Your question makes no sense.
Every ancient manuscript of the NT - 100% of them - contains Jesus' name, over and over and over to the 100th power over again.
To remove the name "Jesus" would be at best, gross mistranslation, and more properly characterized as textual vandalism.
In contrast, no ancient manuscript - 0% of them - contains the name "Jehovah". They. Just. Do. Not. Exist.
Inserting "Jehovah" into the manuscripts to replace "Lord" or "God" is quite simply, a mistranslation. There is no documentary evidence to support it.
It is a point worth debating to consider whether some ancient manuscripts contained "Jehovah" in places where direct quotations from the Septuagint were made. There is no direct evidence of it, but it is within the realm of possibility.
But that is of course has nothing to do with the absurdity of the OP. The writer is either incredibly stupid or incredibly deceptive - either way not worth any more time.