Currently both at the book study, and a number of recent Watchtowers are now teaching JWs the modern day rewritten version of their history. Can't have these older books getting in the way of facts.
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Finished Mystery (1917)... The book that Jesus approved...
by Alfred inso a few months ago, a friend sent me an actual copy of finished mystery which was published in 1917 (not a pdf download... the actual book).
i must say, this was the most disturbing book i have ever had the displeasure of reading.
but i only read it because this was the main publication that was being distributed worldwide when jesus supposedly chose the watchtower in 1918 and i basically wanted to see for myself what jesus saw in the wt that would compel him to choose this religious corporation over all other religious denominations.. anyway, if anyone is interested in knowing the actual contents of this book, here are some bullet points i put together from some of the notes i took as i read the book:.
What part of the world are you in? What day did you mean? I see blonde has quoted 2nd Feb? Maybe you meant 3rd feb?
1914 to be abandoned around 2016
by Alfred inthe other day i was doing some research about "1914" for a friend on my wt cd library (spanish) and i found it quite interesting that the number of times "1914" is mentioned in the watchtower magazine during the previous 3 decades has been dropping exponentially as follows.... 1980-1989: mentioned 854 times.
1990-1999: mentioned 492 times.
2000-2009: mentioned 222 times.
At some stage in the future they will drop 1914, they can't keep it alive forever. And when this happens, it will simply be new light and mean nothing to the average JW, except that its a sign that we are even closer to the end.
What finally helped you to peek behind the curtain
by UnshackleTheChains ini'm interested in finding out what it was that finally enabled you to open your eyes to the real truth of watchtower.
what started me thinking, was the societys very own book...' ''s grand climax at hand'.
i found that book farcicle.
For me it was reading the 1927 edition of the "Creation" book by the IBSA, where it tells us that clearly the Bible shows that the last days started in 1799, the Kingdom was est in 1874 and Christ was given rulership of that Kingdom in 1878. Also the "Study of the Scriptures" 1910 edition contained these same dates. How could that be since today we are told by WT that all these events took place in 1914 and that WT had been saying 1914 for almost 40 years before 1914. This was back in 2002 where I raised this issue with another JW who basically accused me of reading apostate books, that floored me and left me speechless on the spot. How could WT lie so brazenly about their past? That starting the cracking of the WT protective shell for me, made me wonder, what if these wicked apostates were also saying this very thing. Finally, with my heart almost pounding out of my chest, looking all around making sure no body was watching, I went to the (what was then) wicked internet for an answer. Sure enough, apostates were telling the truth on this subject, how could that be since according to WT, apostates are the ones that make up lies? Then the flood gates opened on WT.
April 2017 Study Watchtower encourages you to defy The Society !
by BluesBrother inat least, that is how i see it... the article "the judge of all the earth always does what is right".
paragraph 6 & 7 .
6 consider the experience of willi diehl.
Another thing too, I wonder if there is a bit more to this story than they published. Has anyone heard of anyone else losing privileges because of getting married?
What I miss about going out in service.
by compound complex inwell, very little, to be honest.
the structure and commitment of the ministry provided discipline necessary to my life.
therefore, i did it, as required, and felt some sense of fulfillment at the bible study stage.. i do like talking to people.
Getting good ideas from other peoples property, so I can then do the same with mine.
Oh, yeah, also the good feeling you got when field service was over, that I was told is Jehovah's spirit working.
Pseudo history in Watchtower today 😂
by Gorbatchov ingorby went to the kh for family reasons today.. and landed right away middle in a pseudo history watchtower article.
just that aspect of the jw belief he is so sensative about.. so 1918 and 1919 are changed with one mark of a pencil.
the argument of change was in the past the argument of the doctrine.
I've just reread the questions that they ask in para 15.
Who would ever think to ask these questions?
Pseudo history in Watchtower today 😂
by Gorbatchov ingorby went to the kh for family reasons today.. and landed right away middle in a pseudo history watchtower article.
just that aspect of the jw belief he is so sensative about.. so 1918 and 1919 are changed with one mark of a pencil.
the argument of change was in the past the argument of the doctrine.
steve2 5 hours ago
One point I am not clear about: Did the Watchtower provide a "rationale" for the changed view of what happened 1918-1919?Yes, it is because they are looking for a modern day parallel to Exodus 2:23-25. and the 1918 - 1919 date didn't fit in with para 15:
15 Thus far we have seen that true Christians came into Babylonian captivity soon after the death of the last of the apostles. However, a number of questions arise: What additional evidence is there that in the decades leading up to 1914, the anointed were actually breaking free from Babylon the Great, no longer being enslaved by her? Is it true that Jehovah was displeased with his servants because they had slowed down in their preaching activity during World War I? And did some of our brothers during that period compromise their Christian neutrality and thereby incur Jehovah’s displeasure? Finally, if Christians went into bondage to false religion from the second century C.E. onward, when did they get freed? Excellent questions these. They will be answered in the next article.
One question I have. Is there any biblical reason to believe that the events that were recorded in the Bible long ago, are to have another or 2nd fulfillment in our modern day?
Pseudo history in Watchtower today 😂
by Gorbatchov ingorby went to the kh for family reasons today.. and landed right away middle in a pseudo history watchtower article.
just that aspect of the jw belief he is so sensative about.. so 1918 and 1919 are changed with one mark of a pencil.
the argument of change was in the past the argument of the doctrine.
WT Studied 22nd Jan 2017.
6 ...For many years, this journal suggested that God’s modern-day servants entered into Babylonian captivity in 1918 and that they were released from Babylon in 1919. However, for the reasons that we shall outline in this article and in the one following, a reexamination of the subject was necessary.
7 Consider: Babylon the Great is the world empire of false religion. Thus, in order to be subject to Babylonian captivity in 1918, God’s people would have had to become enslaved to false religion in some way at that time. The facts show, however, that in the decades leading up to World War I, God’s anointed servants were actually breaking free from Babylon the Great, not becoming enslaved to it. While it is true that the anointed were persecuted during the first world war, the tribulation they experienced was caused mainly by the secular authorities, not by Babylon the Great. So it does not really seem that Jehovah’s people entered into captivity to Babylon the Great in 1918.
Should WT now apologize to Babylon the Great for incorrectly saying that it was them, that were behind putting Rutherford and associates in jail back in 1918?
Here is another questionable thing to say:
14 .... At one point, he met with a number of local clergymen in hopes that these men would accept the truths that Russell and his associates had discovered from the Bible and teach them to members of their congregations. The clergymen were not interested.
I wonder why the clergy were not interested? If someone came up to me and tried to tell me that the world would end in 1914 and used pyramidology to prove it, I too would not be interested.
Pseudo history in Watchtower today 😂
by Gorbatchov ingorby went to the kh for family reasons today.. and landed right away middle in a pseudo history watchtower article.
just that aspect of the jw belief he is so sensative about.. so 1918 and 1919 are changed with one mark of a pencil.
the argument of change was in the past the argument of the doctrine.
Its a case of having to rewrite their own history to make this current teaching match. Before now they blamed church leaders, now its the State. How could they (the journal) possibly get this historic event so wrong for the last 100 years?