eclipse: No, god was very specific with the dimensions. Therefore, God knew in advance that only a few people would be on it. Why not the rest of Noah's faily at least? His mother, father, his wife's father and mother? Aunts, uncles? just his kids and kids-in-law...You can't answer that, so don't bother trying. God did not make it big enough to hold everyone, because if he thought many would be saved, he would of destroyed the bad people using plague or pestilence instead. No, he used a large flood to wipe out the majority of the population. He knew that he was going to wipe them all out and that Noah's limited preaching would be ineffectual. Therefore he knowingly wiped them out, and did NOT open their hearts and tell them to GO into the ark, which he could of, if he wanted to. He let them die because they did not believe their fellow man.
Eclipse you know what? I am glad God did what He did. He knows best. I am glad they died.
Adam & Eve lived long lives because God took compassion on them. In turn these 2 people had children, and in turn they had children and so forth. In addition to God making the earth's climate and food in a way that the people could live longer, God is the One who provided them with longer life. The food we have today has so much chemicals and so forth in them. Anyway, as the years went by the people became so wicked that God was sorry that He had made man. We don't deserve to live, but because God is so merciful He allows us to live. How do you feel about criminals?
God had a right to get rid of the sin and wickedness in the world....and still does. I don't blame Him....can you? Don't you want justice too for the evil done here on earth? So thus, He sent the Flood. Noah was favoured by God because even among the horrible and wicked people, Noah still tried to do the right things. Noah taught his family to do the right things and most importantly to serve God. God used to talk to Noah back then and one day He told him what He was going to do and what must be done.
So the ark was built. He did promise Noah that his wife and sons, and their wifes may go into the ark and they will live there until the flood was over. God wanted a pair of each kind of living thing to be saved as well. Yes eclipse God did tell Noah exactly how to build the ark...I said it was BIG. It was like a 3 storey house.
So like today people laugh at God's people because they think we are crazy and are freaks even back then it was the same. Mocking and finding one would believe. Noah warned them to repent but they refused to do such. It was a big joke and to everyone else it was like a ganging up against Noah and his family....just like what I am going through here.
The reason why God did not mention Noah's other relatives that you had mentioned above is because they too would have been very wicked. They did not try to please God because they did not love Him. They did not teach their children to love the good and to do the right things. It was a very sad today....Ever saw the bad seed?
When everything was ready...animals entered and food gathered and so forth and so forth God told Noah and to take his family into the ark. Then God shut the door. Yipppeeeee!!!!! The rain began to fall after a few days....people were still outside then laughing their heads off. When the rain didn't stop and the water started to rise, the wicked people had to climb....only then they figured that Noah was telling them the truth.
TOO LATE!!! It rained for 40 days and 40 nights. Eventually when the rain stopped....rainbow appeared. That was God's promise not to ever destroy the entire earth with a flood like that again. Imagine rain falling for 40 days and 40 nights. Hmmmmm. Up to this day God has kept His promise. We have floods yes but nothing like that and the rainbow is what we have as proof. Noah was very grateful. He gave thanks to God for His mercy and God told him to be fruitful and multiply....people were going to live on the earth again.
Unfortunately, the wickedness started all over again...that is why God came in the flesh on earth to save us through His Son Jesus. It is only spiritually we can understand this. Everyone can understand. Jesus is coming again because these are wicked times again.