Never take rock for granite.
Posts by sir82
Powerful Sayings That Means A Lot For You Personally
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara injust was thinking how some powerful quotes, remarks, sayings hit the mark with me and how much it enriched/ enhamced/influences my life.
love beyond color.
reality is that which when you no longer believe in it , does not go away.. “the truth is a battle of perceptions.
"2,450 at a convention. Look at the empty seats . Tx...Frisco"
by Xjw csaSurvivors in.
source :.
1) This looks like a photo taken well before the session starts
2) Even if not, maybe only 2500 or so were assigned to this convention? The WTS doesn't assign so many people to a convention location that it would overflow.
Did Jesus die on a stake or pole?
by sweetyj inwe already know how jws will respond ( on a pole).
but i found an article that talks about jws views on how jesus died.
i didn't know that there was a time when jws accepted the cross unlike now.
Here's something I've always wondered about - I've never found an answer to it.
OK, yes, the basic meaning of stauros is "upright pole".
But, there is ample evidence (Tacitus, Josephus, et al) that the Romans used an upright pole with a crossbeam (i.e., a cross) to execute prisoners in the first century.
So, suppose you are a first century Koine Greek writer.
If stauros can only mean "upright pole without a crossbeam" (the WTS position), then what word would I use, in Koine Greek, to signify "upright pole with a crossbeam"? Such instruments definitely did exist.
If there is no separate word (and I suspect there is not, though I have not been able to confirm that), then the WTS's position, that stauros must mean "without a crossbeam", is as weak an argument as I can imagine.
Who really is the faithful and discreet* slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time?
by Alex Williams inthis statement was answered in a form of a question to a question posed by one of his followers;.
jesus realized that composite slave had to qualify for such an appointment when he came into power of his kingdom promised by jehovah god.
[and they came to life and ruled as kings with the christ+ for 1,000 years].
Don't feed the troll.
This poster just regurgitates his spin on JW teachings then runs away, afraid to engage in discussion.
A pity - at first he was responding to posts, but as he was a complete and utter failure at defending his beliefs, now he just posts one opening statement, then tucks his tail between his legs and runs away.
What Biblical message should be proclaimed now according to Jesus himself ?
by Alex Williams inthis is what jesus said.
matt 24-14.
14 and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.. looking at this verse what is the central theme?
What Biblical message should be proclaimed now according to Jesus himself?
Obey the governing body, or a horseback-riding Jesus will hurl a flaming hailstone right between your eyes, very soon now?
Now you don't even have to go to the Kingdom Hall - ALL meetings to be recorded & available on (if you have a password)
by sir82 inlatest boe letter:.
october 22, 2015. to all bodies of eldersre: use of jw stream.
dear brothers:we are writing to inform you that arrangements are being made for video recordings ofcongregation meetings, circuit assemblies, and conventions to be uploaded to jw stream (accessibleat in various languages.
All JW meetings are available in the US, in a multitude of languages. It stays up for a week, then is replaced by the next week's meeting.
I've watched the English meetings on occasion. I believe it is videotaped in a Kingdom Hall somewhere in Florida.
All circuit assemblies & regional conventions are available via streaming as well, again in a bazillion languages.
IS the bOrg running out of blokes to serve(tm)?
by punkofnice infrom the silly website today..... thursday, august 15god .
energizes you, giving you both the desire and the power to act.—phil.
2:13.courageous men who are willing to take on more responsibility are a blessing to a congregation.
I remember an elders school a number of years ago, where they bemoaned the fact that in the US, there were now more elders than ministerial servants. I.e., not so many young men were "reaching out".
Based on my observations, the issue is far worse today.
The average age of a congregation's body of elders is going up, up, up, there are more and more "honorary" elders who just retain the title but who really can't do anything practical like give talks or make shepherding calls due to failing health. And there are fewer & fewer MS's to replace them, and fewer and fewer guys who even want to be a MS.
There's no "B Team", there's no junior varsity. In [X] years, there's going to be a serious leadership vacuum. I just don't know if the [X] is 3, or 5, or 10.
What Biblical message should be proclaimed now according to Jesus himself ?
by Alex Williams inthis is what jesus said.
matt 24-14.
14 and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.. looking at this verse what is the central theme?
Hey, you skipped out on the evolution thread - what happened?
Evolution - A Conversation with Alex Williams
by cofty inalex - thank you for your offer to have a conversation about evolution.. i accept the scientific evidence that all life - including humans - evolved from a common ancestor through unguided evolution over millions of years.
this isn't even a controversial position in the scientific community.. the evidence rests on the data from many interconnected fields including paleontology, comparative anatomy, geology and especially genetics.
it is no exaggeration to say that the evidence for your own non-human ancestry is contained in every cell in your body.. it is my experience that jws are generally quite ignorant (not in a pejorative sense) of the scientific case.
I always liked this one:
Evolution - A Conversation with Alex Williams
by cofty inalex - thank you for your offer to have a conversation about evolution.. i accept the scientific evidence that all life - including humans - evolved from a common ancestor through unguided evolution over millions of years.
this isn't even a controversial position in the scientific community.. the evidence rests on the data from many interconnected fields including paleontology, comparative anatomy, geology and especially genetics.
it is no exaggeration to say that the evidence for your own non-human ancestry is contained in every cell in your body.. it is my experience that jws are generally quite ignorant (not in a pejorative sense) of the scientific case.
You start with the premise that humans were the objective and frame your argument backwards.
This also is something the JWs have done for many, many decades.
There was an entire talk at this year's regional convention about this - it somehow proves how much "God loves us" because he created the universe, 14 billion years ago, with exactly the right 100+ elements to support human life. As if "the creation of human life" were somehow the primary, if not sole, reason for calling the entire universe into existence.