he tells me one of the GB had a talk telling them this is a sign of the last days
To JWs, everything is a sign of the last days - literally everything.
not sure if this was covered as i could not find anything on it but talking to my son he tells me one of the gb had a talk telling them this is a sign of the last days.
have the jw's being pressured into talking to relatives and friends to bring them back into the fold before the end of the system blah blah blah?
the reason why i ask is my son was saying his mother has being on his case the last few weeks and then two days ago i got a telephone message from my sister, that hasn't spoke to me in 4 years, asking how i am doing.
he tells me one of the GB had a talk telling them this is a sign of the last days
To JWs, everything is a sign of the last days - literally everything.
this has been a horrible month.
my best friend’s wife just called to tell me that my friend had to be hospitalized due to severe coronavirus complications.
he has severe pneumonia, is put on a ventilator and is in a coma .
Sorry to hear that....this is one scary disease.
for you poor saps unfortunate enough to have missed yesterday's zoom watchtower study, i thought i'd prepare a little summary for you.. in fact, to keep things really short, i'll just highlight the outstanding verbs from the article.. paragraph 2: do not view.
paragraph 4: think seriously about the warning.....partake unworthily.
paragraph 5: do not feel...does not give....do not feel....would never tell.
For you poor saps unfortunate enough to have missed yesterday's Zoom Watchtower study, I thought I'd prepare a little summary for you.
In fact, to keep things really short, I'll just highlight the outstanding verbs from the article.
Paragraph 2: do not view
Paragraph 4: think seriously about the warning.....partake unworthily
Paragraph 5: do not feel...does not give....do not feel....would never tell
Paragraph 6: do not expect....did not let...is not surprised....not to be quick to believe....not wanting to draw attention....would not tell....would certainly not boast
Paragraph 7: do not feel...do not search out....would not be united....would be working against...
Paragraph 8: would be wrong to admire...does not tell us....none of us would want to....
Paragraph 9: would not ask...should not assume...does not inherit...avoid asking questions...
Paragraph 10: do not treat....might not remain faithful....avoid admiring personalities...
Paragraph 12: do not know....think they are anointed but are not...do not know
Paragraph 13: does not say....
Paragraph 14: did not really follow...should not question....careful not to react
Such an encouraging, positive article!
Evidently the author was paid a bonus for every use of the word "not"...he now has enough money to buy a case Morris of single malt Scotch.
so this elder is super brainwashed, as is his wife.
she actually made a comment that she wished antmo 3 was her dad and that he is so cool.
oh my god, i threw up in my mouth.
I don’t think the instructions were to literally check in every day
In the USA, yes - daily check-ins. Each publisher to his "field service group overseer" (book study conductor in a previous time), FSGOs report to COBEs daily, COBEs report to CO daily, COs report to Bethel daily.
Why, you'd almost think this was a high-control religion!
looks like the app may not be the org's best friend!.
Zoom is the number one recommended video-conference app recommended by the WTS. It's in writing in a half-dozen letters, forms, and announcements.
It's almost - almost - as if anyone with any brain power left the upper echelon of the organization decades ago and the ones left are utterly incapable of analyzing what security issues a particular software app might have.
prudent decision even if the pandemic is over you are going to have people that.
lost jobs can't afford to go.
not allowed any vacation time rest of year.
Officially cancelled.
Convention talks to be delivered via JW Broadcasting, talks given by GB members and "helpers".
This will be a serious blow to the WTS finances. Conventions were far and away the biggest money makers they had. I used to work in & around the accounting department a few years, there were gobs and gobs of cash, mountains of it (this was in the years prior to accepting credit / debit cards).
Yes, you can now donate online, but given the number of older JWs who don't understand out "what's this new-fangled thingy called oof-mail or eef-mail or whatnot?" and who can't figure out how to get Zoom to work, let alone make any sort of online payment, contributions will undoubtedly plummet.
the behavior from the org lately had me a bit confused, as it seemed to fall outside of their norm.
i'm not talking the hardcore armageddon wishers texting each other about peace and security, etc.
* but, the elders contacting people daily, and having extra meetings where they have all their additional rules.
I think the JW religion is ramping up their efforts to get to people because they are afraid that no
physical meetings equals loss of control over their members!
You hit the target more squarely than Errol Flynn splitting the arrow in "The Adventures of Robin Hood".
up till now i have generally received (on average) one or two nuisance calls a day –sometimes more, sometimes none.
although retired, i was out of the house about 20% of the time, but now that i’m home 100% of the time, i haven’t received a single nuisance call since the lockdown.
is this just me, or is covid19 having a sever impact of their incomes?
The mortality rate of Covid-19 on widows of Nigerian princes who need help transferring money out of Lagos is near 100% I hear.
it lasts for 45 minutes, but the first 11 minutes are more than enough to see that something is not quite right regarding the media's information about covid 19. the video has english subtitles.
Total death count is 3,300 against a population of 3.3 billion.
At the risk of repeating myself:
Maybe - maybe - relying on the official statistics of a government that lies with the ease and frequency that you take a breath might not give you a complete & accurate picture of the actual mortality rate.
not only do they want everyone dressed up for the zoom meetings( which i won't do) they decided to keep the zoom meeting at 1pm sunday!
so they don't upset their spiritual routine!
We got an old guy who uses Zoom on his iphone for meetings
He holds the phone on his lap with the camera pointed up.
The main thing you see are these 2 giant nostrils.
If my stomach could handle it, I could zoom in and count his nose hairs.