7.77 million species of animals
Noah, upon reading this: "I'm gonna need a bigger boat"
the old creation book had a lot to say about the fossil record.
if i remember correctly it was some lie about all the fossils ever found would fit on a single table.
the reality is that there is an embarrassment of riches illustrating the evolution of life.
7.77 million species of animals
Noah, upon reading this: "I'm gonna need a bigger boat"
donations in support of kingdom interests worldwidehttps://docdro.id/mqpxklf petra!
Also, in the USA most charities send out requests for donations at this time of the year.
Obviously, in virtually no sense of the word is Watchtower a "charity", but they are considered as such for tax purposes.
The Watchtower always makes a pitch for donations in November, just before the end of the year, trying to snare donations from the handful of wealthy JWs around who want to increase their charitable giving before the end of the year so as to get a tax break.
Most JWs of course live paycheck to paycheck and certainly don't itemize their deductions, but what few "big time" donors there are, are mostly living in the USA. So every year they send out the reminder "give us money so you can have a slightly smaller tax bill" directed primarily at that elite group.
well that's my family dropped off at the assembly for their mind control charge up.
from what my 2 sisters (non witnesses) in ireland said about my mother (pioneer) after her assembly, was that she seemed to more fanatical and that they couldn't change the subject as obsessed with the end etc.. i hope their mind control coercive talks don't have too much impact on my family.
Assemblies psych people up for a couple of months and then everything gets back to normal.
That's awfully generous.
In my experience, the "spiritual high" lasted less than a week - by the time the next regularly-scheduled Kingdom Hall meeting finished, everything was back to the same ol' drudgery, tedium, and mind-numbing routine.
i used to work with an elder every day for several years.
one thing that helped me out of the cult was his hypocrisy.
our work was in construction and it would often run us late for meetings.
"Hypocritical elder"?
Isn't that like saying "wet water" or "alcoholic whiskey"?
here is a photo and article where the governing body claims that the new world bible translation committee and jehovah's ''spirit-begotten sons'' wrote the finest bible translation available to mankind.
the watchtower—study edition | february 2017.
“who really is the faithful and discreet slave?”.
Well, they are definitely masters at weasel words.
Still, I don't read any hint of them claiming an "error-free" translation.
today i rememberd the evening i presented a talk at the kh school from the proclamers book.
it was about the conflicts of rutherford.
i decided to speak the truth about the ugly tricks of this president.
JW's don't like to read thick books
LOL - this is perfect.
The thicker the JW, the thinner he likes his books.
The God's Kingdom Rules book from 2014 in essence replaced the Proclaimers book as the approved JW modern-day-history book. It completely skipped over the embarrassing parts of the Proclaimers book (and yes, it is thinner).
here is a photo and article where the governing body claims that the new world bible translation committee and jehovah's ''spirit-begotten sons'' wrote the finest bible translation available to mankind.
the watchtower—study edition | february 2017.
“who really is the faithful and discreet slave?”.
Maybe I missed, but where do they claim that the NWT "does not contain any errors"?
"Finest" is not synonymous with "perfect" or "error-free".
w02 12/1 p. 3 giving until it hurts - “organized religion seems to be able to survive only with sizable financial support.
(lol – aren't jw's an “organized religion, and how the hell do they survive - on marshmallows?
)..how is the necessary money to be found?...most likely you agree that giving should be part of christian worship.
those who are incapable of critical thinking
Well, that pretty much sums up...about 99.9% of JWs.
JWs are repeatedly taught that "critical thinking" is worldly, evil, Satanic.
having a conversation with a pimi elder and i asked him how he deals with the fact that he never expected to get old.
i get the feeling that some dubs still have the original generation explanation hard-wired, even though they claim to accept the new version.
so my question is, how old do you have to be to be considered old?
Old is "20 years older than I am now". It's been that way for 50+ years
i get the feelings that stephen lett tries to come across as mr. rogers but there are times it oozes through that he is a lot more dominant and controlling then he lets on.
It's a thin line between "congenial" and "smarmy".
Lett bludgeons the line with a paint roller.