wow. If only i could see you do that to an elder i know.
Posts by Dune
I can't believe they had the nerve to come back!!!
by Why Georgia injust officially finished my christmas shopping and came home to drop everything off before i had to go pick up our oldest son at kindergarten.. i ran out to check the mail before leaving and 2 elders were walking up our steps.. one of them has been to our house before and he is the same one who did the despicable funeral talk at my husbands grandmothers funeral.. the conversation goes:.
i called the wts legal office and your organisation has been informed that if you come to our home, call or send us mail you will be trespassing and it will be considered a form of harrassment and i will call the police.. elder bw - we came to see if ________ was home so we could speak to him about his intentions?.
me - unlike you, my husband actually works for a living, he's at work like most decent people during the day!
Black History Month? Is it separation or just realistic?
by under74 inso i got to thinking after seeing 60 minutes this last week.
morgan freeman said black history month is "ridiculous" and pointed out that it keeps african-americans seperated from other americans.
i guess my thinking is that the school text books haven't really changed since i was in school.
@ Devon Mcbride. They do have all of those months. Native/Latin american months are around october.
A part of me is like "black history month" who cares? I mean, BHM hasnt done anything for blacks as a whole. I dont think showing black children examples of great men and women of their color really is enough to inspire them to do better in school/life. I always find it funny when i see the less concientious rappers givingtheir two cents about harriet tubman. and later that day you see the same guy in some music video shooting a police officer or grabbing on some random female.
What Assures U That Elders/Co's/ Gov.Body "Just Don't Get It"?
by minimus inmetatron used that expression on a thread.
what evidence do you have that the "organization" "just "doesn't get it"??
Theres a whole psychology to it. I'll put myself as an example. I know all about the NGO, child molestors, rwanda, all of the other scandals, not to mention the flip flops and false prophecies. YET, i'm still in the orgo.
A part of me knows that i'll never be able to take any of this seriously again, but the other part is still like "what if the great tribulation DOES come tommorow? i'll be screwed".
Its the constant repition, the MENTAL regulating when you receiving when you were young, its the possibility of losing the love of your best friends or siblings and family.
If it wasnt for disfellowshipping i'm pretty sure people would be leaving in droves.
Rename That Magazine!
by RichieRich inattention apostates!
i'm sick, and i'm bored!!!
that means fun for all of us!.
Thats hilarious. They forgot the sex pyramid tho
Describe A Watctower Infiltrator In A Kingdom Hall
by minimus ini believe that a number of witnesses are leadind double lives.
they go to meetings.
they might even be elders and ministerial servants.
I kind of consider myself an infiltrator. But depending on how things go next year, i might just take the path that sir82 has taken and still go for MS, ELDER and all that other crap and not really believe in all this and marry a non-pioneer sister.
or i can just say screw it to the last 8 years of my life and start with a clean slate. O the choices. -
by BluesBrother ini have had a quick look and found no references to this, so - here in the mag we picked up on sunday.. worldwide % increase over 2004 = 1.3%.
memorial partakers 8524 (compared to 8570 in 2004).
most european and nth american lands show pretty static figs - britain 1% increase, canada 0%, germany 0%, france 1%, usa 0%... but spare a thought for the inhabitants of zambia where 1 person in 90 is a reporting witness, must be hell going down to the local market!
Have you SEEN the sisters in the spanish congregation? Beat me over the head with a bat. I think i'm gonna have to report to the nearest spanish congregation and serve where the need is great.
Family Bible Study
by drew sagan inwhat are some good ways a "family head" could study with his family, helping them to see the weak points in watchtower thinking?
i wish to start this somehow, but since "family study" is seen as simply going over some misc.
watchtower publication, i don't see where i can make the headway.
lol @ finally free. I think i had the same situation.
I hated the fact that i had to be the one that initiated the familiy study and conducted it, but i still could be punished and disciplined. I thought that since she was the family head, she should do it, regardless of me being baptized.
BeepBeep Needs to Know About 1975!!!
by SWALKER ini know that many of you have the information discussing the watchtower's view on this and why so many thought it was going to be the beginning of armageddon and the mass exodus from the org when nothing happened.
i remember it very well and my mom telling me not to get my hopes up because she had been looking for the ancient worthies to appear for years at the assemblies and that never happened.
then they changed their prophesy on that too!!!
Your last answer is sending alot of signals.
I hope you arent one of those people who get disfellowshipped and then come on the board to support WTS teachings.
Special meeting for brothers: reaching out - Is this happening elsewhere?
by truthseeker ina friend of mine who is being "groomed" for ministerial servant told me that after the service meeting, the elders, ministerial and all brothers will be having a special meeting about reaching out.. i am told that interviews and demonstrations will be featured.
i wondered if this has anything to do with recent kingdom ministry school - is this meeting being repeated in other areas?
i think that with one of the lowest increases of the witnesses in decades; 1.3%, falling memorial attendance (their best indicator that they always used) and flat growth, they are probably quite worried about the situation.
In the last month the elders at my congregation have been really trying to get a meeting going. It was cancelled and now they are doing shepherding calls to all baptized brothers.
They spiritually attacked/fryed one of my friends (he stopped coming for a week, but came back soon after) and They've talked to most of the baptized youth except for me.
I dont know if its a move to spite me, but i dont really care anymore.