I could give you a better answer if I knew what/who the HU is!
What the HU are you talking about?
if you are a jw in the us or canada, you probably already know about "khconf".
it is a business that has been set up (presumably by some jws somewhere) that supplies call-in numbers and teleconferencing for shut-ins to listen to kingdom hall meetings.. they have their own website: www.khconf.com.. .
what i didn't know is how much they've spread!
I could give you a better answer if I knew what/who the HU is!
What the HU are you talking about?
a thought came to me as i was posting on another topic.
my reactionary mind, responding to watchtower's cruel and hostile treatment of genuine truthseekers who can no longer reconcile with watchtower's narrative was, " may the collapse begin".. but then my thoughts turned to how that would affect my parents and siblings who are blissfully oblivious with their collective heads in the sand.
all their hopes and future joy has been postponed for decades awaiting paradise while fighting off the black dog that is depression.
The WTS has no monopoly on providing a "crutch" for those who need one.
If the WTs were to collapse in a flaming fireball, after the initial shock wore off, most JWs would glom onto [some other religion].
Those who crave strictness and rigidity would pick some other high-control group - there;s plenty to choose from. Those who were in it more for the social aspects would join up with the Unitarians or the Methodists or whatnot.
I wouldn't worry too much about how JWs would react to the demise of the WTS - they'd get over it pretty quickly.
from the official agm report: are you completely sober?.
brother geoffrey jackson made practical application of texts in the christian greek scriptures that use a term that literally means “sober.” he also stressed the importance of continuing to ‘keep our senses completely’ (literally “being sober perfectly”) during these last days.—1 peter 1:13.. .
Isn't the AGM one of the occasions where it's pretty much a nonstop booze-fest at all NY Bethel locations soon as the meetings are over?
I know that's the case with Gilead graduations.
from the november 2019 watchtower study edition.. how many of you would like to know what the brothers and sisters would respond to this question.
also, if you went into a hall how would you like to respond to the question.. 8. how should we respond to lies?.
8 satan, “the father of the lie,” uses those under his control to spread lies about jehovah and about our brothers and sisters.
Sure, absolutely - we should reject "lies" whether they come from "apostates" or anyone else.
But what about the case where "apostates" tell the truth? What should "we" do then?
i saw this mentioned on reddit but no link - i found the article form this weeks bible study..... in the “congregation bible study” part of the meeting this week there was a part that said and i quote: “only jehovah god and his son can receive someone into the heavenly kingdom or the paradise on earth under that kingdom.
we should diligently cultivate friendship with them by using what material riches we have in supporting kingdom interests”.
Every other Christian denomination: You are saved by faith / grace
JWs: You are saved by "cultivating friendship with God by giving us your money".
Actually, that's probably unfair - come to think of it, there are plenty more Christian denominations which tie their adherents' salvation to their generosity.
it's seems that even the revised edition of the book revelation: it's grand climax a hand was wrong again.. in the 2019 agm david splane "clarified our understanding of the prophecy recorded in joel 2".
you mean he done a 180 reversal.. from revelation: it's grand climax a hand page 143, para.
10's or 100's of thousands of kids have been molested by 10's of thousands of JW child abusers, thousands of JWs are dying from lack of blood transfusions, thousands of JW families are broken up by the disfellowshipping practice....
...and the GB spends its time determining what exactly an iron-age goat-herder had in mind when he used the word "locust" in his writings.
i think this is not an unimportant observation.. with the move of the broadcasting channel to the library part of jw.org the broadcasting are away from the general public.
so the obscure gb video's about strange mathers are not out to the open anymore with a simple click to tv.jw.org.
only the rank and file will find them easily.. i think this was the objective of the change.. g..
since now tv.jw.org is offline and merged into a restyled jw.org.. the whole page has changed, and broadcasting is a small part of the jw.org page.. g..
Plus I tried to find the first ever broadcast and can’t find it. Is it no longer available?
It looks like all the old monthly broadcasts are here:
admit it, we all have things that we reel off when people ask what our favourite music is, just the same as if people ask what our favourite movies are.
we're meant to say "citizen kane" and "casablanca" and not "battleship" or "pacific rim" but we know what we're going to watch if they are ever on tv at the same time (and which ones we've never actually seen).. so how about some confession time?
what do you listen to when no one else is in the house?.
Roger Whittaker
Marty Robbins
Pretty much anything that was ever on the US TV show "Hee Haw"
Basically, anything my parents listened to when I was a kid, which made me roll my eyes. Now, 40+ years later, it brings up powerful feelings of nostalgia.
I don't think I particularly "like" it now, per se, but to hear things that you used to hear 20 million times a week 40 years ago, that you haven't heard for 30-40 years, kind of brings back the whole experience of being a kid again, at least for the 3-4 minutes the song lasts. It's a bit of a rush.
so with the news that they are remodeling patterson and expanding warwick, where are the funds going to come from?.
could this be a ruse like the need for thousands of kingdom halls proclaimed a few years back only to be replaced with the we realized the halls were not at capacity and the great sell-off began?.
maybe the hope is going to be that the sheep will give give give and then all of the sudden, after prayerful consideration the gb have determined that the current resources are sufficient to create the needed media and content.. my bet is that in 10 years it will all be consolidated to warwick and walkill and patterson will be sold to who i have no idea, but they own a ton of property in upstate ny..
If we assume that WT has a billion in investable assets, (they have much more in total assets), and we assume
a realistic average return of 5% (they DO invest) that means they get at least $5 million in earned interest
every year
1,000,000,000 X 0.05 = $50 million per year
And if you've got $1 billion, and you're only getting 5%, it's time to look for a new investment manager.