By default, anything that is negative regarding Jehovahs organization is obviously lies from Satan, end of story. Last thing they want JWs to know is that those branded apostates could be proclaiming the facts, the very facts that WT don't what their followers learning about.
Posts by skin
"Gem from the November 2019 WT. Reject apostate material because JWs trust in "their brothers."
by Daniel1555 indear friends.
i didn't post for a while, but i still enjoy the great jwn community.. just wanted to share a "gem" from the november 2019 study watchtower.. paragraph 8 from the article "are you maintaining your large shield of faith?".
satan, “the father of the lie,” uses those under his control to spread lies about jehovah and about our brothers and sisters.
Were is Tony Morris?
by asp59 inanyone seen tony morris giving talks in assembly or broadcast lately?
he seems to be in hiding or vanishe.
He was used on a recent mid week meeting video, talking about forgiveness. Made me wonder if it wasn't his answer to his recent bottle store visit.
Does anyone think that Dubbers buy up old publications to destroy?
by rockemsockem ini see that there is a lot of people bidding on and buying the more controversial publications.
it could be all due to people who have left the cult and want to read it as published the crazy things or prove it to a family member.
but i wonder if anyone has ever heard of individuals buying up to remove something from the public.
I used to have an extensive personal library, in fact, right up till the mid 2000's, most JWs I knew gloated about their personal JW library. Not anymore, I've kept some of the older good ones, sold the rest (and was told I had to donate that $ back to WT, unlikely, you don't get paid twice for the same product). Had to hide the ones I've kept from "know it all" JWs. They say "Those publications are out of date so you should destroy them", oh but we love our rich spiritual heritage they will tell you in their next sentence.
Get you surplus Disaster Relief Supplies Here WTF?!?
by HiddenPimo inmake money on stuff already purchased with donations and insurance refunds....
Wait. Who's selling this stuff? It doesn't say, does it?
The contact email at the bottom of that flyer.
Get you surplus Disaster Relief Supplies Here WTF?!?
by HiddenPimo inmake money on stuff already purchased with donations and insurance refunds....
They are auctioning some big equipment there, right down to salt & pepper shakers.
Don't worry, there will be a local needs part after the next hurricane, asking for donations for the next relief work.
So Cricket Boring?
by Slidin Fast inif anyone watched or better attended the cricket world cup final and thinks that cricket is boring they should watch a re-run.
what a game, what a spectacle!
This world cup final had it all. Well done to both teams, as a NZer I'm gutted that the result came down to the team that hit more boundaries.
OCT 2019 Watchtower - Survival dependant on loyalty to JW Leaders
by Listener inthere is so much wrong with the newly released october, 2019 but that's not unusual.
what stands out is there statement claiming that survival through armageddon depends on loyalty to those 'taking the lead'.
since they claim there will be a point during the gt that they (the gb) won't be physically around, jws must still be loyal to jw leaders.. whats interesting in this article is that they make it clear that they, the governing body are going to take part, from heaven, in the war of armageddon.
now living in the last of the 'last days'
That saying was big back in the 1980's - 1990's. Haven't heard that over the last 20 years since it didn't come true back then. Oh, well, here we go again, lets use fear again by recycling this old phase to the new generation of followers who havn't heard it before. We are so close to the end this time.
Question- do JWs use the term overlapping generations
by Xanthippe in... or is that one of our memes?
Only as a talking point after it is bought up at the meetings.
Subliminal Messaging
by truthlover123 infor over 20 years subliminal pictures showed up in most books, wt, and awakes- eighties, nineties and into 2000's.... demons, gods, you name it-- .
question: is anyone seeing anything like this in todays publications?
days of future passed 12 hours ago
Skin - The resolution is too bad to try to do anything to this picture. Is the original on JW org?
I couldn't find it on, not to say its not there, can you access the CLAM from Its a very small image that is in the June 2019 CLAM. This image was very clear when displayed on the KH big screen during the meeting last week.
Subliminal Messaging
by truthlover123 infor over 20 years subliminal pictures showed up in most books, wt, and awakes- eighties, nineties and into 2000's.... demons, gods, you name it-- .
question: is anyone seeing anything like this in todays publications?
Finkelstein 2 days ago
Put a Link up Skin so we can evaluate it.Here is the image that appears in this months (June 2019) CLAM, what looks to be some kind of skeleton hand with fingers over the left shoulder of the girl with the orange head band. Or am I missing the obvious?