I saw the title and thought this thread was about Lett's eyebrows.
Sorry for the disturbance, carry on.
if this has been posted before i apologize.
this about sums up what the grovelling body is looking to do!
I saw the title and thought this thread was about Lett's eyebrows.
Sorry for the disturbance, carry on.
watchtower boondoggle from 1929, better known as the house of princes.
this was built in 1929 to house the newly resurrected “ancient worthies” such as abraham, david, and other old testament men of faith which were supposed to have been already resurrected in the year 1925.
(note: it didn’t happen.).
How much you want to bet that underneath Warwick, there are shelters stockpiled with a year's worth of food for a few dozen "elite" to ride out any sort of "persecution"?
underwhelming as usual.
of note is the ridiculous amount of time spent encouraging the r&f to "do the math" on various chronologies.
oh if only they would do the math from their own publications on the error of 607/1914.
I love how all those "starting point" dates are so "rock solid".
Yes, per the dear leaders, the entire earth was fully submerged under water in exactly the year 2370 BC.
And the 350,000+ species of beetles alive today all evolved from one beetle "kind" on the ark. That's some speedy evolution - 350,000 species branching off from one pair of beetles in 4000 years.
Or maybe Noah had 350,000 pairs of beetles in the ark....Careful - don't swat it! Just let'em crawl on your food.
i saw my mother today for the first time in three years..
she was on one of the witnessing carts in town at a station i don’t usually get off at.
i did today as i was dropping my daughter off somewhere.
Heartbreakingly sad - sorry you have to experience this.
An extra helping of sadness in that your mother is convinced that she has to earn her way into paradise by doing more, more, more, even if it (literally) kills her.
If people would only stop and think for a millisecond - what kind of God demands such self-destructive slavery? And even such a God did exist, why on earth would you want to worship him?
has anyone read and considered the watchtower’s final submission to the supreme court?.
gag.. also, have you read and considered the final submission by zalkin?.
it’s interesting for sure.. zalkin hammers it home.
Can anyone post or link to a less, er, colorful and perhaps slightly more detailed summary of the submissions by WTS and Zalkin?
the fact that there are pomi ex-jws who have been disfellowshiped or inactive for years who still live in constant fear of armageddon indicates that watchtower will manage to exist in one way or another for years, if not decades, to come.
watchtower, like all other religious cults, operate on the premise that "you can fool some of the people all of the time...and that's enough!
When a person is baptized they are added to the number of 8,000,000.
When a person is DFd does the Org subtract them from that same number or not?
The "8 million" is the count of people who turn in a "field service report", i.e., the number of "publishers".
You don't have to be baptized to be a publisher (although the vast majority of JW publishers are baptized). Most unbaptized publishers are kids of JW parents.
In order to be baptized as a JW, you have to have been a publisher for many months beforehand. It is a set-in-stone requirement, no exceptions.
So when someone is dunked, nothing really changes - he was a publisher the month before his baptism, and he continues to be a publisher after baptism. The count does not change. The change occurred many months earlier, when he turned in his first field service report.
When someone is DF'ed he stops turning in field service reports. He is no longer a publisher. So yes, when DF'ed, the count goes down.
The count also goes down every time someone becomes "inactive" (stops turning in field service reports), and (obviously) when a publisher dies. Based on best-guess estimates, there are probably around 80,000 JW deaths every year, mostly (like everyone else) due to natural causes.
when i was newly divorced,still attending meetings, some of the younger married sisters got friendly with me.
we went out (to bars) after the meeting, we hung out, etc.
then one “ friend” asked me for a favor.
Well, it sounds like she followed the WT's advice - she read the account of how David tried to cover over his affair with Bath-Sheba by having her husband sleep with her while on furlough, so her pregnancy (by David) could be explained.
She must have meditated deeply on that scriptural account and tried to apply it in her own life.
"Listen, obey, and be blessed."
this large australian govt dept is the one that pays the pensions to the aged, the broken, the invalids, the unemployed.
they are running a campaign to claim back 'overpayment' from the least able to resist,and in recently revealed cases even the deceased.. no media org or politician will take up the challenge of naming the authors of this insidious action.
if the dept with all its resources overpays and that is a big if then that is their problem to deal with not screw the hapless, the downtrodden and the aged all in all the defenceless.. pensioners are now living in fear they will be sent the dreaded letter to say 'pay up'.
Well that's pretty crazy - "we screwed up, so now you have to pay us to rectify our mistake".
Seems like an enormous political liability.
Here in the US, Social Security is sometimes referred to as the "3rd rail" - to touch it is instant political death.
It needs reform, as it will not be sufficiently funded within "X" years - but no one, on either end of the political spectrum, dares to even mention it.
so the organisation has developed a new software for the coordination of nearly everything!
i just want point out a few things i notice about the new hub icon logo.
the image contains twelve pillars with the 2 at the front being the prominent.
What's with all the Masonic-conspiracy-theory nutters posting recently? Is it some Illuminati holiday or something?
first of all, i'm not a conspiracy chaser.
personally, i've related with mason borothers alot and confirmed that jw.org is no more related with freemason after russsel who was never a member of freemasonry.. one of my friends again raised the questioning link between jw and freemason with the above picture.
specifically the letter a.... .
why do the top brass still wear rings?
Because they are utterly clueless, fashionwise?
Vinnie's pawnshop had a sale?
They think it looks "dope"?
Sometimes a font is just a font....sometimes a ring is just a ring.