Thirdwitness, you wrote:
The June, 1914/ Oct 1914 is really not that difficult to explain. It was at the end of June that the archduke was assassinated. That is when history declares that WW I began. But so what? Just because someone was assassinated then you think that the Devil must've already been cast down by then. By Oct, 1914 WW I was just getting underway. Turkey did not even side with Germany until Oct, 1914. Sides were still being drawn. Really this is a poor attempt to discredit JWs.
According to Turkey didn't join until November. (just a side point). World War 1 is used as an example of how the world went crazy under Satan's direct influence. But Satan didn't directly influence World War 1 until October, two months after the war was in full swing. My intent is not to discredit JWs, rather, I'm finding fault with the logic of October 4/5th being special in any way. The war didn't suddenly increase in intensity, nor did the world "go mad" in any appreciable way.
World War 1 itself was predicted by many commentators of the day. It didn't take the world by storm, or come as some shock, but was pretty much anticipated. There is an interesting book, called England and Germany, published in 1913 I believe, where the author details why another war was inevitable.
I suppose I'm just trying to understand why World War 1 marked the beginning of anything? It certainly didn't mark the ending of the Gentile times...(that was in October, and the war clearly started at the end of July). Not really sure why Witnesses use it as an example of anything really.
But you're right, sides WERE still being drawn, I mean, the USA didn't even get involved until 1917 (afaik). But aside from USA and Turkey, I think everyone else figured out their sides before October.
And btw, it wasn't the archduke being assassinated thats meaningful, its Russia declaring war the next day and promptly invading Poland. So Satan wasn't involved there. Which bits of the war WAS he involved with then?