I think it is the amount of money that we donate.
Well, yes, but...
Those who have faded don't contribute.
Step 1: Control control control - keep them in the fold.
Step 2: Once in the fold, guilt them into donate, donate, donate.
i was thinking about this recently.
the society owns all the kingdom halls and with desperate need of money, their closing down and selling off properties.
consolidating congregations seems to be the order of the day.
I think it is the amount of money that we donate.
Well, yes, but...
Those who have faded don't contribute.
Step 1: Control control control - keep them in the fold.
Step 2: Once in the fold, guilt them into donate, donate, donate.
i was thinking about this recently.
the society owns all the kingdom halls and with desperate need of money, their closing down and selling off properties.
consolidating congregations seems to be the order of the day.
The larger the congregation, the easier it is to slip thru the cracks and fade.
Congregations are kept small, and field service groups are kept very small, on purpose. It's all about control, control, control.
Mega-congregations? Would never happen.
i just had this flashback when commenting on another thread about how they used to announce reproof or dfing from the platform.
at least in our congregation, it was a dramatic event (this is what i can remember from back in the mid-late 60's or early 70's when i was a kid).. at the end of the service meeting, just before singing the final song, the brother would announce, "we have a letter that must be read.
the "congregation servant" (my grandfather or later my father) would then slowly walk from the back of the kh to the platform.
Did the "publicly announce the sin of the guilty one" thing last into the 80s? I definitely remember it, but I thought it had stopped some time in the 70s.
i found out just last night that back in 2015 scientists discovered a piece of amber estimated to be over 15 million years old.
inside the amber was a flea, very similar to the size and kind that attack and eat our blood today.
whats even more astonishing is in the mouth they found bacteria that has the same make up as bubonic plague.
Do they ever explain what happened to all the heat produced by collapsing a few hundred million years worth of
radioactive decay into just the last few thousand years? Why wasn't Noah boiled alive bobbing about in his coffin
on a boiling sea?
Excellent questions.
And you know what the JW answer would be to such a question, don't you?
"Where are you getting these ideas? That sounds like apostate reasoning. Are you an apostate?"
If they are especially mild, you might get a "let me do some research and get back to you", and from that point on you will never hear from them again.
As I noted earlier: If you are looking for an intelligent conversation, your better bet is to talk to the gravel.
besides the media center they are going to build in n.y. it's been noted they are also building one and a studio in australia.
there is no way donations can cover these massive projects.
so the money will have to come from the sale of the remaining halls.
I'd rate this idea as "conceivable but highly unlikely".
i'm astonished to read that watchtower leads the list of magazines and awake!
is in competition for ranking.
your thoughts are required in this matter.. http://bit.ly/3axlc3o.
Your thoughts are required in this matter.
Wow, sounds urgent! I'll get right on it.
i just got back from field service.
i haven’t been out in a few months so now we don’t keep any written records and we don’t know which houses are do not calls.
i also noticed i was the only one with a book bag.
@solomon keeping a record of do not calls is allowed still
Not in the EU it isn't.
Unless you've got lots of spare cash and don't mind paying enormous fines.
details and more information on 2020 warwick protest.has your involvement with the jehovah's witnesses caused you harm?
has your life been impaired because of the policies and false teachings of the watchtower organization?.
many people have been "touched by the tentacles of the watchtower" not only baptized jehovah's witnesses but also friends, relatives ,spouses who never were jehovah's witnesses had to put up with their ill-advised foolishness.. for all of those who have been “touched by tentacles of the watchtower” you can now do something that can adversely disrupt this corrupt organization.. here is your chance to stand in front of the world headquarters of jehovah’s witnesses holding a sign bringing to light your grievances with the watchtower.
live streaming programs on the Six Screens Tele-Network.
although the watchtower and awake are companions, but in terms of readers they have strong competition.they are also popular among whole christian community.. check the stats.
They are also popular among whole Christian community.
If by "whole Christian community" you mean "the backs of closets of Jehovah's Witnesses, stacked up in piles of 50s & 100s", then yes, I absolutely agree with you.
this privilege is not biblical.. neither is it supported is any jw teaching or publication.. the catholic church invented it, and its primary use is.... drum roll please.... to grant absolution.. do jehovah’s witness elders, who seek the same invented privilege, also grant absolution?.
if a jw elder hears “a sacred confession” then he must also grant absolution, absolving the sinner of his crimes.... er... sin..
Not to mention, when a JW "penitent" "confesses" to a member of the JW "clergy" about child abuse, the intimate details are shared with
-- All others on the local body of elders
-- the CO
-- An unknown number of members of Bethel's service department
-- An unknown number of members of Bethel' legal department
-- An unknown number of attorneys at any outside law firm the WTS may choose to enlist
-- And last but not least, at least 50% of the wives of all of these "unknown numbers"
I.e., JW "confessions" are potentially known and freely discussed by possibly dozens, possibly many dozens, of persons.