nvr: For the love of God, hibie, embrace what's real!
But that is what I am doing man!!!!! So you do love God then?
i am interested to know what you know about jesus and what you really think of his teachings.. the bible says there is only one way to heaven.. jesus said: "i am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the father but by me.
" (john 14:6) .
the lord jesus was crucified and shed his precious blood to wipe away our sins (revelation 1:5).
nvr: For the love of God, hibie, embrace what's real!
But that is what I am doing man!!!!! So you do love God then?
i am interested to know what you know about jesus and what you really think of his teachings.. the bible says there is only one way to heaven.. jesus said: "i am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the father but by me.
" (john 14:6) .
the lord jesus was crucified and shed his precious blood to wipe away our sins (revelation 1:5).
eclipse: So are you saying that Jesus is God, or that Jesus is god's son?? because it cannot be BOTH.
Actually the 3 are 1.
God the Father
God the Son
and God the Holy Spirit.
John 1:1 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.
This is the true verse. The Word wasn't a god. Jesus is the Word. After many years of knowing the above scripture I was so shocked to see that ...I didn't know that is what the JW taught.
i am interested to know what you know about jesus and what you really think of his teachings.. the bible says there is only one way to heaven.. jesus said: "i am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the father but by me.
" (john 14:6) .
the lord jesus was crucified and shed his precious blood to wipe away our sins (revelation 1:5).
About the font colours...once I hit red, it doesn't change. There is no option to get back black unless I copy something in black from the reply box and paste it back....no no that doesn't work all the time. The yellow highlight don't ever come off. There isn't a variety of colours to choose from.
ok ...
i live in the tropics so we experience hot and rainy weather.
where i live the sun is very hot at this time that your skin feel as though it's on fire.
i have never experienced snow.
BTW, noah's flood account is afable, shared by thousands of cultures....... all with diffrent characters, and details.Please explain to me why all these different fables, and only the bibles account is the correct one?
Hi sorry. I didn't see that one. Well people like to make up their own fables, and in truth make a historical fact seem like a fairytale. The ancient Bible holds the key to the history of our spiritual being, our virtues, our lives....Jesus. I saw a cartoon about Noah some time ago. The pictures and characters were fine but if you don't know about that true event you would definitely think it is a fairytale. The whole thing was off course. And just like some people do not believe that the Flood of Noah did actually take place... a fable appears to distort God's work. People think they are doing something funny, but they are being disrespectful to our Almighty Creator. Just like in Noah's days making a mockery out of it. Children grow up with these lies. Things that are true and actually happened is like a joke or a myth to them. Things that are not true, in today's world,....well children believe because that is what their parents believe. As far as I can see, people nowadays are just grasping at the wind. There is nothing to hold on to. History is a fairytale. The Flood of Noah is not a fable. hibiscusfire
i am interested to know what you know about jesus and what you really think of his teachings.. the bible says there is only one way to heaven.. jesus said: "i am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the father but by me.
" (john 14:6) .
the lord jesus was crucified and shed his precious blood to wipe away our sins (revelation 1:5).
I just wanted to let you know that I love Mary too. She was a wonderful person. So was Joseph.
Jesus was a good son to them. At the wedding in Cana though, Mary, His mother had to recognise Jesus for who He is. Now His public work begins. "His hour" which is God's Hour indicated that Mary had to release Him for this deeper loyalty to His Heavenly Father. Mary took the full blow of what Jesus had said to her and she had accepted it right away. She was indeed a wonderful woman!!!
She had only wanted to show off her Son to the world because she was very proud of Him. But...in a way, she sort of lost Him. If she had felt hurt in any way, she did not show it. She did not try to influence Him in any way. She trusted Him instead...with her whole heart. Her immediate response was to do at once to the servants and say, "Do whatever He tells you to do."
She had put her own desire aside. That mother's desire ...and right then and there, even though she did not know what Jesus' desire might have been, she accepted it. She had total faith and trust in Jesus. He made everyone happy.
Jesus will bring joy into our lives God's way, not our way. He will not do for us what we want... only what His Father wants.
He will do that. And it will be joy to us ... it will be our happiness that - not our dream, but God's dream for us - comes true. God waits to do for every one of us a new thing ... a thing it has not dawned on us yet to ask for.
i am interested to know what you know about jesus and what you really think of his teachings.. the bible says there is only one way to heaven.. jesus said: "i am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the father but by me.
" (john 14:6) .
the lord jesus was crucified and shed his precious blood to wipe away our sins (revelation 1:5).
journeyon- She showed him respect and allowed him to "speak" up to her, but in the end, he did as she instructed him to. I can just see her giving him the "mother's eye"
That is just not right. Sero how come you are not saying that journeyon is adding to the Bible?
What exactly did Mary instruct Jesus to do journeyon? That is just so wrong. (shakes my head)
From John 2......
3 And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine.
4 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come.
5 His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.
But there is no indication she ordered Jesus to turn the water into wine or made Him do it. She was hoping that He would do some miracle to save the hosts from being embarrassed and He did perform His first miracle. Mary did what she was supposed to do....but how can anyone order God to do something?
At this time, Jesus did not performed any miracles yet. Some people may say that Mary didn’t expect Him to perform one here. She knew who He was. He was a perfect son. She knew He was the Messiah. Maybe Mary had heard about His baptism and the Voice coming out of heaven or, she thought it was time for Him to go public with His identity. Suppose she was just going to him, expecting him to bail her out or give her advice , but she might have even expected something supernatural - a miracle.
Maybe Mary was trying to dictate when Jesus was to start revealing Himself as the Son of God. This doesn’t mean He can’t help her. He was just pointing out that she doesn’t control when He reveals Himself.
i live in the tropics so we experience hot and rainy weather.
where i live the sun is very hot at this time that your skin feel as though it's on fire.
i have never experienced snow.
sero, liberty,
The 3rd Heaven is mentioned in the Bible. This I am sure. I just checked it.
"I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven ."II Cor. 12:2 KJV
Apostle Paul spoke about it in the book of II Corinthians, chapter 12, verse 2. He spoke of a place called the "third heaven".
The structure of all things is defined in Genesis 1.
When we can understand this structure it allows us to figure out exactly where and what Paul was talking about when he mentions the "3rd heaven" in his letter. A person can better understand John's vision in Revelation 4.
Again, when the Lord God divided the waters He created a boundary which presently exists between the 2 lower heavens (which make up the firmament) and the 3rd heaven (where the throne of God is). That boundary is that "s ea " or "water" and, again, that "sea" or "water" is above the two heavens of the firmament. It is also described in places as crystal or smooth glass.
And the likeness of the firmament upon the heads of the living creature was as thecolour of the terrible crystal, stretched forth over their heads above.Ezekiel 1:22 KJV
And the reason why it appears like a smooth, crystal surface is because it is frozen.
The waters are hid as (with) a stone, and the face of the deep is frozen.Job 38:30 KJV
i am interested to know what you know about jesus and what you really think of his teachings.. the bible says there is only one way to heaven.. jesus said: "i am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the father but by me.
" (john 14:6) .
the lord jesus was crucified and shed his precious blood to wipe away our sins (revelation 1:5).
sero: You are adding to what is written. It doesn't say they didn't understand right there and then, but after they calmed down they did. It says 'but they did not understand what he was saying to them'. Full stop. The end. You're adding to God's 'perfect word' to make sense of it.
I lost you there. I am not adding anything to the Bible. But I do want to ask you how are you so certain that they didn't find out or figure out what happened after? The Bible didn't go into all that details. Do you think it is necessary? I don't think it was necessary. So even if I made those comments, I only imagined what happened after...but to make a big deal about it...uh uh. hibiscusfire
i live in the tropics so we experience hot and rainy weather.
where i live the sun is very hot at this time that your skin feel as though it's on fire.
i have never experienced snow.
sero: Now, stars are billions of light years away, they are not in our atmosphere (I hope you can agree with me on that point).
Yes I agree with you on that point. Most definitely. I believe that water canopy could really mean the ozone layer that has changed with time or it could have been just over the ozone layer. We ought to consider water vapour too. The earth was much cooler then than it is today. People complain that the days are getting hotter. We have more hurricanes and more crazy weather now.
In Genesis the Lord God made 3 Heavens. (There are 3 levels)
1.The 1st heaven is the Earth's atmosphere. "And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl [that] may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven." Gen 1:20 KJV
2.The 2nd heaven is the vast expanse of the physical universe - outer space. "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:" Gen 1:14 KJV
These two heavens constitute a continuum called the "firmament" and this firmament is collectively called "Heaven". "And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day."
Gen 1:8 KJV
3. The 3rd Heaven is above this higher "Sea" or waters and this higher sea is before and below the Throne of God. The "third heaven" is not directly mentioned in the Genesis narrative, the established structure of all things is defined in Genesis 1 and, when understood, allows us to comprehend exactly where and what Paul was talking about when he mentions the "third heaven" in his letter. It also gives the reader a better understanding of John's vision in Revelation 4
And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind. Revelation 4:6 KJV
Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that (be) above the heavens. Psalms 148:4 KJV
Therefore, this particular water (sea) above the firmament is above the known physical universe. Since the sun, moon and stars are "in" the firmament this other water (sea) MUST be above them.
What do you think?
i live in the tropics so we experience hot and rainy weather.
where i live the sun is very hot at this time that your skin feel as though it's on fire.
i have never experienced snow.
sero: sero: Perhaps you didn't read all of the post. The Bible says God made the sun, moon and stars BETWEEN the canopy and Earth. This must mean the canopy you speak of is outside our universe... right? The stars are billions of lightyears away, they aren't within our atmosphere!
I am sorry sero I guess this is a difficult topic to discus. I understand where you are coming from. May we break it down like this: