A ridiculous thought pattern, ignore, Celty cross'es out.
Posts by Celtic
Unseen Spirits do they help us or do they harm us?
by Celtic indoes anyone else remember this booklet?
if you do remember studying it as a child, what were the affects of this study on your imaginations?
how did this booklet play your fears?
Unseen Spirits do they help us or do they harm us?
by Celtic indoes anyone else remember this booklet?
if you do remember studying it as a child, what were the affects of this study on your imaginations?
how did this booklet play your fears?
Apologies not you Xander but A Paduan.
Aye sleep paralysis is what that experience sounded like, I too went through an experience like that at 14 years old which years later my psychologist told me was most probaly this.
FF. Aye shudders is the right expression. Especially too since some of us being brought up in the witness faith were more prone to mysticism and pagan spirituality than others given the environment of the regional differences we were growing up in and subsequently the people/community surrounding us.
Unseen Spirits do they help us or do they harm us?
by Celtic indoes anyone else remember this booklet?
if you do remember studying it as a child, what were the affects of this study on your imaginations?
how did this booklet play your fears?
pardon, come again.
Unseen Spirits do they help us or do they harm us?
by Celtic indoes anyone else remember this booklet?
if you do remember studying it as a child, what were the affects of this study on your imaginations?
how did this booklet play your fears?
Does anyone else remember this booklet? If you do remember studying it as a child, what were the affects of this study on your imaginations? How did this booklet play your fears? Were there any medium to long term residue fears and/or phobias that you felt were implanted into you as a child whilst reading and studying this publication?
Side question. Would it be fair do some of you think here, to ask whether there is sure a thing as 'Demonic Exploitation Abuse' associated with the WT and Jehovah's Witnesses? If there is, how might this be properly classified, categorised?
Very interested in your answers.
DeeeeeeMeeeennnnnzzzz !!??!?!?!?
by ApagaLaLuz inthe recent superstition thread got me to thinking.
growing up i was terrified of "demons".
sometimes when we would have witness gatherings they would start in to "demon" stories.
It always amazed me that we were taught from birth that we must know all the crafty ways of satan in order to be on our pernament guard against him. Why? If it really was the truth, why not concentrate on taking knowledge in from a higher source, i.e. God and his son Jesus? To come out with this argument in the first place is absurd and tells me it is more likely to come from satan himself rather than a loving creator.
The WT obsession with knowledge about demons, sickens me.
Crazy JW Superstitions...
by Confucious inhey!
ok, we all know of this uncanny word play about not saying, "you were lucky," and not saying "bless you" after someone sneezes.
but this is a bizarre one i heard.
Aluminium was supposed to be a conductor through which demons could operate I remember being told when I was young.
Certainly there was a great fear associated with buying anything secondhand in case a demon might be possessing the object, weird then how my father, an elder at the time was in business dealing in antiquarian books maps and prints from the late 16th century to the late 19th century, not sure how that one works.
Remember the one about the angel sitting on top of the car aye.
Don't buy fairy liquid was another one, the little baby on the bottom side of the bottle of washing up liquid was a demonic sign, if you bought this brand, you were inviting demons into your home.
Don't buy anything with a barcode on it as every barcode has the numbers 666 on it.
Loads more, can't remember them all, thank goodness.
by badboy in.
my mum,while on a hospital ward saw several jws on her ward who refused blood transfusions, and were very white as a result,i personally saw an elderly person, possibly a jw, who looked very white..
Pardon me, maybe I'm getting the wrong end of the stick here, but at the end of the day, people are entitled to make their own free choices when it comes to medical care and the options open to them. Why would they be taking up bed spaces which could be released for other patients when they as citizens too are perfectly entitled to having a bed due to their illness, maybe I read you wrong, but i could not understand your comment on this.
Photos of Stunning Peacock which has been driving me up the wall for days!!
by Celtic inthis ruddy bird has been driving me up the wall for ruddy days with it's ruddy call, at first i thought it liked me, thought it might want to mate with me or something.
every time i got close to it, it would put out it's feathers in this enormous and beautiful display.
today however, would the ruddy bird do it for me, ruddy thing is as cantankerous as valis.
Cheers Bem, thank you, very much appreciated, now Valis would you please read us paragraph 21?
Its good to crap, when I was travelling a long time ago I heard this story about some american lass who was on this strange diet, anyway, to cut a long story short, she couldn't crap for about 6 weeks to 2 months and eventually obtained breathing difficulties. When the surgeon opened her up, her crap was halfway up her windpipe, must a ruddy given her cause for some heap o bad breath, they told her unless she stopped the diet which were stoppin her from crappin her pants, she would kick the bucket within a few short months. Thought I'd share, since it seemed quite tasteful to do so.
Photos of Stunning Peacock which has been driving me up the wall for days!!
by Celtic inthis ruddy bird has been driving me up the wall for ruddy days with it's ruddy call, at first i thought it liked me, thought it might want to mate with me or something.
every time i got close to it, it would put out it's feathers in this enormous and beautiful display.
today however, would the ruddy bird do it for me, ruddy thing is as cantankerous as valis.
Tell him I will whup his ass. My great great great great great grandaddy invented billiards. Oh sorry, Americans have short eyesight, only got 6' pool tables there. Ruddy streuth, ok, 20 bucks bet on a game, ten rounds to start, 6 sets. I'll thrash him. Can he afford losing this much? Throw you in as a gift.