All of this is easily defeatable with a simple ssh tunnel however, so, in reality, if a bethelite wanted to, with a tiny bit of computer-saaviness, could overcome any counter measures.
there was a post on the other day someone was asking about whether the wt monitors websites such as this and other "apostate" sites.. unfortunately i couldn't find it to add this to it.
i remembered a jw who worked on installing computers at london bethel, some time ago telling me that the wt did monitor websites.
this jw is gradually fading away from being one, so can't say to much about him.
All of this is easily defeatable with a simple ssh tunnel however, so, in reality, if a bethelite wanted to, with a tiny bit of computer-saaviness, could overcome any counter measures.
while waiting for a streetcar today, i noticed an unusal flier stuck to the side of a newspaper box.
why has love of neighbour grown cold?many people feel miserable with no solution.
in israel, jews and arabs live together, but often hate one another.
Incidentally I saw two more of these yesterday.
part of the jw's argument for the inclusion in the jehovah is that there was a custom to remove it from the old testament.
is that true?
am i even getting the argument right?
Flash, the point was removal from Hebrew->Hebrew copies, not translation of the Hebrew scriptures. The watchtower argues that greek->greek copies had the tetragrammaton removed.
part of the jw's argument for the inclusion in the jehovah is that there was a custom to remove it from the old testament.
is that true?
am i even getting the argument right?
Nark: :) (boy i wish this site was a little more friendly to us non-ie users)
So what IS the official JW line of argumentation here?
part of the jw's argument for the inclusion in the jehovah is that there was a custom to remove it from the old testament.
is that true?
am i even getting the argument right?
Nark, this was the point I was thinking about:
Eventually, there was a tradition to not copy the name. "Copy" implies you are thinking of the Hebrew OT. In that case, this is not true, as the use of Yhwh was generally maintained in copy (although not read aloud) down to the Masoretic period in the Middle-Ages.
As a JW, I had always assumed that there was a custom to remove the name from hebrew to hebrew translations (of the OT obviously), and on that basis they claimed that the name was removed from greek->greek copies (of the NT). If the argument merely is that greek->latin (or any other languages) had the name removed, then, thats a pretty flimsy argument.
part of the jw's argument for the inclusion in the jehovah is that there was a custom to remove it from the old testament.
is that true?
am i even getting the argument right?
Sorry, my post appeared a bit jumbled due to operator error. What I meant to say, was that part of the argument for the inclusion of Jehovah in the New Testament is the belief that there was a tradition to remove the name from the Old Testament. (At least thats how I understood it). Something like that:
After all, if the argument actually goes like this:
Then wouldn't that be based on pure fantasy, as there is no evidence to support 1 and 4? However, if the above scenario is the actual argument, then at least that would have some sort of verifiability. Right?
part of the jw's argument for the inclusion in the jehovah is that there was a custom to remove it from the old testament.
is that true?
am i even getting the argument right?
Part of the JW's argument for the inclusion in the Jehovah is that there was a custom to remove it from the Old Testament. Is that true? Am I even getting the argument right? If it is true, when did it this start?
my favorite word i like to use is "bs society" instead of watchtower society.. what's yours?.
jbots anybody?
while waiting for a streetcar today, i noticed an unusal flier stuck to the side of a newspaper box.
why has love of neighbour grown cold?many people feel miserable with no solution.
in israel, jews and arabs live together, but often hate one another.
There was nothing more on it aside from what I already posted.
Interestingly, the interesting writing style is a bit primitive. :)
Is any of this verbatim copying from any watchtower articles?
while waiting for a streetcar today, i noticed an unusal flier stuck to the side of a newspaper box.
why has love of neighbour grown cold?many people feel miserable with no solution.
in israel, jews and arabs live together, but often hate one another.
While waiting for a streetcar today, I noticed an unusal flier stuck to the side of a newspaper box. Here is what it said
Why Has Love of Neighbour Grown Cold?
Many people feel miserable with no solution. In Israel, Jews and Arabs live together, but often hate one another. The same is true with Catholics and Protestants in Ireland, Hutu and Tutsi tribes in Africa, and large numbers of people in many other countries.
Why Has This Happened?
The Bible gives the answer. It says: "In the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the apperance of godliness, but denying its power." (2 Tim 3:1-5, ESV).
What is the Solution?
Again, the Bible gives the answer. It says: "The whole law is fulfilled in the one word: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'" (Gal 5:14, ESV). Has anyone obeyed this law in all human history? Yes, early Christians did.
What can be said about our day? Interestinly, the "Encyclopedia Canadiana" writes: "The world of Jehovah's Witnesses is the revival and re-establishment of the primitive Christianity practised by Jesus and his disciples... All are brothers."
Jesus said that love would identify his true followers: "By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." (Jn 13:35, ESV). Jehovah's Witnesses are, in fact, well known for helping their neighbours.
Interestingly, Canadian "Journal de Montréal" stated: 'Jehovah's Witnesses are a highly civilized people. At their assemblies, you almost feel as hough you were in paradise, since the atmosphere is relaxed, peaceful and serene.' "The African Weekly" wrote: "These Christians do not fight among themselves... they have love in their hearts." Also, a comment in Hungary's "Ring" magazine stated: "I have come to the conclusion that if Jehovah's Witnesses were the only ones living on earth, wars would cease to exist, and the only duties of policemen would be to control traffic and issue passports"
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There are also two emoticon like images on the right hand side, an unhappy face and a happy face. Any comments? I wonder how fast these people would get the beat down from the org...