JoinedPosts by imfreeimfree
Realizing and Acknowledging the Corruption of the Watchtower Corporation
by thetrueone inprobably the best way for anyone who takes a glancing interest in this organization is to.
openly examine and review this religion from the ground up.
where it got started, what .
The JWs in the crowd gasped in Australian court..
by koolaid-man inshocking information near the bottom of this report from a watchtower lawyer definding the organization in australian courts.focus on the information under the heading: "the faithful and discreet slave".
quite the shocker... the society's lawyer statesthere is no true physical body of people, but only a theological arrangement.
the jws in the crowd gasped.
Next court date is Nov 8
Erased articles from the 1950-2008 WT Library?????
by EndofMysteries ini have to fire up my old computer, but i think i found evidence of erasing articles.
if anybody has the 2003 wt library, can you check 6/15/50 wt for articles very heavy on the faithful slave?
the 2008 cd has none for that (unless i got the date mixed up) if it is that way, (and many jw's prob have the 2003 cd) will be wondering why they are erasing articles about the faithful slave :) .
From the 2009 CD
A person who thinks he can get along without God’s organization and can study the Bible on his own and can do God’s work independently as he thinks best apart from all organization is very foolish. He lacks all understanding of how God has dealt with his servants in times past. We must not forget that God instructs us through his organization, his woman, our mother. He respects his woman and appreciates the work that she does in behalf of His sons and daughters. So he does not like it when any professed Christian disrespects the “mother” organization. To disrespect her means to disrespect Jesus Christ, for God has made this beloved Son the head of the Theocratic organization. He who robs the organization of the respect due this symbolic mother is working to destroy the organization, not build it up. He is guilty of transgressing against her divine husband, Jehovah our heavenly Father. What you do against her you do against him. “Whoso robbeth his father or his mother, and saith, It is no transgression; the same is the companion of a destroyer.” And the great destroyer is Satan the Devil. (Prov. 28:24) Let us, then, not rob and destroy, but show love and respect for our mother by never forsaking her law and teaching as the Devil did. Let us ever be obedient to her, doing so as to Jehovah, her Husband and Head. -
Evaluating Raymond Franz
by greendawn inwhat do you think of ray(mond) franz?
i have seen here some people critisise him as not being a really heartfelt opponent of the wts, but my view is that he was quite honest about his expressed motives against the cult.
with his revelations he gave a lot of momentum to the ex jw movement (the apostate organisation according to the jws) and offered valuable assistance to those seeking to shake off the ideological and social dependance on the oppressive cult.
If it had not been for Ray Franz and his position as a member of the Governing Body, we would not have had an insight in the inner workings of that secret organization. Though I spent almost 60 years in that system, was in Bethel and climbed the ladder to "greater privileges of service", I never knew, for instance, that a two thirds majority was required when voting on policies and doctrines before they were implemented or changed. So much for being "spirit directed".
Ray exposed the inner circle, which is out of bounds for all except the governing body; he exposed them for what they really are: autocrats, responsible for the anguish, financial ruin, and cynical manipulation of the emotions of millions of innocent people, and responsible for the deaths of countless numbers of their obedient slaves.
My personal encounters with some of the GB members led me to the conclusion that these persons, "the representatives of the slave", live in an ego driven fantasy world. They insist on complete submission to their dictates, and anyone who dares to pit themselves against their authority will experience their wrath. Ray did!!
Ray just did not fit the mould. His departure was inevitable.
Ray is to be applauded for his fearless stance; it cost him dearly. It cost him his position, his food and accommodation and relationships with many he had held dear for decades. When he could no longer tolerate the errors and the injustices dispensed as a "food at the proper time" he took a stand. It was a very traumatic experience for him and his dear wife.
Thank you Ray.
Memorial date needed...........................
by vitty ini thought it was on the 6th of april but after reading a post it said the 2nd.
can anyone confirm the date.
April 2
OutKasted ;-P
by SpaWn of MeDusa inhello in there ;-p. wow wow wow.... i never knew such a place existed.... unfortunatly i don't have a lot of time to type right now & believe me i'd need days, perhaps even weeks & i'd probably still feel like i wasn't done.... in short... my name is jodie, i'm from australia, i'm about to turn 32 & i am a jehovah's witness outkast... i wasn't kicked out, i left of my own accord when my parents divorced & i was about 14... my father, my younger brother & me - the 3 black sheep !!
my father was disfellowshipped, he was an elder who also happened to have bi polar... the day ( or technically night ) my father was disfellowshipped was the saddest time of my life - it was more like a death or a funeral, something tragic... when my parents divorced i went to live with dad, i was always closer to my father plus when he left he had nothing... he lived on the river bank in the middle of winter for 6 weeks in a tent ( while his good christian jehovah's witness father & sister slept warm in their beds in the same town... ) dad bought a little caravan & he & i lived in it, eventually he bought some land & built a house & my younger brother joined us.... anyway to cut it all short... i've suffered badly from depression - so badly it's almost killed me & my brother also... the crux of our depression is our mother, our sister's, our grandfather, our aunt's & all of our relatives are jehovah's witnesses - most of them live in the same town as us altho they may as well live on the other side of the world.... you know, sitting here thinking about it all - it all makes perfect sense... how can families be torn apart like this, how do they not realise it is wrong & sad & wicked ??.
i've spent more than half my life trying to have any sort of relationship with the rest of my family.... anyway i have to get going.... hasta la vista .
Hello Jodie,
A very warm welcome to you Jodie.
Here you will not be treated like an outcast. ‘All that glitters is not gold’; and certainly the JW religion though they claim to be something special, they fail miserably as Christians.
The problem can mainly be traced to the hierarchy of the organization; it is a high control group, often dealing harshly without consideration for individual’s feelings and circumstances.
However as Christians we do not despair, we have the promise of our Lord Jesus who assured us that He will not treat us as outcasts: "
Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and will find refreshment for souls. For my yoke is kindly and my load is light."Warm Christian love to you, your dad and your brother.
Re: 1926 Christmas at Bethel - Please help
by imfreeimfree inrecently there was a thread showing pictures of the bethel .
family celebrating christmas 1926. in that thread, there is .
a quote of russell approving christmas celebration and a .
Atlantis my friend, I thank you, that's exactly what I wanted.
To think I spent the whole day searching for that thread and
you had it for me in 30 seconds flat. You are very impressive,
a one man encyclopaedia and I thank you again.
Re: 1926 Christmas at Bethel - Please help
by imfreeimfree inrecently there was a thread showing pictures of the bethel .
family celebrating christmas 1926. in that thread, there is .
a quote of russell approving christmas celebration and a .
Recently there was a thread showing pictures of the Bethel
family celebrating Christmas 1926. In that thread, there is
a quote of Russell approving Christmas celebration and a
second quote from a later Watchtower condemning such
celebration as demonic.
Could someone help me please locate that thread? I am
aware that there is another thread which has the photos,
but it does not include the two comments I require,
1st Russell’s remarks, 2 nd the reversal in later publication.
Many thanks.
Catalogue of WBTS actual lies; please help!!!!
by yesidid ina link given by someone on the board .
(whom i cant find but would like to thank) .
opened an article by leonard r. miller .
Hi yesidid,
Now let me see if I got this right. You have a lot of info
where they lied about their expecting Jesus return in 1914.
What you are looking for is where they lied about other things is it?
It seems you have the "return of Jesus expected in 1914"
lie covered. Am I correct there?
I’ll do some research.
OK girls, tell me what I did wrong.
by Abandoned inhere's the situation.
there's this girl at work who i've been kidding around with for a couple months.
we laugh and joke and i thought we were pretty good friends.
Where did that come from?
Abandoned said in another thread that he had a wife, that's where it came from.