Glad to hear that......
Whew...!!! Glad I didn't reply to his earlier post with
what really ....came to MIND.......LOL
But, is a new person suppose to know the
i saw a recent post of someone leaving the board so they can move on.
it's been years for me and i actually have never come to a board like this until recently.
i'm just curious, how is everybody doing in that regard?
Glad to hear that......
Whew...!!! Glad I didn't reply to his earlier post with
what really ....came to MIND.......LOL
But, is a new person suppose to know the
i saw a recent post of someone leaving the board so they can move on.
it's been years for me and i actually have never come to a board like this until recently.
i'm just curious, how is everybody doing in that regard?
Excuse Me.....
I had already left the org. when I met my husband...Thank You..
I wouldn't trade him, for a dozen so called "Holy Men"...!!!!!
CHOICES, CHOICES, CHOICES...That's all I ask for .."The Right
to Decide for MYSELF....I did and I am Happy.
i walked away from the org.
3 years ago, as i have said in.
several threads around here.... so, i am not up on the "new.
Thanks for the Replies....!!!!! I'm still laughing at some.
Guess I was brain dead on some of the new issues...1980's
on some of this stuff...????? Where was I..?? More
importantly did "I" even exist. (r2d2)
Thanks Mommy for the info on voting...will look it up..
and mull it over....LOL.
As for my shoes...their "counseling"...set example, could
look in bad taste, what some other religions do alot..
BLAAAAAAAAH...blah, blah. They were new..!!! didn't
that count for something..
Yes, at Least keep the "Curtain" closed....hahhaa
i walked away from the org.
3 years ago, as i have said in.
several threads around here.... so, i am not up on the "new.
I walked away from the Org. 3 years ago, as I have said in
several threads around here.... So, I am not up on the "New
Light" stuff...
But, I was told recently that JW's can now :
have organ transplants
have oral sex..!!!
Anything else..?? Why the changes...AND.. if they can
lighten up on such major matters, Then why in the "HELL"
couldn't I wear my Tennis Shoes, from the car to my seat
at the Convention...!!!!!!!!!!! Where I discreetly put
on my "proverbial Meeting shoes...It was such a Federal
Case.... Elders fainting everywhere, It still makes me
shake all over......LOL
Working thru the mess,
i saw a recent post of someone leaving the board so they can move on.
it's been years for me and i actually have never come to a board like this until recently.
i'm just curious, how is everybody doing in that regard?
Hi Outnfree...
Loved your post, you seem to have it "All Together"....and
make alot of sense.
For one thing, I live in a small, one horse town, that's
why I keep running into other JW's.
As for my children, I have a 24 yr. daughter, who I learned
was only going to the meetings for ME, so she doesn't go
anymore either. The Elders paid her a visit yesterday...
and to get to her they gave her the "What about your Children's
Lives" sermon. Ask if she wanted her Babies to die..!!!! They
are 2yrs. and the other 4 mo. That made me MAD..that was
just "Emotional Blackmail".. Didn't seem to bother her too
much, she just let it roll off her back.
My other daughter is 13, her desire to return to the Hall, has
to do with the death of her Father. She is afraid she will
never see him again. Which is what I should expect her to feel,
since that is what I drummed into her head all her life. Concerning
the ressurection. I really don't know how to respond to this.
I have thought about everyone's comments concerning prayer, and have
come to the the conclusion, that I should just go back to the "BASICS"
I prayed to a "God" before becoming a JW...and he seemed to listen
then. So why not give it a try now. It is scary to me tho, expect
(from my brain washing) that once I do pray for guidence, there will
be a dozen JW's at my door..LOL. (Watch the Elders show up just at
that time....hahaha)
Oh, at this point, I couldn't begin to conceive of the Bible "NOT" being God's word...... That would scare the hell out of me...!!!!!
JW's did a good job on me, didn't they.........but, when all you hear
for 18 years is what they tell you, your husband and children are JW's
and all your friends are too....well, it's to be expected.
None of the rest of my family are JW's...and I pulled away from them
for all that time. Now I sincerely regret that. I see my Mom and
Dad now and notice, really Notice, how old they have gotten, and
how much of their lives I have missed.... NEEDLESS TO SAY I AM TRYING TO MAKE UP FOR LOST TIME. Why did I pull away...????
Because the Elders said to. Worldy you know. My parents and
Bro. and Sis. never gave me a moments problems with the truth, they
were just happy that I was alive and doing well. Considering what I
had been thru. So understanding and loving to me. And here I go
and have as little contact as possible all those years......That
makes me so MAD. I am getting off on an tangent here...but, It
feels good.
Thanks to you are really special.
Noticed some of the "Late Night" posts on here.....So that's how
you all get things done... I find I've been letting things go
so I could read all this.... I've got to find "Balance" you know..
i saw a recent post of someone leaving the board so they can move on.
it's been years for me and i actually have never come to a board like this until recently.
i'm just curious, how is everybody doing in that regard?
Thanks Mark
For your comments, I understand what you are saying and it
makes alot of sense. Love is what it is all about, and
there were alot of times that I felt and still feel that the
Org. put that aside, for it's own benefit.
If I could just get over the "HUMP" and feel God would listen
from time to would be easier. I guess I am stuck
on the scripture that says... that Jehovah won't leave us, we
leave him, and in effect that is what I feel I have done.
There are alot of loving people out there, I have relatives
of different faiths and also people that I have met, who have
always seemed so much more loving than the JW's. That often
bothered me. To me it is a very lonely feeling, to try and
face the daily worries of this world without a higher power.
I agree with "Francoise" about not jumping into another org.
of a different faith. I don't want to belong "per-say" to
anything right now. I want to re-claim my Brain...LOL.
Oh, by the way.....Haven't heard from the Elders in over a YEAR..
found out today...they are planning a "VISIT" with me this week.
?????????????????????????? I have only been posting on this site
for 4 days, What gives.. is this Divine Intervention or just
Coincidence.........SO CONFUSED...!!!!
i saw a recent post of someone leaving the board so they can move on.
it's been years for me and i actually have never come to a board like this until recently.
i'm just curious, how is everybody doing in that regard?
You All are Great,
I guess I am feeling so guilty because...well, for one...we are
so conditioned to feel "GUILTY" if we don't do this, or don't that.
Do More..etc... you know the drill...!!!
Plus I have my children to consider...they were born and raised in the so called truth. My 13 year old..doesn't understand, and wants to go back to the Hall so bad.
When I do go out...they seem to be everywhere...they hug me, plead with me to return, the pity looks..and on and on. I don't know what to say to them. Some of the elderly ones were soooooo good to me, and
I feel like I am turning my back on them. Losing best friends also
hurts. I have NO REAL concrete gripe againt the teachings..just with
the mind control of the Org. So tired of the rituals and rules and
do this, don't do that Bull.
Yes, I would like to feel peaceful and have some kind of spirituallity, but...have been made to feel Jehovah hates me for
not wanting to play the "Numbers Game". I want to pray to someone..
but Who....if Jehovah won't listen..???? I just want to be "ME" and
enjoy the creation, be a modest, kind and loving person without all the "Dictatorship". If I want to do something they would look down
on.... It should be my choice, not a Mandate.
Thanks for Listening,
hi everyone........i love this site...!!!.
i just recently found it...and it feels so good to hear.
people talk about things that have been buzzing around in.
"Busted" you were the TMS Servant... I am feeling guilty
for saying that I hated the Min. School...AND I don't want
to feel that way. I want the right to Say I Hated IT...because
I did and do... There that feels better..!!!!
Seriously tho...couldn't you Brothers see how upsetting it was
for the Sisters at times to get these parts together.??? Worrying
and all, for two weeks, making themselves nervous wrecks. I seen
this so many times.
I agree, I am just newly working my way thru this stuff...haven't
really looked into anything one way or the other...just in Limbo.
And tired of it.
I do like to read, and appreciate the book list.
i saw a recent post of someone leaving the board so they can move on.
it's been years for me and i actually have never come to a board like this until recently.
i'm just curious, how is everybody doing in that regard?
Feeling Guilty, Guilty, Guilty......!!!!! Does it ever go away..
I find myself becoming a "Hermit" of sorts. Not wanting to go to
town, the store or anything...for fear of running into them.. I am
just in-active and beginning to make some serious decisions about
what I want to do about being a JW.
I worry about things, what "IF" I am making the wrong move, who
do I pray to now...where to go from here... Will God do me in,
Just everything........ But, I just can't live in a box any
more...under a microscope..
hi everyone........i love this site...!!!.
i just recently found it...and it feels so good to hear.
people talk about things that have been buzzing around in.
Ewwwww, You are deep..... having just floated away from the
org.. I feel kinda nervous, questioning the Bible. I was
not brought up in the truth, or any religion for that matter.
I can't at the moment remember any inconsistances in the Bible,
ones that were not explained away "For ME"...anyway. LOL
I find you to be an interesting person....tell me, Java...
what do you believe in..????