helllllooooooo I'm back
LOL! You people funneeeyy!!!
i noticed that hibie hasn't posted since the dating thread where it was pointed out that she borrowed some of her material from other websites, blogs, etc.. hibie has quickly become a fixture here with her threads that draw responses like crazy and her unusual preaching style.
i don't think i am alone in wondering just who she really is since she seems to avoid all questions directed to her about who she is, how she came to this website, what she is trying to accomplish.. she has been called everything from mentally ill, to born again, to a troll by those on the board.. hibie, in all seriousness, i'd really like to know who you are and how you got here.
if you are a teenager having fun, that's okay, but some of the stuff on this forum isn't really appropriate for a younger teen.
helllllooooooo I'm back
LOL! You people funneeeyy!!!
i'm sorry but i used to get bullied by this girl when i was going to primary school.. she was big and tall and loud mouth.
today she is like an ox and i still remember her.. she sat next to me in a taxi...she didn't even recognise me because i changed so much.. hibiscusfire
Abdu'l-BahaAbdu'l-Baha Abdu'l-BahaAbdu'l-BahaAbdu'l-BahaAbdu'l-Baha
if you are celebrating christmas do not x christ out of it.. if you are celebrating christmas do you know why???.
If folks were as desirous to have their children believe in Jesus Christ as much as they put their efforts and approval in having their children believe in Santa, we could have a Biblical revival in our country - even in the schools and commercial markets.
Jesus Christ is real and Santa is not, but children can not differentiate that fact, and even worse, they are not even allowed the opportunity to hear the truth regarding Jesus Christ.
if you are celebrating christmas do not x christ out of it.. if you are celebrating christmas do you know why???.
Christmas is the real thing. You are being selfish.
if you are celebrating christmas do not x christ out of it.. if you are celebrating christmas do you know why???.
I don't celebrate Christmas... why? Cause I don't see the point in celebrating the birth of a 2000 year old carpenter.
I celebrate xmas because I enjoy giving gifts to my family and friends.
So yes, I will continue to "X" christ out of it That is being boldfaced and ungrateful. Hibie
When I see an “X” replacing the Christ in Christmas it is upsetting. I feel that it is taking the meaning out of Christmas. It is like saying that what happened on that day wasn’t important. Jesus the Savior is born and that is what it really is about. It is not about presents, Santa, and Christmas trees, although that stuff is fun.
They also do the same thing with Thanksgiving. They call it Turkey Day. Well, it isn’t all about turkeys, it’s about telling what you’re thankful for and actually being thankful. So let’s put the meaning back in Christmas and not be lazy by calling it Xmas!
if you are celebrating christmas do not x christ out of it.. if you are celebrating christmas do you know why???.
Replacing “X” for Christ in Christmas is a bad idea. I think as soon as this happens, you lose sight of what Christmas is supposed to be about: Christ’s birthday. By placing that “X” in there, you make the meaning gone — poof! Switching a word with a letter makes Christ no longer an important person. No more special feeling as a person writes Christmas. It just becomes meaningless. But more importantly, it becomes heartless.
I don’t think Christ likes to be taken out of his own birthday name. That’d be like a person replacing your name with “Y”. So, instead of hearing “Happy Birthday, Erica,” I would hear “Happy Birthday, Y.” I don’t like that and I’m sure that no one else would either.
Christ has feelings just like we do, so if we don’t like it, why would he? His name is Christ - not “X.” And since Christmas is his day (just like our birthday for us), we should respect that and not place “X” in place of Christ.
if you are celebrating christmas do not x christ out of it.. if you are celebrating christmas do you know why???.
sonny Where does it say in the Bible that we're supposed to celebrate his birth?
We supposed to celebrate Jesus everyday of our lives. At Christmas, it just gives that extra mile...people actually think about the poor man on that day.....after that what happens to him?
if you are celebrating christmas do not x christ out of it.. if you are celebrating christmas do you know why???.
AK Why do you take it personally that most do not see it as you do
You would take it personally too if people who you think are close to you do not recognise the importance of your name.
Don't take this personally...i don't know if you are male or female but if your better half was making love to you and called you by a different name wouldn't you be offended?
if you are celebrating christmas do not x christ out of it.. if you are celebrating christmas do you know why???.
Regardless of who said it Constantine, Elmo, Bigbird.....
Christmas still portrays the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and the importance of His name plays an essential role in this occasion, Christmas is all about Jesus Christ.
if you are celebrating christmas do not x christ out of it.. if you are celebrating christmas do you know why???.
Christmas is one of the most enjoyed holidays of the year. To me, as well as other Christians around the world, this season continually reminds us of the day Christ was born. He gave up everything in Heaven to be born as flesh and experience what we as humans go through every day.
This is a day we give to our loved ones and to those in need. This started when something great was given to us; a baby who would grow up to be a man pure and sinless.
Christmas is very important and when I see the “X” replacing Christ in the word Christmas, I get very upset and feel for those who are blinded by lies. Without Christ there would have never been a Christmas. Without Christ, He would never have died for our sins 33 years later and we would all be condemned to Hell to suffer for eternity. We would have never known what it felt like to know our Savior who gave everything so that we could have everything.
Don’t “X” it! Instead, proclaim it: Merry CHRISTmas!