Posts by hibiscusfire

  • hibiscusfire

    Are you an atheist?

    by hibiscusfire in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    why are we here?

    what is the purpose of life?

    an atheist has many questions but no answers.. .

    1. Terry
    2. glitter
    3. Elsewhere
  • hibiscusfire

    If God exists why doesn't he show himself to man in some way that would remove all question of his existence?

    We can believe in the invisible Creator by seeing the visible things He has created.

    By looking at the watch, we know that the watchmaker exists even though we have not seen him.

    So by looking at the complexity, beauty and orderliness in creation, we can know of the existence of an intelligent Creator even though we have not seen Him

  • hibiscusfire

    Are you an atheist?

    by hibiscusfire in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    why are we here?

    what is the purpose of life?

    an atheist has many questions but no answers.. .

    1. Terry
    2. glitter
    3. Elsewhere
  • hibiscusfire

    Yes Sassy we do have a creator.

    If there is someone who made God, then by necessity, there must also be a "someone" who made that "someone" who made God. The list would go on and on indefinitely.

    But no matter how far back we go, there must still be a Self-Existent One by virtue of the visible creation we can see. The truth is that, God is the Self-Existent One, the Creator of all things and the Savior of mankind.

    All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. - Jn 1:3

    Burning Heart

  • hibiscusfire

    Are you an atheist?

    by hibiscusfire in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    why are we here?

    what is the purpose of life?

    an atheist has many questions but no answers.. .

    1. Terry
    2. glitter
    3. Elsewhere
  • hibiscusfire

    Evolutionists often claim that a monkey pounding on a computer keyboard would probably type meaningful words occasionally if given enough time.

    How many words would the monkey type if no one had designed any alphabet or keyboard or computer and he had to beat on the dirt?

  • hibiscusfire

    Are you an atheist?

    by hibiscusfire in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    why are we here?

    what is the purpose of life?

    an atheist has many questions but no answers.. .

    1. Terry
    2. glitter
    3. Elsewhere
  • hibiscusfire

    God say many things to us but you know because we are man we think we know more than God eh?

    An atheist has no explanation for his existence.

    NO EXPLANATION FOR CREATION: All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. -Jn 1:3

  • hibiscusfire

    Are you an atheist?

    by hibiscusfire in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    why are we here?

    what is the purpose of life?

    an atheist has many questions but no answers.. .

    1. Terry
    2. glitter
    3. Elsewhere
  • hibiscusfire

    Man has invented thousands of gods all throughout history

    Yes man has invented thousands of gods. However the God I am talking about has created us and was there from the beginning and will be there in the end.

    The ALpha and the Omega.

    How is it that man can create gods and yet God cannot create Us?