Gayle your too reasonable and this is what I don't miss about attending the meetings now. My first Memorial alone was weird, there were nagging feelings like "what if I am wrong" to which I spent reading forums and reinforcing I have left a Cult, not the Truth to which I am seeking now.. If people had did what they did when my mind was conditioned with the "Persecution Complex" I would have felt "yes, I am doing Jehovah's will and this are Satan's minions attacking us. I don't see the good because you all remember reading about the attacks in Russia, Poland, Africa and many of you were praying for attacks to cease so why is attacking them at their gathering place good?
Gayle we are so lucky to live in a Country that holds those articles with deep conviction! Your valid points with core doctrines our great grandparents fought for should not be tossed out the door because our feelings are hurt.