"The Friends"
"Bloom of Youth"
Ick !! I refuse to ever use those phrases in my vocabulary.
"we should be mindful".
"The Friends"
"Bloom of Youth"
Ick !! I refuse to ever use those phrases in my vocabulary.
over the last 3 years i've gotten much faster at making a wt article look "studied".. .
how fast can you get one ready for inspection by snoopy elders and microphone handlers?.
10 minutes flat...
remember these silly tests they make you take?
i don't remember how often they were, but thinking back on them, boy does it seem silly!
sitting there for half an hour trying to remember stupid stuff as if you are in school.
Always tried to do my best... sometimes I would forget to study for it.
Oh well, since we graded our own, no one ever knew.
I actually loved them because it was at least something different.
Good point, Ilovebirthdays...
i can remember being in the freezing snow and so cold my fingers were numb, i desparatly wanted someone to invite me in, just to warm up even, but no one did.. i got soaked on countless occasions having been dropped off in some remote corner of the territory, trying to find shelter in a thunderstorm.. i got burnt to a crisp in just half an hour in a uk heatwave, of course no one was at home... they were all far more sensible and had gone to the beach!.
Same here.
I used to think if I heard the term, "We're not just fair weather Christians", (yes, that's what they would say)... one more time, that I would puke.
I thought we looked like absolute fools going out in bad weather, but off we went.
i thought i'd introduce myself, i haven't been to the faux-truth in about 6 years now so i'm merely a small child to the 'real world.
' i grew up in said religion and attended two english speaking congregations and lastly a sign language congregation in britain.
i think this gives away my identity to some friends i have on here ;).
Anyway my purpose for being here is just to share my story I suppose and listen to other's experiences
We look forward to your story, when you're ready to share.
i have an excuse, i was born in it.
the thought of living forever and never dying was certainly a draw but when i realized it wasn't true, there wasn't much of an attraction anymore.. what attracted you as a witness?.
I was dealing with the very early stages of a personal tragedy, so I was easy pick'ins.
Also, as was mentioned above, I didn't have "Any" previous bible knowledge, at the age of 28... and being too trusting, it was nice to have most of my questions answered.
(or so I thought)
i always read h2o, randy's site and anything that might stay current.
i think it was h2o that said they were closing there but another site was opening and it was this one.. i'm curious how you got to find this place..
My oldest daughter found this site 8 years ago, she thought I would like it.
She was right, and I've been here ever since.
i've had this yearning since thanksgiving for a warm homemade blueberry pie with vanilla ice cream on top!.
Full rack of BBQ ribs.
I'm with Keyser Soze, I love ribs, the messier the better.
Oh, and at this time of year, "EggNog" !!
there are a few bible verses i'm going to discuss that probably don't bother anyone but me.
in fact, most people, including ex-dubs think they are wonderful verses.
i think they are really, really creepy verses.
LOL, Farkel, I love your imagination...
So here we have a God ORDERING us (upon the pain of eternal punishment) to LOVE him, and everyone thinks that scripture is so warm and feel-good fuzzy. Remember, with BibleGod, every ORDER has an "OR ELSE" stipulation. And the "or else" part is always worse than your worst nightmares.
I agree... that wouldn't be love at all, to try to love a God under those circumstances would amount to no more than self-preservation. I used to wonder if I really worshipped out of "Love", or was it just fear ??? Now I know.
So good to see you posting.
i was never thrilled to have a meeting during inclement weather.
if it was seriously snowing and the weatherman suggested to stay in because of the conditions, i rarely went to the meeting.
why take a chance, right?
We would be estatic !!!
We would do as Sacolton, jump into our PJ's and have snacks and movie night. Some of the best memories ever, because for one thing, there was NO guilt involved.
There is just something so wrong with a religion that makes it's members jump for joy to miss a meeting.