My cousin drew a t-shirt on the woman on the motorbike on the cover of the Meatloaf album 'Bat out of Hell', that made it OK to own. I was far more spiritual, I threw mine away.
Shes an elders wife now, I wonder if they still have it. tee hee
which albums did you throw out after that landmark talk at an assembly round about the mid 80's?.
i got rid of:.
elo (widely regarded as having back tracking on one song).
My cousin drew a t-shirt on the woman on the motorbike on the cover of the Meatloaf album 'Bat out of Hell', that made it OK to own. I was far more spiritual, I threw mine away.
Shes an elders wife now, I wonder if they still have it. tee hee
im from a small backward industrial town in the north of england.
in the 70's when i was a kid no-one had a car.
we used to meet for field service on the street corner and have a pep rally right there, then stand in a circle and say a prayer.
Yes I do, I wasnt sure if I could come, being totally new, and not wanting to presume. I mailed thingumy to ask. Will you be there?
Ive got at least 3!!! ex dub friends but cos they live so far away i hardly ever see them, so this is like manna from heaven. It sure is true that big J provides food at the proper time, huh?!
im from a small backward industrial town in the north of england.
in the 70's when i was a kid no-one had a car.
we used to meet for field service on the street corner and have a pep rally right there, then stand in a circle and say a prayer.
Hatpins and thick tweed coats in the Congo?
PLease AnnOMaly, you have to enlighten me. Ive read Heart of Darkness, and Conrad NEVER mentions any of that!
im from a small backward industrial town in the north of england.
in the 70's when i was a kid no-one had a car.
we used to meet for field service on the street corner and have a pep rally right there, then stand in a circle and say a prayer.
How could I forget Rentaghost??? It was FAB The Meakers, Timothy Claypole, that gorgoeus scottish witch lady (nodding respect to Little toe and Tk), the woman who ended up in Coronation Street. God I loved that programme.
BTW is anyone going to Glastonbury this year? Just thought I would ask, as I am groing very fond of you guys and gals already (shy smiles)
this always seems to be one of those questions i've asked before but which never quite gets answered by jws.
do you believe that jws need a mediator beteen god and men?
I was reading between the lines, but my friend Nigel said Satan, so I did better than him right? I had one of the J's, I was in the ball park wsnt i daddy?
im from a small backward industrial town in the north of england.
in the 70's when i was a kid no-one had a car.
we used to meet for field service on the street corner and have a pep rally right there, then stand in a circle and say a prayer.
Yes I have read 'Oranges' - didnt it just sound exactly like every small town book study group you have ever been to. It was reading stuff like that which made me realise we are not the only religion in the world, and that all the issue and agonies were the same for thinking people in any religion.
im from a small backward industrial town in the north of england.
in the 70's when i was a kid no-one had a car.
we used to meet for field service on the street corner and have a pep rally right there, then stand in a circle and say a prayer.
Yea, nothing like trying to lose your virginity second time round. Its hard work trying to catch up on a well spent youth. My own dad had to show me how to use a bong - how humiliating. (yup, hes and ex dub too)
Also I get offended if men on building sites dont wolf whistle me. I want to shout "OY whats up with you then, QUEEAH or something?"
im from a small backward industrial town in the north of england.
in the 70's when i was a kid no-one had a car.
we used to meet for field service on the street corner and have a pep rally right there, then stand in a circle and say a prayer.
now youve got me remembering. My dad always used to give me the talk because its showed it was measured discipline, and not just beating the crap out of me.
He said to me once 'what if one of your dollies did...(whatever it was I had done)'. Weeeelllll I was such an honest little girl, even though I could see where it was going I had to truthfully admit I would smack her bottom (I was only 4 or 5 so probably more realistically I would have smashed her plastic head against the table, but I just didnt dare say that did I?)
So I got a smacked bottom.
30 years later I learned to lie with style.
im from a small backward industrial town in the north of england.
in the 70's when i was a kid no-one had a car.
we used to meet for field service on the street corner and have a pep rally right there, then stand in a circle and say a prayer.
Too right. Even the married ones wouldnt shag! In fact, it turned out the only nookie I could get was from dubs ha ahah ahah ahah ahahah ha
im from a small backward industrial town in the north of england.
in the 70's when i was a kid no-one had a car.
we used to meet for field service on the street corner and have a pep rally right there, then stand in a circle and say a prayer.
I liked G force in an odd sort of way.
I loved the short cartoon just before the 6 o clock news (Rhubarb and Custard, Will O The Wisp, Padington Bear, The Wombles), but at the same time it made me real sad, because it was the last 5 minutes before enforced boring crap TV that you had to watch because your mum and dad wanted to have bible prophecy confirmed by the news every bleedin night.
The news was like one long 'aint it awful' vindication of how much we needed Jehovah to come as save us from the drug dealers and prostitutes.
Sad thing was, when I left the troof and was looking for some drugs and people to shag I couldnt find any! Either my cloistered life had made an indelible mark on my forehead - 'naieve nerdy woman - keep well clear', or worldly people just werent as worldly as I had been hoping.