When we were given FS territory, the brother would first go over the not to calls, and then announce that bro & sis abc lived on that street. most times we would all end up going to there place for a drink and biscuit, that time was recorded as FS time.
Posts by skin
Counting time calling on inactive ones?
by stillin inhad a couple of witnesses stop by yesterday to say the usual "we miss you, missed you at the meeting, just checking in on you, etc.
" i've always liked this guy so we spoke for a few minutes.
my wife said that they could count their time since i am inactive.
What Makes Someone Become a JW?
by minimus inmy excuse is that i was born in the religion.
but if someone wasn’t, why would they become one?.
And one shouldn't undermine the fear mongering aspect the WTS sells through its literature, such as Armageddon Soon, Jesus has returned to establish his new kingdom.Matt 24: 23“Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look! Here is the Christ,’+ or, ‘There!’ do not believe it"
Luke 21: 8 "He said: “Look out that you are not misled,+ for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The due time is near.’ Do not go after them" -
2017-11-23 Booking Hotels via the ibsaconvention.org Website
by wifibandit incob:coa november 23, 2017 to all congregations re: booking hotels via the ibsaconvention.org website.
As in previous years, a team of brothers has worked very hard to negotiate competitive rates with hotels local to our convention venues.
It was still way cheaper for us to book direct with the motel last year than to book via the approved website. The place we stayed at, 7 of the 10 units were booked by WT, we booked 1 of the 3 units that wasn't put aside for the approved website. Most likely all 10 units had JW's staying in so that means 2 others also booked outside this direction from the slave.
Another worry is that the given password is your congregation number, once you log on they know where you are, then you need to book using your name. With this information they could go through the list and find out who is not following direction.
What Makes Someone Become a JW?
by minimus inmy excuse is that i was born in the religion.
but if someone wasn’t, why would they become one?.
Speaking from my non born in situation (I joined in 1990 when I was in my early 20s). It was the influence of those older than me that had been or were JW's that I knew at the time. They said things like "The fear that the world was truly in the deep deep time of the end with only a few more years left at best". "Jehovah's Witness's have not been proven wrong" etc. So it was wanting to learn more about how to survive this warning about the end coming soon, the surviving on into the paradise to live forever that got me hooked. I didn't start to wake up to TTATT (what I had got myself into) until the mid 2000's, by then it was to late. We all know there is no way anyone can leave in an honorable and dignified way, the gossip that active witness's say about their former friends that have left, gossip that is mostly untrue made up stories ,but active witness's say things like this so that it gives them a positive sense that they are better that those who leave. Its a sad fact that a religion can manipulate the mind of a follower to continuously believe teachings that put jw.org in a positive first place in there life's.
A WTF Moment While In the WTS
by Searching inhas anyone else had a moment, while still within the organization (and before learning ttatt) that caused them to stop and go, "this is kind of messed up.".
for instance, back i believe in the early 2000's, i was attending a dc with my family.
it was announced at the beginning of the convention that there was going to be a special announcement at the end, so for everyone to please try to remain until the very end of the meeting.
Here in NZ, the price of fuel was included among the first reasons (read out from a letter at the KH) for the home book study to finish. They then spent the next 6 + months reading more letters out at the KH telling us that the price of fuel had nothing to do with book study ending.
The end of this system is so very near.....NOT
by RULES & REGULATIONS inworld headquarters of jehovah's witnesses - warwick, new york.
“yes, the end of this system is so very near!
is that no reason to increase our activity?… reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system in the pioneer service.
What about all that time wasted playing tennis and basket ball? shouldn't that time should be spent promoting WT interests.
The end of this system is so very near.....NOT
by RULES & REGULATIONS inworld headquarters of jehovah's witnesses - warwick, new york.
“yes, the end of this system is so very near!
is that no reason to increase our activity?… reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system in the pioneer service.
can you still record the talks at assemblies?
by greenhornet inyears ago my parents would record these talks and play them back all the time.
when they both died, we cleaned out the house and found 50 plus cassette tapes of recorded talks and they were labeled the year and the speaker at the time.
that was in the year 2000. we just gave them to there jw friends because i did not want to keep them for recording of music.
Any recordings of this program should be for
your personal use or for the benefit of those unable to attend a convention this year.
Recordings should not be made available for general circulation or distribution.Recordings should not be made available for general circulation or distribution. Why not? I was always told that Jehovah has asked only us to proclaim this very important life saving message, why aren't recordings of conventions also to be used to proclaim Bible truth?
Leading up to each convention, we go out inviting
witnessingeveryone in our community to attend these conventions. So its OK to attend and listen but not OK to listen to a recording of it? -
Great music video from Apostate chick
by ToesUp inhttps://youtu.be/cafygzb1geo.
maybe she can help out watchtower with their monthly videos.. great job.
So true...Brilliant.
I'm starting a Counter-Watchtower magazine
by Counter-Watchtower inim starting a counter-watchtower magazine for everyone to give to their jw friends and family or just to give to those that come to your door.
the first issue is about the history of pyramidology of c.t.
russel and under the start of rutherford along with some other things like pointing out the fact that no one knows the translators of the nwt or writers of the watchtower, "the two very things relied on to teach you".. its writen in such a way to be very repectful but to make the reader think, and hopefully the light come on.
This reminds me of the magazines called Witchtower.