Doesn't George Soros pay their airfare to hop from city to city?
That's what I heard from reliable sources, so it must be true.
i hear every mayor, every politician, claiming that the protesters are coming in from "other states".
at some point, with about 130 cities that had protests over the last weekend, where the hell are people coming from???.
there are only 50 states (57 per obama, but that includes us territories and kenya).
Doesn't George Soros pay their airfare to hop from city to city?
That's what I heard from reliable sources, so it must be true.
i got to thinking about the video last week.
splane has reuben at 27, joseph at teenage.
is this the same joseph that he uses in the generation chart mess with a generation spanning about a jillion years?.
That's the one.
Imagine! A GB member twisting and pulling scriptures to fit the point he's trying to make, even if the same scripture is used to "prove" entirely contradictory points on other occasions. Who'd have thunk it?
Actually, that's nothing. I've seen literally contradictory points made, not just in the same WT article, but in the same paragraph.
scrolling through the news this morning and i couldn’t help to think we are light years from any leaders crying out peace and security.
jws are going to have to wait another decade or two and see how things develop before they get excited about armageddon coming in their lifetime.
Didn't you hear?
"Nations" are going to all work together and find a miraculous cure for COVID-19. They will be so inspired by their united success, they will follow the next logical steps: proclaim "worldwide peace and security" and then "destroy all religions".
Don't roll your eyes at me! This is all Bible-based.
2020 convention of jehovah’s witnesses.
we warmly invite you to watch this year’s three-day convention presented by jehovah’s witnesses.
as a result of the novel coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic, this year’s convention program is being presented online at
No baptisms I guess
In our area, they going to do baptisms in swimming pools of individual JWs. If you're going to get baptized, you schlep over to Brother Wealthy's house and trek to his backyard to get dunked.
today, it will be 90 degrees and humid!
this morning i’ll be playing tennis again.
while most people have been holed up in their houses, i have regularly played the sport outside.
Masks don't work. Period.
Masks work. Period.
Infectious aerosol particles can be released during breathing and speaking by asymptomatic infected individuals. No masking maximizes exposure, whereas universal masking results in the least exposure.
Social distancing alone is not enough:
Increasing evidence for SARS-CoV-2 suggests the 6 ft WHO recommendation is likely not enough
under many indoor conditions where aerosols can remain airborne for hours, accumulate over
time, and follow air flows over distances further than 6 ft
The studies upon which the "6 feet of social distancing" are 80+(!!!) years old:
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations for social distancing of 6 ft and hand
washing to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2 are based on studies of respiratory droplets carried
out in the 1930s.
There's lots more science-based information in the article, but I realize that is completely irrelevant to many posters on this site. But maybe some folks are interested.
the latest watchtower is now out and they make this statement -.
7 during the thousand year rule of christ, all of jehovah’s earthly children will have to make changes to please him.
so all of them will have true fellow feeling as they help the resurrected ones to combat sinful tendencies and to live by jehovah’s standards.
Don't be so sure that they carefully research their articles to make sure everything is consistent.
They have no central direction and no "oracle" any more. Their doctrines are a mishmash of the less wacky of Fred Franz's ideas and various random reinterpretations by Splane & company.
Best bet? Someone in the writing department just used "children of God" because it sounded nice & warm & fuzzy and his proofreader didn't think about "official" WT doctrine about not becoming "children of God until after the 1000 years" because (1) in WT-world, it's not a particularly important point, and (2) as noted above, outside of the core doctrines, it's such a tangled mess who can possibly keep track of it all?
it’s always been 10 hours when door to door was active.
i’m curious of how it’s changed with only letter writing and phone witnessing approved.. i’m curious if they are able to do it for 3 hours like a typical door to door morning.
i would be surprised.
Just out of curiosity where do they get addresses and phone numbers for letter writing and calls?
There are several websites which store the info that used to be in the phone books that dinosaurs like us grew up with.
One is "Whitepages. com". It has a "reverse address lookup", enter the street address and it tells you who lives there. If there is a landline it will give that to you too. Accuracy is questionable, but it's at least a starting point.
There are others which work similarly.
so within a week he changed the end time chain of events.
this time he said false religion will be along side with the govt.
powers when they declare peace and security!
I'm going to go one step further, according to WT books published before 1928, the last days started
in 1799.
Title of next JW book to be released at a convention:
"The Last Days - One of These Centuries We'll Get it Right!"
from a trustfull source: .
87 jw's dead due to corona in the netherlands.. tested victems.
Some back of the envelope calculations....
Average publishers there in 2019 was about 29,000.
As a rough estimate, over a large population, you'd expect about 1% mortality, so 290 per year, or about 25 per month.
COVID-19 has been there roughly 2 months.
Over 2 months, in a normal year, you'd expect about 50 JWs in the country to die from old age, accidents, other disease, etc. And 87 have died from COVID-19 alone.
Some of the JWs who died from COVID-19 in those 2 months may have died in that same time frame from other causes, but certainly not all of them.
So the conclusion seems to be that COVID-19 has likely at least doubled JW mortality over the past 2 months.
It's much easier to just turn off your video. Easily 1/3 to 1/2 of the JWs on a typical zoom meeting never bother to turn it on in the first place.