Wonder if anyone at head office (JW.ORG) listened to all the vocals of the recorded meeting songs backwards before they were released to the congregations?
Posts by skin
backward masking on DVD`s oops CD`s is that still a thing with the GB ? WTB&TS ?
by smiddy3 inbackward masking of cd`s / vinyl records etc opening up to demon influence way back in the 60`s-80`s do they still talk about this ?
and how about dvd`s is that the new scare ?
of demon influence /control over you ?.
"Wondrous expansion is now taking place!"
by stuckinarut2 inso we have all heard the worldwide reports about khalls being sold off and congregations being amalgamated etc.... of course, jws are being told that these actions are a sign of "just how much the work is progressing, and how jehovah is blessing the increase and expansion!".
i can share the following from my part of the world too!.
in perth, western australia the following has occurred.. three "new" congregations have been formed!
That is correct. "If they told them from the platform that Red is now Blue - they'd bob their heads and agree with that too."
The public talk last week told us that "People in the world recognize that JW's are a happy people".
It saddens me to know that marriages break up because of religion and the blame, whose fault it is ?
by smiddy3 ina jehovah`s witness couple who have been married for many years and some with children of various ages and have been serving in their congregation meeting attendance, fs and bible studies with their children for many years .. and then one of them begins to have doubts about what they are being taught and what they actually are supposed to believe now that some changes have been made with nu-lite.. the doubts grow and then the the use of the internet to investigate further some of the claims of the gb/wt religion .. with the wealth of information available on the www it now becomes impossible to continue to be an active member of the jehovah`s witness religion without being an utter hypocrite .
you no longer believe them anymore that they alone are gods chosen people in this day.. however your spouse does not see things the way you do not at all and after many months of arguments bickering threats the ultimatum is something like if you don`t believe what i believe that you have left jehovah we can`t live together anymore ,i want a divorce unless you come to your senses.. who is the one here breaking up the marriage ?.
isn`t it in the majority of cases the jw who ends the marriage ?
How do Witnesses view separation?
The Bible encourages marriage mates to stay together even under less than ideal circumstances. (1 Corinthians 7:10-16) Many problems can be resolved by praying earnestly, applying Bible principles, and showing love.—1 Corinthians 13:4-8; Galatians 5:22.
Nevertheless, in extreme situations such as the following, some Christians have decided to separate from a marriage mate:
Willful nonsupport.—1 Timothy 5:8.
Extreme physical abuse.—Psalm 11:5.
Absolute endangerment of spiritual life. For example, a spouse might try to force a Witness to break God’s commands in some way, and the threatened mate might decide that a separation is the only way to “obey God as ruler rather than men.”—Acts 5:29.
What to Do....Please Help. Awakening JW for a very long time
by CovertsadJW ingood afternoon , .
i have been having doubts for many years and as most jw's i have certainly not done myself a favor by suppressing all of my critical thinking.
i am married with 3 kids and my wife and i are inactive, but my wife has made it very clear in speech and action that she wants to go to all meetings, field service, and indoctrinate our kids.
I think you need to take your time. You said that your wife is "verbally abusive", this is probably the biggest issue you may have to personally deal with, is this mainly when you bring up anything that puts JW.org in question, difficult questions for them to answer? I know witnesses who would sooner use "verbally abusive" or cry out "apostate" to protect their Watchtower beliefs.
Another thing that could happen, once your wife realizes that you are on the fade out of the WT, she may increase her JW position, doing more for JW.org to try to compensate for your inactivity.
An update for the completionists
by jaydee infor all of you who have closely followed my posts over the years....(ok, so that's none, i get it).
some time ago in a galaxy far far away.... i posted some aus government files.. one of which contained an article...'what is a jehovah's witness - - by milton g henschel.
(see here).. https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/161119/more-aus-watchtower-pdf-files.
Look at that photo - Not the best place for this brother to put his hands while baptizing!..
The hypocrisy of today's Watchtower
by UnshackleTheChains ini don't really need to explain anything really.
all i can say is that i was gob smacked at the sheer audaciousness of the entire study article.
i'm still speechless.
8 Forgiveness is really a test of humility. The Pharisees failed that test because they considered others to be inferior. As Christians, however, we must humbly “consider others superior” to us, as worthy of our forgiveness. (Phil. 2:3) Will you imitate Jehovah and pass the test of humility?
That was in Para 8 from that WT. Do JWs really view others has superior? No way, they judge and talk down everyone who is not a JW. This para is classic double talk, we say this but do the exact opposite.
The ever-broadening, ever-deepening, ONGOING FLOOD TIDE of spiritual food
by credulity inmidway through the "congregation bible study" at this week's midweek meeting, a paragraph of the "god's kingdom rules" book stated as supposed evidence that "god's kingdom rules":.
"spiritual provisions flow to us like an ever-broadening and ever-deepening river.
our bible-based publications - as well as recordings and videos, our meetings and conventions, and the material published on our web site - together amount to an ongoing flood tide of spiritual sustenance... are you not thrilled to see the fulfillment of jehovah’s promises of abundance in your daily life?".
I wonder what is running through the minds of JWs in attendance as the above is read out
Nothing! Expect how wonderful our organization is... How grand JW.org is in fulfilling our spiritual need. Even people in the world can see how happy we are....Must show appreciation by putting more money into the donation box. etc etc...
New Resolution
by label licker inwas anyone told today that there will be a new resolution coming in two weeks about tax receipts and donations?
there will be new changes to how these are handled.
we had a phone call tonight and our friend stated that it wouldn't be mentioned until another two weeks.
You mentioned that the KH bank account was empty. Possibly meaning your congregation may not be keeping up with your monthly resolution payments to the Branch. This letter could be a letter from the Branch (to be read to the congregation) explaining why your yes should mean yes when it comes to a payment that your congregation has passed a resolution on paying monthly. If your congregation donations have not been meeting the monthly requirements, then the short full gets topped up from the KH bank account. When you KH bank account can no longer top up the monthly Branch payment shortfall, Then this letter is to be read out.
Unbelievable KMS example
by Saltheart Foamfollower ini've been to the kingdom ministry school (for elders) recently and can report that it is mostly the usual mix of cliches and platitudes.
several letters where basically just read through one line at a time.
one point early on though almost made me laugh out loud.
Was there anything mentioned at that school about not referring to the Ministry School guide book by name? They was a part at last nights meeting where the Elder only referred to that book by holding it up and drawing our attention to it that way?
Counting time calling on inactive ones?
by stillin inhad a couple of witnesses stop by yesterday to say the usual "we miss you, missed you at the meeting, just checking in on you, etc.
" i've always liked this guy so we spoke for a few minutes.
my wife said that they could count their time since i am inactive.
When we were given FS territory, the brother would first go over the not to calls, and then announce that bro & sis abc lived on that street. most times we would all end up going to there place for a drink and biscuit, that time was recorded as FS time.