I bought the Minolta Dimage7 some weeks ago. My first digital camera - and it works very good for me. I have used Minolta SLR-cameras until now - and the possibilities with the Dimage7 are really great. I bought a 128 MB compact flash-card with the camera and a 1Gb microdrive as extra storage (standard 16 Mb is far from enough). But: The dimage7 is a battery-power EATER!!! It's best always to have 1 or 2 extra sets (needs 4 batteries) of re-chargeable batteries with the camera. E-mail me if you want more details.
Posts by cecil
digital cams now
by gotcha indo u have a digital cam?
are u contented with it?
thanks....wanting to shift to digital now..
Historical Watchtower documents
by sf in< http://my.homewithgod.com/wtdocs/.
< http://www.homewithgod.com/mansions_my/wtdocs/.
skally, happy trails!
Great link! Thank you very much
The sound basis for 607 for the fall of Jerusalem
by cecil inin the main-forum thread "jerusalem destroyed in 607 bce?".
* http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=14392&site=3.
purehearts question.
In the main-forum thread "Jerusalem Destroyed in 607 BCE?"
* http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=14392&site=3
Purehearts questionI read Justhumans response on one of the threads, and he mentioned that Jeruselum was not destroyed in 607 BCE. I would like to have more information on this.
was answered by scholar:
There is a sound basis for 607 for the Fall of Jerusalem according to secular history and biblical exegesis. the dates of 586/587 have also their merits, but do not harmonize with an appropriate world view of the biblical narrative. Such dates do not have any prophetic significance in comparison to 607 which marks the beginning of the Gentile Times ending in 1914.
scholar,BA MA [Studies in Religion] USyd.To scholar: I'd like to hear more about the "sound basis for 607 for the fall of Jerusalem" and why "the dates 586/587 ... do not harmonize with an appropriate world view of the biblical narrative". I have taken my question to the Beliefs, Doctrine & Practices-forum as well.
Jeruselum Destroyed in 607 BCE?
by Pureheart ini read justhumans response on one of the threads, and he mentioned that jeruselum was not destroyed in 607 bce.
i would like to have more information on this.. pureheart
There is a sound basis for 607 for the Fall of Jerusalem according to secular history and biblical exegesis. the dates of 586/587 have also their merits, but do not harmonize with an appropriate world view of the biblical narrative. Such dates do not have any prophetic significance in comparison to 607 which marks the beginning of the Gentile Times ending in 1914.
I'd like to hear more about the "sound basis for 607 for the fall of Jerusalem" and why "the dates 586/587 ... do not harmonize with an appropriate world view of the biblical narrative". I have taken my question to the Beliefs, Doctrine & Practices-forum as well.
edited to add the link to the thread in the Beliefs, Doctrines & Practices-forum:
* http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=14420&site=3 -
New Furuli-book cancelled?
by cecil in* http://www.elihubooks.com.
a furuli-book /-booklet in defense of the wts 607-chronology seems to have been canceled.
for months the webiste has been announcing it as a forthcoming title from elihu books.
or maybe somebody has discovered, what others have known for decades - the 607-chronology is a hoax!
New Furuli-book cancelled?
by cecil in* http://www.elihubooks.com.
a furuli-book /-booklet in defense of the wts 607-chronology seems to have been canceled.
for months the webiste has been announcing it as a forthcoming title from elihu books.
received a notice from Elihu Books by e-mail today:
"The forthcoming book by Rolf Furuli has been removed from our site due to uncertainties associated with its publication. If the book reaches the point where we believe it will indeed be published, then we will place a notice to this effect on our site."
New Furuli-book cancelled?
by cecil in* http://www.elihubooks.com.
a furuli-book /-booklet in defense of the wts 607-chronology seems to have been canceled.
for months the webiste has been announcing it as a forthcoming title from elihu books.
Have a look at
* http://www.elihubooks.comA Furuli-book /-booklet in defense of the WTS 607-chronology seems to have been canceled. For months the webiste has been announcing it as a forthcoming title from Elihu Books. Now it's simply gone...
WTS and Holocaust $$$ Reparations $$$
by MadApostate inthis is also posted in hawkaw's un thread, which is currently down.
i posted it there since i see the wts's invitation and participation in this international conference as evidencing how successful the wts has manipulated the holocaust tragedies to further its secret agenda to weave itself into the international community, despite its expressed position that it is "no part of the world".
its interesting that as time progresses, and the wts teaches its followers that every day brings closer the destruction of this world, yet the wts continues to make every effort to move closer to the world and gain its favor.. here is a high-ranking representative of "god's earthly organization" addressing a meeting of high-ranking "worldly" vips, and where in this message is the promotion of "god's kingdom"?
Thanks MadApostate for posting this info.
I am a 4th-generation JW - although today on my way out of the JW and the WTS - and my grandfather has spent almost 5 years in 3 concentration-camps in Germany and 4 more years in prison under the Nazi-Regime. I have the greatest respect for his decision to reject any cooperation with the Nazis whatsoever, because of his being a christian - even if that meant that he wasn't able to be with my grandmother and my (at that time newborn) mother. He suffered for the rest of his life and was not able to work again, as they had smashed his hands in the concentration-camp and tortured him. I think what the Bibelforscher did, what my grandfather did was courageous - in my eyes they were heroes, he was a hero. Nothing can change my mind about that!
What I don't like and makes me feel sick at times: The way in which the WTS today uses and unscrupulously exploits what these women and men have gone through in those years in the camps for their own PR. When the only thing they want today is reparations for destroyed and confiscated material at the branch-offices, and - seems obvious after letters that have been read at meetings - look for the money that nazi-victims, still alive, might get as a restitution.
Maybe that's too simply put - but it's the way I feel, after I have seen and experienced, how my grandfather has been treated through the years. A mr. James Pellechia from the WTS, talking on behalf of JW-victims of Nazi-persecution, cannot express what my grandfather has felt, nor what my family has felt about this issue in the past 56 years. That's why I personally find the WTS-agenda for participating in such a conference disgusting!
sorry NameWithheld - but you have a wrong understanding of this issue!
If somebody leaves he'll be invited to "Simons forum upstairs" - right away. That's what Simon has told me. Believe me! And of course there would be no need to replace such a faithful and registered user. It's only when a user is FORCED to leave (banned from the board) that one of the "other users" will be invited to take his place on the board. But that is unlikely to happen before the special simon-call is closed (about to happen in 2035, when the forum will reach 144000 registered users).
(edited to add:)
PS: Beware of false Simons, who will try to mislead you!!! -
by hawkaw inas of 6:02 pm last night i received a facsimile from paul hoeffel at the un on the wts.. he gave me 3 of the 4 things i requested in two paragraphs.. i have sent a scanned version to steve bates and someone else.. i sent it to kent and randy.
and kent and randy have posted the official united nations letter on their web sites.. here is the letter - put your cursor on the image and then right click on your mouse and hit "save image" to your computer.. .
after you look at kent's web site and you people still think this it is a fake letter, phone paul hoeffel yourself at (212) 963-8070.. hawk
just to tell you, that a danish newspaper is preparing a major article on the subject right now (scheduled for sometime next week). A swedish editor and a german weekly magazine, that I have been in contact with by e-mail and phone, consider the subject as well...
a PS fyi: the danish newspaper Kristeligt Dagblad (something like: "christian daily") aired an article today about "accusation of sexual abuse in a Jehovahs Witness-family". I'm not aware if the artÃcle was in the printed issue as well (haven't received it yet). But I think it's interesting that it mentions silentlambs.org!
* http://www.kristeligt-dagblad.dk/nytomkirke/artikel:aid=8960