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The end of this system is so very near.....NOT
by RULES & REGULATIONS inworld headquarters of jehovah's witnesses - warwick, new york.
“yes, the end of this system is so very near!
is that no reason to increase our activity?… reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system in the pioneer service.
can you still record the talks at assemblies?
by greenhornet inyears ago my parents would record these talks and play them back all the time.
when they both died, we cleaned out the house and found 50 plus cassette tapes of recorded talks and they were labeled the year and the speaker at the time.
that was in the year 2000. we just gave them to there jw friends because i did not want to keep them for recording of music.
Any recordings of this program should be for
your personal use or for the benefit of those unable to attend a convention this year.
Recordings should not be made available for general circulation or distribution.Recordings should not be made available for general circulation or distribution. Why not? I was always told that Jehovah has asked only us to proclaim this very important life saving message, why aren't recordings of conventions also to be used to proclaim Bible truth?
Leading up to each convention, we go out inviting
witnessingeveryone in our community to attend these conventions. So its OK to attend and listen but not OK to listen to a recording of it? -
Great music video from Apostate chick
by ToesUp in
maybe she can help out watchtower with their monthly videos.. great job.
So true...Brilliant.
I'm starting a Counter-Watchtower magazine
by Counter-Watchtower inim starting a counter-watchtower magazine for everyone to give to their jw friends and family or just to give to those that come to your door.
the first issue is about the history of pyramidology of c.t.
russel and under the start of rutherford along with some other things like pointing out the fact that no one knows the translators of the nwt or writers of the watchtower, "the two very things relied on to teach you".. its writen in such a way to be very repectful but to make the reader think, and hopefully the light come on.
This reminds me of the magazines called Witchtower.
October 1, 1914 -- October 1, 2017
by Alfred in“october 1, 1914, on taking his place at the breakfast table in the brooklyn bethel dining-room, he in a strong voice denoting conviction announced: “the gentile times have ended!” “ – watchtower july 15, 1950 page 216 paragraph 1. .
"The Kings have had their day". For those that are fully in the org, this statement is a clear sign that Russell knew what he was talking about. But for everyone else, It is, what is he talking about? Who are these Kings that had their day in 1914? Got to remember too, that at this time, Russell was still fully convinced that the destruction of all ungodly men was going to take place before the end of 1914.
Two coins of little value? Ok! Sure (!)
by purrpurr inlast thursday meeting was the verbal begging bowl item.
in which having told the audience that wt doesn't ask for money... proceeded to then ask for money.. among the usual scriptures cited "honor god with your valuable things" etc was also the widows mite story "she dropped in two coins of little value..".
and it occurred to me, two coins of little value in the uk would be two one penny coins!
They already do have a form of mandatory tithing, each month the congregations are expected to send $xxx to the branch to cover a form of rent for the hall in which they already own. 18 months ago now our congregation got a rather rude letter from the branch because as a congregation, for 2 consecutive months, we failed to meet that $xxx amount that had been pledged to them. We had to make up this shortfall by giving them a donating from the congregation local account which is only there to cover the basic running costs.
Baptism statistics from CO
by neat blue dog injust went to the assembly yesterday and during the final talk the circuit overseer said:.
'sure, there are some adults baptised here and there, but do you want to know something wonderful?
the vast majority of those getting baptized are teens and preteens!
Same has Steve2 above, I went to the Christchurch New Zealand convention, 3000 in attendance about 15 baptized, 20 plus years ago the baptism numbers at this convention were always 60+.
When the attendance announcement of 2960 was made on the first day, there was an obvious pause before the traditional clapping started, I believe most people were shocked to hear a sub 3000 attendant figure, all these years we keep getting told that Jehovahs organization is on the increase, but our conventions just keep decreasing in attendance.
Is this a World Wide Pattern?
by Slidin Fast inhundreds baptized at jehovah's witness convention.
at first sight this afican rc looks as though it's acheiving the quantity of baptisms of another era.
348 is a substantilal number and impressive until you see the sunday attendance 28,300. so a baptism rate of 1.2%, in africa.
20 years ago at our conventions there were 3500 + in attendance with more than 60 getting baptized. The last convention attendance had dropped to under 3000 and only 13 baptized. No change in territory boundaries.
JW Stumper Questions - List You Best Here
by pale.emperor inhi guys.
sooner or later we're going to get a jw knocking on our door.
just like when we were jw's doing the knocking, it's good to have a question prepared to get them thinking about their own beliefs.
History lesson:
Can you please tell me, in about what year did the organization first start proclaiming that the year 1914 was the start of the last days?
or a more leading question could be.
Leading up to 1914, how many years before 1914 had Charles Russell and the International Bible Students been teaching that the heavenly kingdom was going to be established in 1914?
Be loyal when a relative is disfellowshipped
by UnshackleTheChains inwell.....they showed that shunning video again.
you know...the one where goldilocks gets disfellowshipped- and the parents look across the hall at her with disdain.....yeah that video.. i was interested to see what kind of answers would be given during the discussion after the video and some of the reactions.
everyone sat there gormlessly staring at the video.
With all this shunning taking place toward her. At one point Sonia says something like "I almost blamed my parents or God for my situation".
Why would she not include blaming the GB for her situation? That's right, the GB wrote this video, and they can't have them suggesting that they themselves are the cause. But writing into the script that God could be blamed? even suggesting that God could be to blamed is pretty rude.