Posts by skin
At 8:29 bottom left of the screen you see a producer giving a count down for what normally would be used for a live broadcast. I somehow doubt this was broadcast live so why not just edit that part out?,.. -
2016 CA videos
by wifibandit indownload links (get 'em while they're hot!).
imitate jehovah-- morning.
imitate jehovah -- afternoon.
Thanks bandit. I feel like writing down word for word one of those talks and reading that talk word for word at my next part on the school. I'll be up the top of the spiritual ladder in no time with these words... -
The FINAL DAYS are here !!!
by Calebs Airplane inaccording to this jw video... now is the time to preach without fear!
now that the final days are here!.
the final days were not here previously (as they kept insisting for over 140 years)... but now they are!.
The final days have been here for 101 years now. Maybe something may come of it, in a way, perhaps.
If you go back 101 years, you will find that the WT were teaching that the last days started in 1799. So all up, according to WT, we have been in the last days for 216 years.
1984 New World Translation-Large Print-With References-PDF!
by Atlantis inthis bible appears on the watchtower website but not for download.
well, atlantis has taken care of that problem.
(large brown bible, 1,602 pages, with references).
That link works for me, started downloading, but then I saw the size of the file to download. So I stopped it. To big. Thanks anyway. -
New Avatar
by mrquik inmy name is ted ginther.
for those in the upstate western ny area, you might remember me.
i was in the religion for 50 years.
I would like to have found an honorable and dignified way out 8 years, but still stuck, unable to leave. I often wonder how many others do I know that have are are also awake and trapped. There are some in my congregation that just never answer up, miss meetings etc, that I wonder "Do you know the TTATT?". But for fear out being outted myself, I could never ask them or rise that subject. Should any religion make people fear them in this way? I guess they need to, otherwise people would be leaving in droves if they had a free exit pass.. -
Building layoffs & JW calendar 2016 theme
by Gorbatchov inthe theme of the jw calendar 2016 is building, building, building.
all the calendar pictures are about building wts property with cheap labor witnesses.. and then, just before the year approaches the building has halted.. it seems a short term decision.
a strange correlation again.. gorby.
Does the average JW know anything about these building cutbacks? Could get embarrassing if I get asked how do I know about it, if we haven't been officially told yet. -
Comment during the WT
by OneFingerSalute inso ofs got to comment again this morning and thought the comment might bring a smile to someone.the second half question on par.
15 was, "we cannot actually see jesus, sohow can we look intently at him?".
ofs commented, "of course, we cannot literally see jesus as peter did.
I don't even have the nerves to answer up a normal WT answer let alone a slightly off the track answer like that, well done. BTW keep up those answers and you may qualify for a privilege... -
Blondie's Highlights from 11-15-2015 WT (FAITH)
by blondie inblondies highlights from the 11-15-2015 wt study (september 15, 2015)(faith).
excellent general website: .
wt publications (old).
Yeah I can't understand how many more people aren't questioning;
Questioning means that you are doubting, doubting comes from Satan. You need to keep a clear mind or else you could lose your faith. Having faith in WT and never doubting their words are more important than Gods word.
Blondie's Highlights from 11-15-2015 WT (FAITH)
by blondie inblondies highlights from the 11-15-2015 wt study (september 15, 2015)(faith).
excellent general website: .
wt publications (old).
Doubt...don't doubt us. We are in the last days. Almost 140 years of being told that the end of this system is almost here, if you start to doubt this, you are losing your faith. Doubting is evil. How many times most we believe the boy (WT) who crys wolf (the end is near) and never be aloud to doubt the boys crys of wolf no matter how many times the wolf doesn't appear.
3 words to describe.....
by punkofnice in..your experience with the watchtower corporation:.
i'll start...... bully boy elders.
Do Not Question
Fear of Facts