Kid-A: If I choose to celebrate x-mas it will be on my own terms, dec. 25 originally had NOTHING to do with Jesus, and now its nothing more than an excuse to rack up enormous bills on your visa card so everybody
People have come terribly imbalanced. We give many useless gifts at Christmas because it's expected of us and we feel guilty if we don't. The money-making world now makes a $100.00 toy seem perfectly normal. It's easy to observe the stress that our imbalanced society places on family members. Christian parents who cannot provide the latest pleasures to their children are often depressed and troubles. Obviously, no one purposely makes them feel unworthy or insignificant, but the overwhelming emphasis we place on giving at Christmas certainly does.
So great is this social pressure that the closer we get toward Christmas Day, the more depressed and unworthy those who can't treat feel. Unfortunately the pressures don't end once Christmas is past either. Those who can't afford to compete in their gift-giving often dread congregating with their friends immediately after the holidays, because at "show and tell" time they don't have much to show. It is not a conscious act on the part of most people to openly display their pride. Rather, because we are in a competitive society we often determine a person's worth by his ability to buy things. "For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God" (Colossians 3:3).