I suspect, just based on my personal observations, that the percentage of [JWs who wear a jw.borg pin] and [Catholics who wear a crucifix] are roughly equal.
Posts by sir82
Imagine if the JW logo were an idol, no wait...
by HiddenPimo ini’m in germany for work and guess what is next to the bowling alley in karlsruhe?
same thing as a cross.... .
Is this true:
by crmsicl inhttps://www.moshoodkarim.com/2019/07/jehovahs-witnesses-changes-doctrinal.html.
Pro tip:
People would be more likely to fall for your goofy made-up BS if you composed the content using proper grammar & spelling.
We pray for the governing body
by StephaneLaliberte insince when has it become cool to pray for the gb?
i noticed that at the begining of my fade back in 2015, it had already been there for a good while and was already getting on my nerves.
i means, i grew up in it, but can't remember much further than the 90s and i don't remember this being always in the payers.
I've noticed it more recently too.
It's really very creepy.
the martyr syndrome
by eyeuse2badub inwhat is the gravest sin a jw can commit?
i’m not even going to consider the so called “unforgiveable sin” since no one knows what it is anyway!
is it lying, cheating, stealing, pride, envy, being gay?
What is the gravest sin a jw can commit?
For a JW, the unforgivable sin is asserting the belief, by words or actions, that the governing body is not an immediate and direct representative of Almighty God.
Anything else - murder, child abuse, atheism, etc. - can be forgiven. But speaking or acting against the GB? There is no punishment strong enough, in their view.
District convention to be held in assembly hall instead of stadium
by NikL inlast night they announced that this summers district convention will be held at an assembly hall.. this is the first time i've seen this happen.
there are a couple of congregations in the same hall here and they aren't going to the same ones.
they are having multiple dates.. the hall they are going to use can only hold 1500 people max.. just wondering if maybe they just couldnt get anything bigger this year or if the falling numbers are playing a part in this decision.
Saves them money - assembly halls are paid for, no rental fees.
And/or the folks where they typically go for the summer convention stopped "playing nice" regarding rental fees, hotels, etc.
I would not be surprised to see most if not all summer conventions held in assembly halls in the near future.
Caleb and Sophia with different names
by neat blue dog inin one country they're david and sophie.
in another they're petra and olena.
i just chanced across this recently.
Yeah I've heard of it.
IIRC, I think I heard it had something to do with the name ("Caleb" or "Sophia") meaning something weird or inappropriate in the local language.
Motivations for Watchtower leadership
by GetMeOutofHere ini’ve struggled for some time with this question.
why would the elders, cos, branch committee, helpers to gb and the gb themselves devote their lives to progressing in the organization, if the whole thing is one big sham?
i have 3 ideas so far.. 1) money.
D.S, would like to have another radical go at it if allowed by the powers to be in the Corporation.
My impression is that he indeed is full of himself.
But your post makes it sound like your information is more than just an "impression".
Do you have a source for Splane's demi-Messianic complex?
Motivations for Watchtower leadership
by GetMeOutofHere ini’ve struggled for some time with this question.
why would the elders, cos, branch committee, helpers to gb and the gb themselves devote their lives to progressing in the organization, if the whole thing is one big sham?
i have 3 ideas so far.. 1) money.
No offense intended.
Let me rephrase:
..."they wouldn't qualify to run a lemonade stand at the end of a suburban driveway."
Please don't tell me your father ran a lemonade stand also!
Thoughts on Sundays wt about persecution
by nowwhat? inso let me get this straight.
even though law enforcement has their hands full with illegal drugs and guns on the street, child traffickers, dangerous gangs and such.
they are going to now pool all their resources to confiscate bibles and religious literature?!
Oh, and don't forget the "photo" (from a recent WT article) of future world leaders clustered in a small conference room, with a TV monitor image of Sam Herd in the background.
Yeah, let's ignore the 800 million Muslims who are rioting because "we banned their religion"! Let's concentrate all our efforts on finding this doddering old man!
Motivations for Watchtower leadership
by GetMeOutofHere ini’ve struggled for some time with this question.
why would the elders, cos, branch committee, helpers to gb and the gb themselves devote their lives to progressing in the organization, if the whole thing is one big sham?
i have 3 ideas so far.. 1) money.
It's the power.
I think they probably hope it's true, but even if it's not, power is more addictive and intoxicating than heroin.
These guys think their immediate superior, the only person they have to answer to, is Jesus Christ, for...er...Christ's sake.
They have 8 million+ people revering their every word, no matter how ineptly spoken or nonsensical the thoughts.
Remove these bozos from the insular WT / Bethel lifestyle and they wouldn't qualify to be a Walmart greeter. The least moronic of them realize that, and so on and on they go.