Yes... When I was in service (in Toronto), it was amazing how many chinese were getting witnessed to. Interestingly, when we did street work, we tended to target minorities (muslims & chinese) and had very good success going so.
In the cong where I was, there were many bible studies (far above the average I suspect) and many of these with foreigners. However, later, many of these were shunted over the language specific congregations. Aparently, there were some bible studies who resisted being told to study and go to the language specific congregations. Those were prolly more interested in learning the language
I myself had a Chinese couple I studied with, and I would help them with various sundry tasks. Then again, that was a lot for fun than sauntering from door to door. :)
That mentality that these ones would go back home and spread the word these is pretty widepread... and then again, might not be so far-fetched. Family connections seem to spread the orgs message far faster than field ministry anyways. Could be the thin edge of the wedge to break into china.
But studying with the chinese was very difficult. A lot of resistance on various points.