(1) Love for who? you or Christ? Are we not to love Christ more? So, by you, claiming what is rightfuly Jesus, being The Word, not you thinking YOU are the Word, it is a blasphemous statement on your part. Love has nothing to do with it, either you are claiming to be Jesus or you are not. The Word is Jesus. The Truth is Jesus not an org. and most certainly you are not the Lord.
1. This is True, I am not Jesus Christ. The Word belongs to Jehovah, and is a title given to those that represent Christ in their actions by deeds. Jehovah is the original Word as it was originated by Him. I represent Jehovah in the end times as one to provide food at the proper time. Christ did so in like manner in his day. I am who I am in these days, the very LAST DAYS.
(2) You have not answered 1914. Could you also answer, using scripture only, where in the Bible does it say the 'doors' to heaven were closed in 1935?
2. I do not claim to be in unity with the teachings of the W.T.S. This is why the faithful slave is brought upon the earth. In order to straighten out the thinking of all faiths, as a witness in the end times only. Jesus Christ, as a Spirit is the only one to bring TRUE Unity as ONE upon the earth. Where does it say that people are promised heavenly life? Were you one of the twelve apostles in Jesus day? Only these twelve, as the Bride of Christ in Unity, are promised heavenly life.
(3) When God decided to "move" off the planet Alcyone, do suppose it was big move for him? Did all the angels say, aw,this Saturday? or what? Are you even aware that the org taught that at one time? And when did God decide that aluminum wasn't in fact from satan? Why did He change His mind? Did you know the society taught that at one time? Thank heaven for the org! We can all rest safe, the org also had the 'cure' for cancer! And don't let those pesky appendicitis pains bother you, they are only worms! These are only a very, very few of the insane things the org taught. Yesterday's new light becomes today's embarrassment. The same will hold true in 5,10 20, even 50 years from now. Jesus sat with sinners, ate with them and even stayed in their homes! Does the society allow you to even talk to someone they have deemed a sinner? It seems the wt and people in the halls are so busy looking out for the sins of others they can't see, they themselves are sinners as well. As we all are. Guilty of one, guilty of all. They cannot claim to have to have some exclusive truth from God, and then claim they are just men making mistakes. Either you do in fact have an exclusive with God or you don't. You are a prophet or not, there is no 'kind of'. That is like being kind of pregnant.
3. I do not claim UNITY with an earthly organization. Only JEHOVAH can reveal ALL truth.
(4) Leaving the org is not equal to leaving God. No where in scripture is the wt named, except for being an antichrist.
4. This is a Truly profound statement and holds truth to the teaching that a person worships in Spirit and in Truth. The W.T.S. has taught many, and was founded on untruths, but yet chosen by Jehovah God only in the end times. Satan misled many and Jehovah also planted truth in order to preserve His teaching until Jesus Christ reigns upon the earth.
I was bought from the earth for a price as the teachings hold. I belong to Jehovah and Christ. Words of truth cannot be made to totter. I hold on to the truth of Jehovah God and not to mans. Please learn to forgive and cleanse your heart of mens thoughts. This is the teaching that a Christian should bear, as good fruit.
The Faithful and Discreet Slave