Being politically neutral? All the letters that WT leaders asked their followers to write to Russia, is a form of trying to manipulate the out come of that political event.
Posts by skin
Jehovah's Witnesses get support from .... the Catholic Church?
by EdenOne inin this article on newsweek:.
catholics are concerned about their religion being discriminated as well in russia.
what is the rarest JW book?
by dogon inwhat is the rarest jb book ever printed?
i just bought a copy of the finished mystery and it can be a bit rare.
but i bet there are others much more rare.
Before the WT leaders asked for all the old WT books to be removed from the KH libraries, our KH had a very good stock of rare and early IBSA books, now these are all gone. Sad that they don't value our rich spiritual heritage.
"Russian Supreme Court Renders Unjust Decision!" on JW Broadcasting
by The freewheeling in(this is an attempt to translate something i wrote on my swedish website: sanningen om sanningen.
i do not hope it is all too bad translation, based on google translate)___________________.
the governing body has put out a video on jw broadcasting regarding there view on the events in russia.
Well reported. I too have only listened to that video and was shocked by the amount of WT promotional propaganda that report contained. Whatever happened or is going to happen in Russia is made to look positive in these broadcasts. Made to look like its Jehovahs will. And why are they appealing against this out come, obviously Jehovah has allowed this result, would not appealing against this decision be a form of actively going against what Jehovah has allowed to take place?
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 4-23-2017 WT Study (LEAD)
by blondie inblondie’s comments you will not hear at the april 23, 2017 wt study (february 2017) (leads).
excellent general website: .
bible translations .
Thank you Blonde.
New "paradise" video preview? "Will you be there?"
by stuckinarut2 inmy wife (unstuck) just saw a new 2-3 min video in her ex jw facebook feed, depicting a "paradise" scene preview.. it was complete with aerial shots and slow motion montages, with moving music.. scriptures were quoted across the screen, such as rev 21:3,4. i shazamed the music, and it came from another "worldly" album called "world of dreams.future world music" (you should see the song titles from that album!).
is it an official wt video, or some private persons production?.
if it is official, they seem to have once again resorted to desperate emotional manipulation tactics..... anyone else know?
Too many risky playing with you life / death activities going on here. I guess in the future you can't get hurt if you fall off any of those mountainous bluffs, is the message here.
JW Trolley Caption Competition
by usualusername1 injust saw this profile pic in facebook.
made me chuckle.
Is there a website where you can post your trolley pictures.
I would recommend posting on this site.
JW Trolley Caption Competition
by usualusername1 injust saw this profile pic in facebook.
made me chuckle.
Could this be a setup? Why would you just stand there when clearly a video is being recorded. Also looks like a different person standing by cart in some of the clips on this video.
JW Trolley Caption Competition
by usualusername1 injust saw this profile pic in facebook.
made me chuckle.
Abandoned literature carts, maybe the end of them?
by sp74bb inan innocent picture of a city in my country, spain.
the pic says everything.
many jw are really disgusted about everything, even their new preaching cart.
I dont believe they are abandoned, to neat and tidy. Its a very common practice to stand or sit some distance away while observing the carts. If you went to that same location later that same day, most likely they would have moved on and carts gone. JWs view these carts as a very important treasure from God, so will not be abandoning them on their assignment.
Special Video tie-in this week in Australia? Saturday April1st. A GB Speaker?
by stuckinarut2 ini have been told that there is to be a special talk linked via video hook up all around australia this saturday april 1st?
a 3 hour program apparently?.
someone said it was a governing body speaker?.
Replaced the normal meeting, shortened WT (no reading). I would say slightly about average attended but not to the level of the memorial.