That is a really good one.
Posts by sir82
Satan is abyssed for 1000 years and when released, immediately asks...
by The Fall Guy in... "has brexit been sorted out yet?
You May Now Embrace the Bride!
by jp1692 injust yesterday, a pimi jw that i've known for years told me that at the end of a wedding they recently attended in pennsylvania, usa, the "brother" that officiated the ceremony concluded by saying to the bride and groom, "you may now embrace the bride.
no kissing.
just a hug.
It's been a while since I've been to a JW wedding, but I've never ever heard of this.
It's not hard to imagine, though, some little podunk town with a something-seriously-stuck-up-their-collective-patooties BOE making up a rule: "no kissing allowed in the Kingdom Hall! Think of the children!"
Jehovah's Witnesses Came to My Neighborhood
by Juan Viejo2 infor nearly two years i have not seen any jehovah's witnesses going door to door in my neighborhood.
that was not the case when my wife and i first moved here (north central oregon).
in fact, our neighborhood was visited at least once every 4 to 5 months - even in the coldest winter months.
Sounds about right.
It's hard to imagine a more colossal waste of time than JWs engaged in their "lifesaving ministry".
How do they get their hours?
The apathy carts are a big thing now. There are a bunch of cities around the world which have "special metropolitan public witnessing programs" - which is just a bunch of carts that are manned by shifts of 3-5 JWs over the course of 10-12 hours per day.
In my city, for example, there are 5 "metropolitan witnessing" locations, manned 7 days a week, 12 hours a day. A shift is 2-4 hours. I.e., there are thousands of "hours" per month to be had just standing mutely at a cart watching people ignore you all day.
There are a ton of pioneers who get, I would estimate, 30-50% of their "time" per month at these apathy carts.
Merger aftermath
by Rattigan350 ina couple of months ago, i reported on my congregation being disolved and merged with another.. on sept 1, cong b merged with cong a using the same hall, thereafter using cong a's meeting times.
also nearby cong c moved into the hall using cong b's meeting times and cong c's kh is being put up for sale.. i've since been to both sunday meetings and both midweek meetings.
at all, the parking lot is totally full, cars have to park around the corner and on the street.
Yeah, that's a good point: They've pretty clearly telegraphed that they expect next-to-nothing growth, if they have rejiggered the congregations such that every meeting is overcrowded.
This sends an unspoken but unmistakable message: why bother with the "lifesaving preaching work" if even the top guys are absolutely certain that nothing will come of it?
Highlights from Book Studies: Other Sheep & Disfellowshipping
by neat blue dog ina couple of highlights from recent "congregation bible studies" (book studies):.
in one chapter of the jesus book, they spin the part that disproves the "earthly hope" into saying the exact opposite of what is obvious:.
“most truly i say to you, i am the door for the sheep.
They must be totally un-self-aware to write these paragraphs,
Oh it's far worse than that.
They are fully aware of the difference between what those verses clearly express, vs. their (the WTS's) explanation.
They are intentionally and cynically misleading their adherents because (1) it benefits themselves and (2) they know they can get away with it.
Imagine if the JW logo were an idol, no wait...
by HiddenPimo ini’m in germany for work and guess what is next to the bowling alley in karlsruhe?
same thing as a cross.... .
I suspect, just based on my personal observations, that the percentage of [JWs who wear a jw.borg pin] and [Catholics who wear a crucifix] are roughly equal.
Is this true:
by crmsicl in
Pro tip:
People would be more likely to fall for your goofy made-up BS if you composed the content using proper grammar & spelling.
We pray for the governing body
by StephaneLaliberte insince when has it become cool to pray for the gb?
i noticed that at the begining of my fade back in 2015, it had already been there for a good while and was already getting on my nerves.
i means, i grew up in it, but can't remember much further than the 90s and i don't remember this being always in the payers.
I've noticed it more recently too.
It's really very creepy.
the martyr syndrome
by eyeuse2badub inwhat is the gravest sin a jw can commit?
i’m not even going to consider the so called “unforgiveable sin” since no one knows what it is anyway!
is it lying, cheating, stealing, pride, envy, being gay?
What is the gravest sin a jw can commit?
For a JW, the unforgivable sin is asserting the belief, by words or actions, that the governing body is not an immediate and direct representative of Almighty God.
Anything else - murder, child abuse, atheism, etc. - can be forgiven. But speaking or acting against the GB? There is no punishment strong enough, in their view.
District convention to be held in assembly hall instead of stadium
by NikL inlast night they announced that this summers district convention will be held at an assembly hall.. this is the first time i've seen this happen.
there are a couple of congregations in the same hall here and they aren't going to the same ones.
they are having multiple dates.. the hall they are going to use can only hold 1500 people max.. just wondering if maybe they just couldnt get anything bigger this year or if the falling numbers are playing a part in this decision.
Saves them money - assembly halls are paid for, no rental fees.
And/or the folks where they typically go for the summer convention stopped "playing nice" regarding rental fees, hotels, etc.
I would not be surprised to see most if not all summer conventions held in assembly halls in the near future.