree that it is for Christians (he is 'Old School'). He lets it slip that he does not agree. He is called before a JC for disagreeing with the GB and DF'd. He is retained on appeal, but leaves anyway, writes a book, gains a significant following of JWs who leave the organization in protest. -
Beards are now allowed - New Light
by Listener inlett has announced in the latest video update that jehovah has dignified the brothers by now letting them to choose for themselves whether they want to have a beard or not -.
this applies worldwide and to all brothers in any position..
This is how Steven Lett looks with a beard thanks to AI (Artificial Intelligence). I think he looks much better and maybe he should really take the lead in beard growing among the GB.
The rules and culture that keep child sex offenders hidden from followers of the JW's faith
by AndersonsInfo in
rnz new zealand.
anusha bradley, investigative reporter.
RNZ New Zealand
Anusha Bradley, Investigative Reporter
August 15, 2023
Edward Narayan didn't know he'd had a child molester over for dinner until he became an elder of his Jehovah's Witness congregation in 2020.
"He was a very nice guy, I'm sure a lot of them are," Narayan says.
"Then, this other elder let it slip that he was a convicted paedophile."
The man, who has since died but can't be named, was convicted in 1990 for historical child sexual abuse.
But Narayan didn't know anything about his dinner guest's past until he was put in charge of his Chartwell congregation's confidential files. And that's when he realised there were others.
He discovered another active member of his congregation was a convicted paedophile and two other men had a history of serious child sexual abuse allegations made against them. The two alleged cases, including one that came to light as recently as 2012, were never reported to police while Narayan was in charge of the files.
Narayan admits he wasn't too concerned about his discoveries at the time because he implicitly trusted the other elders knew what they were doing. And as a new elder, he was keen to follow the rules.
"In the elder's handbook, 'Shepherd the Flock of God', [it says] you can't say a word unless the legal department of the local branch office tells you that you can."
Edward Narayan Photo: RNZ / Cole Eastham-Farrelly
An RNZ investigation has found 11 active Jehovah Witnesses have child sex abuse convictions or serious allegations made against them, apparently unbeknownst to most followers. A former elder has also claimed he was told to destroy evidence from the church's internal disciplinary proceedings, which could have included cases relating to child sex abuse. The Jehovah's Witnesses strongly deny any suggestion of criminal destruction of evidence.
The religion's policies and practices have kept members in the dark about child sex offending within the church for years, and while it appears to be trying to address this, some current and former members of the church say it is not enough.
All of the 19 former or current Jehovah's Witnesses spoken to for this story want to see the church change the way it deals with allegations of child sexual abuse and the perpetrators, saying the current policies still fail to keep children safe.
YouTube Video: Protest against the Watchtower organization in Denmark 2023
by AndersonsInfo in
Jehovah’s Witness elder alleges order to destroy evidence in child sex abuse cases
by AndersonsInfo in
rnz new zealand.
anusha bradley, investigative reporter.
Here's the link to RNZ Audio Player:
Jehovah’s Witness elder alleges order to destroy evidence in child sex abuse cases
by AndersonsInfo in
rnz new zealand.
anusha bradley, investigative reporter.
RNZ New Zealand
Anusha Bradley, Investigative Reporter
August 14, 2023
A Jehovah Witness elder claims he was told to destroy confidential church documents, including those relating to child sexual abuse cases.
The whistleblower, who RNZ has agreed not to name in order to protect his identity because he fears retribution, was an elder.
On 9 March, 2021, he says he was asked by a superior to check all "judicial cases" in his congregation's confidential files for personal notes and destroy them.
Judicial cases are church records relating to 'judicial committee' hearings, an internal process used to determine the punishment for 'wrongdoing', including child sexual abuse.
The elder making the claim has since left the church.
It is a criminal offence to destroy "potentially relevant information" to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, which the Jehovah's Witnesses are part of, since a moratorium was imposed in March 2019.
The church "strongly deny" any suggestion of criminal offence and says it has "carefully followed" the commission's direction on preservation of records.
Something Evil - What happens when people are shunned from the Jehovah’s Witnesses
by AndersonsInfo in
something evil - what happens when people are shunned from the jehovah's witnesses.
from in depth special projects, 5:00 am on 10 august 2023. .
SOMETHING EVIL - What happens when people are shunned from the Jehovah's Witnesses
From In Depth Special Projects, 5:00 am on 10 August 2023
CONTENT WARNING: This story discusses severe mental distress, depression and suicide.
“I had the reputation of being a very studious, level headed, discerning sister in the congregation … and then literally overnight, I went to being something evil, something dirty, something to be afraid of.”
For Rachel Jackson, it’s all over in two weeks.
After 22 years in the Jehovah’s Witnesses, she feels her whole identity disintegrate within a fortnight of confessing to doubts about the religion.
Why, she had asked, is it only us who will survive the Armageddon? There are so many other good people. Why not them too?
She started questioning the religion’s governing body, who are deemed the mouthpiece of God.
“I got reported by someone in the congregation,” Jackson says.
“I said something to her and then she got very upset with me and reported me to the elders in the congregation.”
Two elders tried to change her mind, to no avail. They told her to resign or be kicked out - ‘disfellowshipped’ - she says.
But Jackson, who had converted from Catholicism, refused. A committee of elders was formed to decide what to do with her.
“I met with three elders and they accused me of apostasy because I didn't accept that the governing body was the men that Jehovah was using.”
She says she was told her disfellowshipping would be announced to the congregation in two weeks.
“So two weeks later, all my friendships of the previous 25 years just went up in smoke.”
No one was told why Jackson was disfellowshipped, but they all shunned her.
READ MORE: Hear Cassie and Brad share their full story in a special feature episode of The Detail podcast, out on Saturday August 12