I really thought my divorce several years ago was emotionally, physically, and mentally the hardest thing I've ever dealt with. Actually, I'm still fighting those demons--the insecurities and all. Within a month I went from super-nurse and mom to suicidal and a drug addict. Did a complete 360! I'm just now working on getting my nursing license back. Still fighting with the mental health issues and medication. Plus, financially it's still a nightmare!!
When Scott messed around on me and we split, he ripped out my heart, trust, and soul. I didn't want to live. I will never, ever put myself in that position. I will not hurt like that again. I know that's not fair to my boyfriend now. David is a great guy. He seems to think I'll be OK. IF HE ONLY knew!! Just kidding!!
Letting go of my daughter and allowing her room to grow has been a battle. It's like one day she's my baby and the next day she's having a baby. I lost her during the above battle within myself. She and I are now finally getting close again.
The only way I got through any of this was because of meditation, and my other (pagan) beliefs. (OK- won't forget the tequilia-ALOT of it, and tears)
Also it helped to do a couple REALLY mean things to get even with him. Like put a foley catheter in him in his sleep, (he has sleep apnea, NOTHING wakes him up!) superglued his cd collection in his 200 disc cd player (I bought it), plus a couple other things...............did feel alot better!!!!