Hib have you helped convert anyone to Christianity from this board?
GBL What do you care? Besides aren't you the one who said we are probably here for a reason even though you don't believe in God? HF
would you do it all differently if you could?
do you think your absurd experience has added anything to your life?
are we supposed to be ex-jw's?
Hib have you helped convert anyone to Christianity from this board?
GBL What do you care? Besides aren't you the one who said we are probably here for a reason even though you don't believe in God? HF
would you do it all differently if you could?
do you think your absurd experience has added anything to your life?
are we supposed to be ex-jw's?
God judged Sodom for the homosexuality of its people. Jesus can deliver anyone from this sin and make them a new person!
would you do it all differently if you could?
do you think your absurd experience has added anything to your life?
are we supposed to be ex-jw's?
You know what? God could come down here right NOW and tell me he wants to give up homosexuality and I'd tell him to bite me. I chose when I left the witnoids to live my live as to my rules. When leaving the Dubs I didn't even care if they were right. I decided I was going to enjoy my life here and now and let the "afterlife" or lack thereof take care of itself. I HAVE FREE WILL AND WILL EXCERCISE THAT RIGHT HIB....AND YOU ARE BEING UNBIBLICAL BY TRYING TO DENY ME OF THAT GOD GIVEN RIGHT.
Well EF if you don't believe God loves you then that's really awful. Do you care about your life at all?
If you do just remember God is the One who gave you life.
would you do it all differently if you could?
do you think your absurd experience has added anything to your life?
are we supposed to be ex-jw's?
S:Beat those faggots until they turn straight. Right. Hib, i think you are a few centuries behind.
Aye fool did you see I insinuated anything like that?
You are the one saying the "F" word!!!!!
would you do it all differently if you could?
do you think your absurd experience has added anything to your life?
are we supposed to be ex-jw's?
get a grip woman.
TS I have a grip and a suitcase. You get a grip! You didn't have the problem EF went through!!!!
He was hurt don't you get it???
would you do it all differently if you could?
do you think your absurd experience has added anything to your life?
are we supposed to be ex-jw's?
That's pretty harsh...
Sometimes people want to be babied up too much and hear: "Oh that's ok. It's ok."
Just like:"Spare the rod and spoil the child" (note I never said child abuse)
It's like if you don't correct a child when he/she does something wrong growing up that child would think: "Oh ho it's ok to dig my nose and eat it. I will do it still." Honestly I have seen grown ups do that.
That's just an example.
would you do it all differently if you could?
do you think your absurd experience has added anything to your life?
are we supposed to be ex-jw's?
EF: Sorry Hib but your tripe won't fly with me.
I've shared something with you and this board that probably only 2 or 3 people know about in real life. My childhood wasn't very nice Hib. And you say I haven't done enough. LOL. I mock you and your crappy faith.
My childhood and a lot of christian people's childhood wasn't nice either. But we did not give up. e.g. there is this woman who was molested as a child time and time again. She asked God, "Why are you letting this happen to me?" But you know what she continued to have faith and she became saved. Right now is a beautiful singer. And she shared her testimony with us. She has made her own CDs and oh what a beautiful voice she has. She holds on to God. He has comforted her.
I realized somewhere shortly after that Hib that I needed to put my life together. And I have. I love myself now Hib. I love being gay....I wouldn't change it for the world. Where once upon a time it was a curse and made life harder....I'm a firm believer it's made me who I am today. To be able to bear down in the worst of times...to get thru things. That is why my life is a success today. He didn't bother to answer then when I was seeking him....I take that to mean he loves me just the way I am. If not...well shame on him.
Life is challenging EF. You have accepted yourself as being gay and YOU'RE NOT! God did not make you gay. The ugly evil people around you did. Satan did. You let them. You have the power to control your life. You hated it. Hate it still. That is not you! It's not. How can your life be a success? Do you plan to get married and have a family?? HOW? You have the power to say NO! IT'S NOT TOO LATE.
So to tell me I needed to "do more" is laughable. You're advice was as silly as the Dubs. Go to more meetings, go in more service, blah, blah. Guess what he didn't answer. Maybe he was taking a dump on the privvy those years I needed him...who knows.
Whatever Dubs told you, well I don't know. That change is deep within yourself. You already have the answer but you are afraid. I tell you God will help you. He said that He will. Let God do this for you. Don't give up. You cannot be truely happy. You are a child of God not the world.
But I'm fully happy in my spirituality now. Spirituality has nothing to do with this. You are destroying your own soul. God hates homosexuality because He did not create it. That's why He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Is this what you truely want EF. IF YOU SAY YES YOU ARE LYING! Hibie
would you do it all differently if you could?
do you think your absurd experience has added anything to your life?
are we supposed to be ex-jw's?
Hib do you realize how incredibly stupid everything you have to say sounds? WE DON'T BELIEVE THE BIBLE IS ANYTHING BUT MAN MADE BULLSHIT.
GBL Everything else that you read GBL is man made shit so what's your point? Explain how the earth came to be eh? Can you change the past no! God made us and what we did in the past cannot compare. You ever made anything that had breath wiseguy??? Can you create life from your hands can you raise the dead? Can you change the past for a better future with hope??? Jesus did that. He has given us hope for eternal life in happiness. Can you do that eh? Can you????? HF
would you do it all differently if you could?
do you think your absurd experience has added anything to your life?
are we supposed to be ex-jw's?
S:Right, so god makes everything out of nothing; the earth, the universe, the angels, jesus, all made out of nothing. His own material, whatever it may be, he does not use in the creation of his children. What kind of concept is your god? How can you be in his image??
You were insinuating that God is like a female person who can have a child in the way a woman is supposed to so don't twist it around!
would you do it all differently if you could?
do you think your absurd experience has added anything to your life?
are we supposed to be ex-jw's?
As a self-loathing teenager I begged him for answers. I wanted to know why he wasn't making my gayness go away. I was doing everything he asked me to do. I was in a suicidal downward spiral. I didn't get out of bed for days. I would cry myself to sleep. I wasn't masterbating. I was preaching full time. I baptised myself in Jesus name. I couldn't eat. What more did I need to do to show him I wanted to serve him? I prayed 3 or 4 times a day begging him to fix me. And you know what Hib? HE DIDN'T ANSWER MY F***ING PRAYERS !!!
I'm sorry EF but you didn't fully give yourself up to God otherwise you wouldn't be in this mess. No one is perfect but God gives you strength and understanding. The devil has confused your mind too.
Listen if you really are sincere God will help you. You ought to be a living testimony in this world. No one said it would be easy. Your body is a temple. Would you let your gayness take control of you??? You have the power to say NO!!!!